
Chapter 525 Martial Arts Above the Heavenly Rank

Chapter 525 Martial Arts Above the Heavenly Rank

"What kind of martial art is this?"

Lin Huang shook the jade slip in his hand and asked Song Changling.The latter had already covered his mouth with a regretful look on his face.

Situ Huangfen also shifted his gaze to Song Changling.

Song Changling shook his head quickly, and then stretched out his hand beggingly, which meant that it was obvious that he wanted to return the jade slip.

Lin Huang snorted coldly, lowered his head and played with the jade slip in his hand.

Since Song Changling didn't say anything, he had to study it by himself...

Afterwards, Lin Huang's spiritual consciousness was integrated into the jade slip.


The moment his consciousness entered the jade slip, Lin Huang only felt a terrifying roar resounding in the sea of ​​consciousness, and instantly startled the sky and waves.

Lin Huang closed his eyes for an instant, and his consciousness withdrew from the jade slip. After recuperating for half an hour, he suppressed the boiling blood in his body.

"This is not a heavenly martial art!"

Holding the jade slip in his hand, Lin Huang's expression became very dignified.

Situ Huangfen hesitated for a moment, then took the jade slip from Lin Huang's hand, and his spiritual consciousness merged into it.In just one breath, Situ Huangfen's body was shaking violently, he was so dizzy that he almost fell to the ground, and his face became extremely pale.

"This is……"

Situ Huang put his hands on his knees and looked up at Lin Huang.

Lin Huang also nodded speculatively, then turned to look at Song Changling, "I can't give you this book of martial arts, we have to practice!"

Song Changling frowned suddenly.

Although he doesn't practice martial arts, even though he and Song Xieyang are in the same boat, even though he hits off with Lin Huang.But he still has blood roots and family values ​​in his bones.

He can ignore anything else about Song Xieyang.But what is recorded in this jade slip is a unique school of the Song family.

For the Song family, it is very important.

"You should understand!"

Lin Huang waved the jade slips and sat opposite to Song Changling, "Since I got involved in this martial art of the town clan, whether I practice or not, according to the personality of the peerless big family, they will kill me! Only in this way can I be absolutely guaranteed Martial arts should not be passed on to outsiders!"

Song Changling shook his head, "As long as you leave it to me, there will be room for maneuver. But if you really take it away, the Song family will never let you go no matter where it is!"

Lin Huang raised his eyes and looked at Song Changling, "There is really room for manoeuvre? Then how do you explain how Song Xieyang died? You can kill him with your ability? And even if you can explain this matter seamlessly, then So what? How important do you think your status as the eldest son is due to the wanton leak of the clan’s martial arts? Will you not be wiped out by the old immortals of the family?”

Song Changling stopped talking immediately.

Lin Huang raised the jade slip in his hand and said, "Why don't you tell me what kind of martial art is in this jade slip!"

"But you will be hunted down!"

Song Changling didn't answer the question.

Lin Huang shook his head with a smile, "I forgot to tell you, what I'm best at is not fighting, but running for my life! And it's the kind that can escape for ten years!"


Song Changling stared at his legs, and sighed helplessly, "Let me slow down first, although I don't have any feelings for the family, but I still have some feelings after all. Snatch my family's treasure in front of me, and ask my baby You guys are too shameless!"

Lin Huang smiled slightly, and tactfully put away the jade slips to prevent Song Changling from seeing them, but stared straight at the latter, as if he did not see a rabbit or a hawk.

In fact, Lin Huang's consciousness entered the jade slip only for a moment, but he still saw a picture.

He saw a figure as tall as the sky and the earth pacing forward, the black robes all over his body were like banners all over the sky.His long hair fluttered like a flowing black river.

His eyes stare blankly, like a surging blue sea.

There is a long knife on his back, and the roar of thousands of evil spirits comes out of it.

As the figure walked, the mountains crumbled and the rivers and seas dried up.Wherever you walk, your whole body is domineering like the sea.

When Lin Huang saw that figure drawing his sword, his spiritual consciousness was shaken out of the jade slip, and he almost suffered a backlash.

"This volume of martial arts... um... is indeed not a heavenly rank!"

In the room, Song Changling said hesitantly.

"You should know that the martial arts in this world are divided into four grades of heaven, earth, black and yellow, and each grade is divided into three grades of upper, middle and lower!"

Song Changling spoke slowly, but was interrupted by Situ Huang's grave, "Tell me something we don't know!"

"You say?"

Song Changling glared at Situ Huang's grave fiercely, and then said unhurriedly: "The so-called heavenly martial art is naturally regarded as the pinnacle of martial arts on the mainland. In any place, it is an existence that cannot be met. !"

"But this world is too old. In the distant years, there naturally existed martial arts that surpassed the heavenly rank. Those martial arts, after going through the vicissitudes of life, are mostly annihilated in the world. But some martial arts will be passed down in the end, and will be passed down by this continent. Master the peak power!"

Listening to Song Changling's words, Lin Huang frowned slowly.He also knew about the existence of Transcendent Heaven Rank before, but he didn't think it was so strong, but when he said it from Song Changling's mouth, he always felt different.

"The so-called martial arts that surpass the heavenly ranks are collectively referred to as the 'lost unique knowledge'. In the eyes of the big forces, their importance is more important than the lives of millions of people!"

Song Changling continued.

"How are these existences beyond the heavenly ranks divided?"

Situ Huang asked.

Song Changling rolled his eyes, as if he was despising the latter as a warrior, and he didn't even know this, but he, a Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi, knew it very clearly.

Afterwards, Song Changling placed three teacups on the ground, and said in turn:




"This is the classification of martial arts above the heavenly ranks. Such martial arts are extremely rare, and there is no distinction between upper, middle and lower ranks!"

Pointing to the three teacups on the ground, Lin Huang suddenly thought of something, "Among the nine rankings in Tianji Pavilion, there are Wushuang and Legendary rankings, so is there a Peerless ranking?"

"It's not good for you to know too much!"

Song Changling pouted.

Situ Huang's grave beat the ground with his hands, "Didn't you talk about martial arts, why did you get to the Jiubang!"

Song Changling pointed at Lin Huang, pushed the pot out, and then said: "On the mainland, there are very few Wushuang or Legendary martial arts. As for the peerless martial arts... I'm afraid it's only a handful, but Martial arts that have reached this level can only be possessed by a few ancient clans on the mainland that have been passed down since ancient times. Such a power, even our Song family, is far beyond our reach!"

Lin Huang sat on the ground, his heart pounding.The world of martial arts is too vast and boundless, only the classification of martial arts is a long river of martial arts that has gone through vicissitudes.

It's just the martial art of rubbing seals, and at a glance, it is also magnificent, capable of destroying heaven and earth, which makes people horrified.If you can see the real volume of martial arts, what kind of scene will it be?
This is the case with unparalleled martial arts.

So what about legendary martial arts?

What about peerless martial arts?

While Lin Huang was meditating, Situ Huang's grave suddenly smashed a teacup on the ground on Song Changling's head, "What kind of martial art is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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