
Chapter 371 Lin Xiaohua and Lin Dahammer

Chapter 371 Lin Xiaohua and Lin Dahammer

In the courtyard, Lin Huang sighed, feeling that life is difficult.

Didn't you just drink a little wine?
Didn't do anything!
When will I beat Jun Qingcheng?

No dignity!
Lin Huang swore that he would never let Jun Qingcheng drink again, how could he hug himself when he fell asleep, and had no choice but to lie on a bed, did nothing in the middle, and beat himself up when he woke up!
Another half a quarter of an hour later, Jun Qingcheng walked out of the room slowly.

On that delicate little face, apart from blushing, there were also resentment and worry, all because of the guy in front of him, who poured himself alcohol!

It's just too nasty!
In the courtyard, Lin Huang had an apologetic smile on his face. How could he dare to argue with Jun Qingcheng whether he gave her alcohol or whether the latter stole the wine? He walked over and handed Jun Qingcheng a cup of tea:

"This is hangover tea!"


Jun Qingcheng snorted and didn't want to pay attention to Lin Huang, but the worry on his face became more and more serious.Lin Huang was a little baffled.

After half a quarter of an hour, Jun Qingcheng finally couldn't bear the worry in his heart, stared at Lin Huang and called quietly: "Brother Lin Huang..."


"Mother... Mother said that if two people lie together, they will have a baby!"

Jun Qingcheng sat up straight, stared at Lin Huang solemnly, and said worriedly: "We won't have children!"

Lin Huang stared at Jun Qingcheng in shock, and spurted out a mouthful of tea.

"of course!"

Lin Huang also sat up straight, and said with a serious face, "I've already thought of a name, the boy will be called Lin Xiaohua, and the girl will be called Lin Dachui!"

Jun Qingcheng was slightly stunned, and panic was evident on his face.But after seeing Lin Huang's teasing smile, he was furious, and with a light wave of his jade hand, he threw Lin Huang out.


In Lin Beichen's courtyard, as soon as the latter opened the door, he saw a white light falling and smashed a big hole in front of him.


Lin Beichen looked puzzled, staring at the young man in white in the pit full of puzzlement and surprise.

Lin Huang got up quickly, coughing to cover up his embarrassment.

"Practice, practice!"

Lin Huang explained with an awkward smile, and then ran back to his small courtyard in a hurry, thinking that if he didn't teach Jun Qingcheng a lesson, the latter would soon be demolished.

On this day, everyone in the Divine General's Mansion looked puzzled. They didn't know what kind of martial arts the Young Palace Master had practiced, but he fell from the sky several times, smashing the Divine General's Mansion into many big holes.

It wasn't until Lin Huang gave in shamelessly that the catastrophe was resolved.

And on this day, in the Imperial City of Great Xia, invitations to the Divine General's Mansion floated in like snowflakes.

Since the establishment of the Great Xia Dynasty, the officialdom in the imperial city has intentionally or unintentionally excluded the Ministry of War.

The struggle that lasted for decades was just to be able to pull out the deep-rooted Mansion of the Divine General.After all, such an existence is a great danger to the royal family.

Otherwise, Lin Changtian would not have left the Great Xia Dynasty.

There will be no Lin Haoran rebellion.

There will also be no life-and-death battle between Lin Huang and Prince Lingyun two years ago.

Originally, after Lin Huang left, Qin Xuance led the army, and once again ushered in the glory of the Divine General's Mansion.As far as his soldiers are concerned, he is invincible.

Even the hundreds of thousands of euphorbia warriors of the Great Chu Dynasty could not resist that young man in white clothes, nor could they resist the camp of thirty thousand generals.

However, it is easy to win a thousand troops, but it is hard to find a general. Later Qin Xuance entered the Xuanyuan Mansion, and the grand wish in the latter's heart to unify the Eastern Spirit Realm also died prematurely.

And without Qin Xuance in the Divine General's Mansion, the tiger also lost a pair of sharp eyes, and fell silent again.

In the past two years, Lin Beichen has also grown older, and his heirs have all left the Great Xia Dynasty.Therefore, the Divine General's Mansion gave people a feeling that the sun was fading away.

In a few years, this invisible game will end disastrously with the defeat of the Divine General's Mansion.

It's a pity that Lin Huang and Lin Cangxue came back just yesterday!
Whether it is the height of the temple, the distance of the rivers and lakes, or even the ordinary people on the streets, they are all shocked.

Flying in the air, meddling in the realm of Marquis Wu.

Besieged and killed Jiang Licheng, who ranked second on the Wuhou list, and killed countless black robes.

The eight hundred who had never been in this world went to the death camp.

Between Nanshan and Daxia Peak, there is a stunning bow that can shoot anyone.

The outcome that was supposed to be decided, was completely reversed because of the appearance of Lin Huang and Lin Cangxue.It is undoubted that if Lin Huang enters the palace at this time, the Great Xia Dynasty will be unstoppable!

If the Divine General's Mansion wants to rebel, tomorrow's Great Xia Dynasty will have to change their surname to Lin.However, neither Lin Beichen nor Lin Huang had such thoughts.

And the emperor who was deep in the royal family also understood.

He lost this game, perhaps since he cut off his robes with Lin Changtian back then, and the latter stepped out of the Great Xia Dynasty, he planted the seeds of defeat.

And in the imperial city, those high-ranking officials also understood.With Lin Huang and Lin Cangxue in the Divine General's Mansion, it cannot be overthrown.It is the wisest decision to quickly ease the relationship.

At the concierge of the General's Mansion, there were a lot of invitations, hundreds of them, and Lin Beichen didn't even pay attention to them.However, the smile on the old man's face was obviously much more than before, and he was very elated.

"The decree has arrived!"

After Lin Huang resolved the catastrophe from Jun Qingcheng, within half a quarter of an hour, a shrill voice sounded outside the Divine General's Mansion, which sounded particularly feminine.

In the courtyard, Lin Huang sat slumped on a chair, his whole body was still aching. Hearing the voices outside the mansion, he smiled softly, but he didn't have the slightest intention to get up.

"The decree has arrived!"

Within half a quarter of an hour, another shrill voice sounded outside the Divine General's Mansion.

"The decree has arrived!"


Outside the Divine General's Mansion, there were seven summoning voices within a quarter of an hour, but no one greeted them, not even the buttocks of the concierge of the Divine General's Mansion.

Outside the mansion, the chief internal officer, who was wearing a maroon python robe, had a clean and old face, his complexion was a little dark, and the hand holding the imperial decree was trembling with anger.

Behind the chief executive, several young eunuchs were silent and dared not speak.He just secretly looked at the high-ranking Shenjiang Mansion, with an aggrieved look on his face.

The chief executive waited for a long time, but seeing that no one was there to welcome him, he finally stepped into the palace of the god general unceremoniously.

A group of eunuchs who delivered the decree walked around the Shenjiang Mansion for half an hour, and after being so tired that they were a little out of breath, they just groped for the courtyard where Lin Huang was.

"You are Lin Huang?!"

The old eunuch held up the imperial edict with an angry look on his face.

On the rocking chair in the courtyard, Lin Huang nodded.

"Let Lin Beichen come out to receive the order, His Majesty has a great favor to reward!"

The old eunuch snorted coldly, with a hint of arrogance and sullenness between his brows. The latter has been delivering the decree for decades, but has he ever received such treatment? Who is not respectful and grateful to kneel down to accept the decree?
"I am the Young Master of the Divine General's Mansion, and it is the same for me to accept the order!"

Lin Huang said with a light smile, he obviously didn't care about the thing in the old eunuch's hand.

"This is His Majesty's imperial decree. You don't have any officials and titles, so you just accepted it at will. If you still don't invite Lin Beichen to come out, does he still want to resist the decree?"

The old eunuch scolded, his expression became more and more stern.


Lin Huang let out a sigh, and then said with a smile: "Then go find it yourself, I won't send you off! When you leave, don't forget to close the courtyard door for me!"


The old eunuch was furious, pointing at Lin Huang and trembling with anger, but facing the young man on the rocking chair, he was helpless.

With a flick of his sleeves, the old eunuch was about to turn around and leave, but when he looked up, he saw the iron armor outside the courtyard, and the frosty long knife was sharp and sharp, exuding a murderous aura.

The few young eunuchs in the field suddenly turned pale, and their legs trembled a little with fright. Seeing the dozen or so guards in iron clothes, it was like seeing a devil.

The old eunuch's expression froze, and he took a breath, but the latter was obviously much calmer than the young eunuchs.After suppressing the anger in his heart, he turned around and said to Lin Huang in the courtyard:
"Lin Huang accepts the order!"

Sitting on the rocking chair in the courtyard, Lin Huang didn't pay attention to it, and just flattered Jun Qingcheng with an apologetic smile.

The old eunuch's expression froze again, his high-pitched voice was particularly harsh, and he yelled again: "Lin Huang accepts the order!"

In the courtyard, Lin Huang still ignored him.

On the contrary, the iron-clothed guards behind everyone took a step forward in unison, and approached the people who came to deliver the decree.The clanging sound of the iron clothes and the uniform movements startled the whole courtyard, and the unscrupulous murderous aura around him made the faces of the passers-by turn pale again.

The old eunuch was also a little apprehensive. After swallowing his saliva twice, he spread out the imperial decree and muttered loudly:
"Lin Beichen, the master of the divine general's mansion, is loyal, righteous and courageous, and has made great achievements in the world. For more than forty years in my Great Xia, I have been the first king of a different surname in the dynasty, the king of Zhen'an, and I will also give you ten million gold! Lin Cangxue is smart and has a temperament. Rou Shan, you can be named the princess of Zhen'an! Under the command of the Divine General's Mansion, if there are soldiers who died in battle, the pension will be doubled!"

Hearing the gift that sounded like a bell, Lin Huang suddenly sat up, looked at the golden imperial decree in the old eunuch's hand, shook his sleeves, stared at the old eunuch and asked seriously:

"Why didn't I award this Young Palace Master?"

(End of this chapter)

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