
Chapter 536

Chapter 536 Eight Parts

Song Changling might not pay much attention to the Zuo Jiaming sect.But Lin Huang will, but he will not pay attention to Zuo Jiaming's teaching is right and wrong.

Because he believed in Xiao Yishan and Qin Changsheng.

He just wants to know what happened thousands of years ago, which caused the power that once shook the world to be destroyed almost overnight.

What made Xiao Yishan remain anonymous for thousands of years?
What is it that made Tianjiao, who was unbeatable through the ages, kill 300 million miles all the way, and died in front of Xiao Yishan.

How could that lovely senior brother die?

Lin Huang cupped his mouth with both hands and breathed lightly.Then he led Song Changling into the crowd outside the city like a long dragon, waiting to enter Qingtian City.

"How much do you know about Zuo Jiaming?"

After a moment of silence between the two, Lin Huang couldn't bear the impulse in his heart, and continued to ask.

This time, Song Changling really frowned, "Are you very concerned about the Zuojia Mingjiao?"

Lin Huang shrugged, but did not answer.

Song Changling hesitated a bit, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Although I was born in the Song family, I don't know much about the Zuojiaming religion! Because in the mainland, Zuojiamingjiao is really a forbidden word, and ordinary people say it As long as you dare to say the words 'Mingjiao', you are likely to be caught and hurt. Once you have behaviors and remarks that are biased towards Zuojiamingjiao, you are absolutely different. Even with my background, I'm afraid I will Bleeding to survive!"

"In the book of life and death of Xingtian Temple, there are no less than ten thousand warriors implicated in the past 100 years because of the 'Zuo Jia Ming Sect'!"

Lin Huang shook his head, "You just need to tell me what you know!"

Song Changling snorted coldly twice, he didn't expect his hot face to stick to his cold ass, but he continued: "It has been a thousand years, and because the four ancient clans deliberately erased that trace, now the history books about Zuojia Mingjiao There are already very few of them. All I know are the names of the eight members of the Zuojia Mingjiao and the top few people. As for what happened back then, I don’t know anything about it!”

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, waiting for Song Changling to continue.

"Legend... Zuojia Mingjiao once had eight tribes, namely Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Shenli, Divine Strategy, Haoran Tianxia, ​​Mingjiao Thirteen Killers!"

"Among them, Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu used to be in charge of the four major gods in the world, each with hundreds of thousands of followers. The leader Tuobafu regained the title of "Shenli" during Emperor Ai of the Ming Dynasty, and led the Great Ming Shenli Army to the East The Western War has traveled around the world. Thousands of years ago, the world's greatest commanding teacher, Tianji Eleven King Yifeng, was in Zhongzhou Shence Mansion, and Zuojia Mingjiao's thousands of schemes all came from this. In addition, there is also Xuegong' Haoran The world', and the Ming Cult Thirteen Kills founded by Qin Changsheng through the ages!"

After Song Changling said a few more words, he closed his mouth again.

Judging by his appearance, it seems that he really doesn't know anything.

Lin Huang withdrew his gaze, not embarrassing the latter, but slowly chewing on Song Changling's words. Although it was only a few words, Lin Huang could still glimpse the tip of the iceberg of Zuo Jiaming's demeanor thousands of years ago.

Babu congregation.

Qinglong, Suzaku, Xuanwu and Baihu.

The Legacy of the Eleven Kings of Heavenly Mystery.

The school palace is magnificent.

Qin Changsheng.

Mingjiao Thirteen Kills.


One name after another echoed in his mind, Lin Huang didn't know why, but the tasteless names read by others aroused a sense of spring and autumn in his heart.

I don't know, what kind of era was it that was full of turmoil and heroic elegy...

For some reason, Lin Huang let out a long breath of relief, put aside all the worries in his heart, and slowly entered Qingtian City with the flow of people.


Outside Qingtian City, just as Lin Huang and Song Changling approached the moat, there was a huge booming sound behind them.

The whole earth was trembling, as if behind everyone, a mountain was collapsing.

Lin Huang turned around.

I saw a huge monster suddenly appeared tens of miles away, a giant elephant as tall as a mountain.

The giant elephant was not walking fast, but every step was extremely heavy, like a huge boulder falling to the ground.What's even more astonishing is that the tens of feet tall giant elephant is covered with shining golden armor, and the armor is covered with jewels, making it look extraordinarily... rich!
Like a moving treasure mountain.

"This is……"

Lin Huang looked at the giant elephant, frowning slightly.

Song Changling on the side nodded his head, with a look of curiosity in his eyes, and said: "A seventh-level monster, a heavenly dragon spirit elephant!"

Lin Huang nodded, naturally he knew the origin of this giant elephant.

The Tianzun Dragon Spirit Elephant moves like a mountain and has a defensive force comparable to a steel city wall.A powerful blow from the ordinary Martial Emperor realm may leave a trace on the latter's body.

What's more, besides the terrible defense, the Tianzun Dragon Spirit Elephant also possesses powerful destructive power.

A seventh-level monster is comparable to the existence of a martial saint in the human race.Even in the huge Taixuan Realm, it is difficult to find a few Martial Saints.

Lin Huang frowned slightly, and immediately turned his gaze upwards to look at the back of the giant elephant... I don't know who is so sacred, but it uses the seventh-level monster Tianzun Dragon Spirit Elephant as a mount.

A strong man who has stepped into the holy realm?
Lin Huang raised his head, but his sight was blocked by the giant elephant's thick and towering body, and he couldn't see the person on the back of the Tianzun Dragon Spirit Elephant.

Outside the city, many people flew into the void, wanting to see who the person was.But that day, the dragon spirit elephant let out a breath, and the terrifying coercion and air wave threw everyone to the ground.

"Do you know the history?"

Lin Huang patted Song Changling's shoulder with his hands.


Song Changling held his chin in his hand, glanced at the bejeweled giant elephant, and after a moment of contemplation, "If you guess right, it should be from the merchant!"

"Merchant? Which merchant?"

Lin Huang asked.

Song Changling raised his eyebrows, and looked at Lin Huang pitifully, "You won't know, there are countless hidden clans on the mainland, and with your current status, you can't see them at all!"

Lin Huang's complexion turned dark immediately.

"This is the Qingtian City in the Taixuan Territory. I don't know where an expert is coming here. Lu Donghuang will welcome you from afar!"

At this moment, a mighty voice suddenly sounded in Qingtian City, like the voice of a blue dragon in the void.

Afterwards, everyone inside and outside the city turned their heads, only to see a figure in green clothes rising from the center of Qingtian City, within a few breaths, like a long rainbow hanging upside down from the sky, it suddenly arrived, and stood in front of the Tianzun Dragon Spirit Elephant in the sky.

Lin Huang raised his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi who suddenly appeared... It seems that he is also a powerful martial saint!

Song Changling hadn't seen the origin of Tsing Yi's middle age, but there was a commotion among the warriors around him.Everyone looked at the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi in the void, their expressions shocked.

"It turned out to be... Lu Donghuang, the lord of Qingtian City who has been in seclusion for more than ten years, appeared in person!"

(End of this chapter)

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