
Chapter 542

Chapter 542
In Qingtian City, after the two left the alley, they stopped talking about Zuo Jia Mingjiao.

However, the way Song Changling looked at Lin Huang changed a lot.He was still wondering why Lin Huang paid so much attention to Zuo Jia Mingjiao.

It turns out that the one who stays by my side every day is a big tiger!


Taixuan domain, Song family!

When the young man in gray died, a soul jade token in the Song family shattered.Instantly caused the old man in the archway to wake up.

Originally, guarding the archway was not a very important thing.

After all, in the Taixuan Domain, the Song family is one of the nine sects.As long as the disciples in the clan show their identities, they will not encounter too many dangers.

Because none of the nine schools is easy to provoke.

Even if they encounter a force with equal strength and fight, they will not really kill them.Because the relationship between forces is often more complicated than imagined.

As long as no one dies, ordinary fights are fine.

Once a person is dead, there is no room for maneuver.

But after Xu Tianguan died, things were different...

Although the old man guarding the archway is also a young elder in the family.But looking at the soul jade tablets all over the room, he was always trembling.

Xu Tianguan, ranked seventh among all disciple soul jade tablets in the family!

Although the death of a disciple in the clan is sometimes not a big deal.But the latter is the biological son of the Patriarch of the Song family, and his status is extraordinary.

The mistress of the family who doted on Xu Tianguan very much cried, made trouble and hanged herself every day, forcing the Patriarch of the Song family to find the murderer as soon as possible.

All of a sudden, all the eyes of the Song family buried in the Taixuan Domain came to life.

Recovery also represents death!

Only a big family like the Song family, with countless dead soldiers, can withstand the death of dozens of people every day.But the person was dead, but no news came back.

It's a real pity that several core members of the family died... Everyone died, and a large number of people had to be sent out to investigate.

The reason is nothing more than other. Most of the dead soldiers in the Taixuan domain are buried in the major forces.

And after Xu Family, Chu Family, Luo Shengwu Mansion and Tian Daozong's deduction, it should not be other forces in the Taixuan Region who killed several people on the ferry.

So when those dead men died, they died, and the Xu family could only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

But the core members of the family are different. They walk in the Taixuan Realm, and they have the status of disciples of the Xu family as a signboard, and ordinary people dare not touch them.

If it moves, then there is something tricky.

When the jade tablet of the young man in gray shattered, the old man guarding the archway trembled suddenly, then squinted his hands, and as he waved his withered arms, a picture scroll of mountains and rivers was slowly spread out in front of him.

On the picture scroll is the terrain of mountains and rivers in the Taixuan Region.

The old man stretched out his hand to fish it lightly, and grabbed the light from the shattered jade tablet in his hand, and then put it into the picture scroll of mountains and rivers in the Taixuan Domain.

As soon as the light from the shattered jade tablet entered the picture scroll, it was like a fish swimming in the mountains and rivers, and stopped in Qingtian City in less than a quarter of an hour.

The old man frowned slightly, and with a light wave of his arm, several faces were projected in the room...they were the people who got off the ferry and headed towards Qingtian City one after another.

Among them, there are Song Changling and Lin Huang!
Then the old man trembled his fingers, and several faces in the room quickly fell into a mirror with light flowing.

There are more than 300 names on the mirror!

These are all the hard work of Xu family, Chu family, Luo Shengwu mansion and Tian Daozong over the past ten days. The people on the mirror are all suspects!

Then the old man rolled up his sleeves, and a command flew out from the building.

In less than half a day, the Xu Family, Chu Family, Luo Sheng Wu Mansion, and Tian Dao Sect of the Nine Schools, each with their own powerful experts, headed towards Qingtian City.


Taixuan domain ferry.

After the whirling boat docked, it was seized by several major forces and never returned!

No one can come near.

Today, four people appeared on the whirling boat!
The leader was a middle-aged man with a handsome and tall figure, wearing a snow-white mink fur, his hair was well-groomed, and his chin beard was short and delicate.

A pair of eyes are piercing, gentle like a spring breeze, calm like a lake, and sharp like a goshawk!
Beside the middle-aged man, followed by a young man, less than 20 years old.Wearing a purple clothes, slightly handsome.Because standing next to the middle-aged man, his expression looked a little respectful, even a little restrained.However, there was an imperceptible arrogance hidden in the lowered eyes.

Behind the middle-aged man was a young and beautiful maid with a graceful but extremely alluring figure. Even if she remained silent, the charming look on her brows could not be suppressed, making one want to squeeze her hard.

Such a woman is even more exciting than Liu Linglong.

In addition, there is this old man beside the maid.

The old man looked very quiet, dressed in black, in stark contrast to the middle-aged man in white sable fur, but at a glance, it seemed that the old man did not exist, and no one would pay attention to him.

The four of them walked on the ferry, not in a hurry, as if they knew what they were going to do next...

"Since we're out this trip, let's see the world well! Although you are a disciple of the Song family, you can be regarded as standing halfway up the mountain when you are born, but don't underestimate the people of the world. If you underestimate... maybe next time I will Going out of the mountain is to investigate the cause of your death!"

The middle-aged man in white led the three of them into the cabin, and said to the young man in purple beside him.

"Got it, Second Uncle!"

The young man in purple clothed himself with a teachable expression.

The middle-aged man in white shook his head, "It's good to know! Now in the family, except for the eldest son Song Changling, each of the four major side branches has a good junior. Song Xieyang is one, but it's a pity that he died! You Song Xuan counts as one, Song Tiance counts as one, plus Song Danggui!"

"No matter how you look at yourself... In my eyes, you are still inferior to Song Tiance and Song Danggui, so watch more, think more, learn more, and ask more questions!"

Song Xuan nodded respectfully, "Thank you for the teaching, Second Uncle!"

The middle-aged man in white glanced at Song Xuan, but still shook his head.

Afterwards, Song Xuan raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man in white, "Then second uncle, I want to ask a question?"

The middle-aged man in white got interested, "What?"

"If Song Changling didn't practice martial arts, would he really miss the position of Patriarch?"

Song Xuan asked, there was a trace of passion and longing hidden in respectful eyes, he thought he hid it well, but he didn't know that the middle-aged man in white sighed secretly in his heart.

However, the middle-aged man in white still answered Song Xuan's question, "If Song Changling practiced martial arts, then he would really miss the position of Patriarch of the Song family. He doesn't have the ability to climb to the top with martial arts!"

Song Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, since Song Hanshan said so, the result is almost doomed.


The middle-aged man in white clothes paused for a moment, and then said: "But if he can keep walking with his heart, read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, see worldly affairs, and be a worldly person... Then one day, I, Song Hanshan, will also need to raise my head Look up to him!"

Hearing Song Hanshan's gentle voice, the expression on Song Xuan's face suddenly froze, and his whole body felt as if he had fallen into a cellar of ice.


Song Hanshan asked suddenly.


Song Xuan suddenly coughed twice, trying to avoid Song Hanshan's answer.

Song Hanshan gathered his sleeved robe, and looked forward, "Wu Dao reaches the top, the Dao competes for the front, the most taboo thing is fear! When the mood is gone, the tone is gone, and there is no hope of standing on the top of the mountain for the rest of your life."

"Look, Song Xieyang was born in the Song family, so countless people should be afraid. But there will always be warriors with a strong will, upholding the heart of martial arts, and killing Song Xieyang...and this is the way of warriors!"

After finishing speaking, Song Hanshan ignored Song Xuan and went into Lin Huang's room on the ferry.

And Song Xuan followed up belatedly, but he didn't know that during the question and answer just now, he missed the favor of the person in the family who was said to be the most likely to ascend to the realm of the Holy Emperor in 30 years!
(End of this chapter)

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