
Chapter 533

Chapter 533

The young man in white clothes and white hair just sat quietly in the ferry, blending into the whole picture without the slightest anger.

But it is out of tune with the noisy ferry and can be seen at a glance.

Lin Huang didn't notice him before, it was entirely because the gourd beast attracted his attention.

Looking at the white-haired young man, Lin Huang gradually frowned, and pulled Song Changling closer.

After approaching the boy, Lin Huang saw it more clearly.The latter seems to be fifteen or sixteen years old, but he is as thin as twelve or thirteen years old. His decayed white hair is not as shiny as Lin Huang's hair at all, but is really lifeless like the white hair of an old man. .

Together with that face, although there is no slightest wrinkle, it is full of twilight.

Lin Huang and Song Changling looked at each other, their brows were slowly wrinkled.Looking at the white-haired young man, I thought of someone...

This young man is too similar to Liu Linglong.

It can be clearly seen that the young man's body is obviously very weak, his white hair is frosty white and his spirit is deep.

Song Changling frowned more and more, and finally shook his head, "It's a pity..."

Lin Huang looked at the white-haired young man with a blank expression on his face, but felt somewhat guilty in his heart, "Perhaps Liu Linglong is determined to kill herself because of this young man!"

"Getting the Nine-Turn Fenyang Pill from Song Xieyang's hands might be able to keep this young man alive, but he didn't expect to fall into the hands of himself and Situ Huangfen!"

Lin Huang shook his head helplessly. Although Liu Linglong came to kill him, it was only natural that he would kill him instead.But seeing the young man not far away with a stiff smile on his face, gray eyes gradually turning desperate, and a calm body starting to tremble, Lin Huang always felt a little regretful and guilty in his heart!

Lin Huang touched his hair unconsciously, but it was only dyed black. If one day he also suffered from a terminal illness, Lin Cangxue would definitely draw a sword and kill like Liu Linglong.

"Is that bottle of pill still there?"

Lin Huang turned his head and asked Song Changling.

"Everything is sold, I just keep that bottle of medicine!"

Song Changling nodded, and handed the bottle of Nine Turns Fenyang Pill to Lin Huang.

In the bustling ferry crossing, Lin Huang flicked his fingers and accurately threw the pill into the white-haired boy's cuff.And the boy's complexion changed drastically at this moment...

It wasn't because he noticed the extra pill in his cuff.It was because the group of elders of Tiandaozong walked out of the ferry angrily.

The boy's pupils dilated suddenly, his pale face turned red rapidly, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

As early as a few days ago, when Xu Tianguan and others died, the entire Taixuan Domain became turbulent.Although none of these forces made it clear who was killed.

But their anger was real.

The white-haired young man didn't know about this before, he came to the ferry only because he would wait here every time Liu Linglong went out to find medicine for him.

But when he saw the familiar strangers from Tiandaozong appearing and some rumors in his ears, he felt something was wrong.

And at this moment...

The young man scratched his white hair in pain with his hands, lowered his head, and could vaguely see the extreme pain and ferocity on his face.

He didn't yell, but the way he held his face speechlessly, the tears mixed with the blood from the corners of his eyes, trickled down between his fingers, and the blood dripped all over the white clothes, made people extremely moved.

Song Changling frowned tightly, his eyes were unprecedentedly serious.

Lin Huang also felt uncomfortable...

Afterwards, Song Changling waved his long sleeves, and headed towards the white-haired young man, but was caught by Lin Huang, "This matter is too important, stepping on it is a dead word!"

Song Changling's sleeves vibrated, "If a gentleman does not do something, he will do something!"

After all, Song Changling shook off Lin Huang's hand, and continued to walk towards the white-haired boy.But before Song Changling approached, the group of Tiandaozong had already approached the white-haired boy.

Song Changling stopped immediately, and waved his hands helplessly, "I hope that bottle of Nine Revolutions Fenyang Pill will help him!"

Lin Huang nodded, but he didn't have such a good heart as Song Changling.Immediately pull the latter away...

Along the way, Song Changling was unhappy.

Lin Huang didn't say anything either. Liu Linglong couldn't kill Lin Huang because of that white-haired boy, and Lin Huang could just let the latter kill him. Even if Liu Linglong's heart is not bad, there is no such reason.

Lin Huang shook his head, and led Song Changling away from the ferry, heading towards Qingtian City.

Behind the ferry, there is only a small city next to it, called Yunhai City.

Looking down from the endless sky, the entire Taixuan Realm looks like a lying lion, and Yunhai City is located near one of the lion's ears.

The further you go in, the closer you are to the chest and abdomen of the lion, which is the center of the Taixuan Domain, Taixuan City.

Outside Taixuan City, extending in all directions, there are hundreds of cities from the inside to the outside.The size of each city is almost the same as that of the East Spirit Realm, and the size of each city is more than ten times that of the East Spirit Realm.

Lin Huang is now going to Qingtian Wufu.

Qingtian City, where Qingtian Martial Mansion is located, is located at the neck of the lion.From the ferry to Qingtian City, there are still seven or eight huge cities to pass through.

But after reaching the Taixuan Realm, Lin Huang was not in a hurry anymore.

Because in every city, there will be space passages.Moreover, there are also Level [-] and Level [-] flying monsters. Although the speed is not as fast as the space channel, it is still amazingly fast.

Lin Huang reckoned that from here to Qingtian City, it would only take half a month at most.

According to Pei Xiufu, the general election of the three schools and six houses in the Taixuan Domain will take some time to end.Even if Lin Huang rushed to Qingtian Martial Mansion today, he still wouldn't see Jun Qingcheng...

It's better to walk slowly and get to know the Taixuan Domain well!

Seven days later, Lin Huang and Song Changling appeared in Yanyun City, only three cities away from Qingtian Wufu.

Lin Huang could clearly feel that the closer he got to Taixuan City, the stronger and thicker the martial wind would be.This is not only because of the large number of warriors in the Taixuan Domain.

It's because the fighters living here have a stronger warlike heart in their bones.

The two of them walked along the way, watching and watching how many battles, exchanges, and fights.But few people wait and see. It seems that in the Taixuan Domain, it is extremely normal to fight because of a disagreement.

Nothing amazing.

During these seven days, Lin Huangdao had heard a lot, and had a general understanding of the situation in the entire Taixuan Region.

The power of Taixuan Domain is like a pyramid.

At the top of the pyramid is the main domain building in Taixuan City.

And further down, there are three sects, six mansions and nine sects.

In addition, there are naturally many good forces, but they will not be too conspicuous and famous.Because even if all the other forces join forces, they are still no match for any three forces among the three sects, six mansions and nine sects...

(End of this chapter)

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