
Chapter 828 Preparing for the Battle of the King

Chapter 828 Preparing for the Battle of the King
In Qingtian Martial Mansion, Lin Huang and Jun Xingshi didn't have much conversation.

However, the atmosphere between the two is much more harmonious than when Jun Xing Shi first came.

But this does not mean that Jun Xingshi approves of Lin Huang.

It just fulfilled what Jun Xingshi said in Baizhan City, and was willing to give Lin Huang a chance.

After all, he is the master of Xingtian Temple.

Whether it is status or strength, he can be regarded as a top existence on the mainland. He has seen too many geniuses rise, and he has also seen countless arrogance fall.

Time is the enemy of all warriors, and warriors who have not really reached the peak may die in the rivers and lakes.

The same is true for the king and the world.

Until the time came, Jun Xing Shi approached some Lin Huang rarely, and patted the latter's shoulder, his voice was as cold as ever, "I came here to show you off. It's a pity that Jun Aohan didn't live up to it. Just think about it. In the eyes of this king, you are not bad, but you are still too weak!"

"You said that the universe is not yet determined, who dares to call himself a king. I hope you can also keep this sentence in mind and work hard to cultivate. If after seven years, you can really meet the requirements of this king, this king will naturally recognize you. But if you have I'm sorry for Qingcheng at all, and don't blame this king for beheading you with all the strength of the whole family!"

Lin Huang looked at Jun Xingshi with an indifferent expression, nodded silently, and then cupped his hands, "I will do my best to live up to the high expectations of the Palace Master! I will also live up to Qingcheng's love!"

"Let's go, practice hard!"

Jun Xingshi patted Lin Huang on the shoulder, turned and left without looking back.


Above the sky, the third division of the Xingtian Temple came with a strong wind, and finally picked up the little princess of the temple.

Perhaps they regretted not being able to kill the young man in the quagmire.

However, since Jun Xingshi acquiesced to the existence of Lin Huang, how dare everyone make a mistake.It's just that Jun Aohan looked at the wound on his chest with an ugly look on his face.

He has never been afraid of losing face, but today's embarrassing occasion is not right!

Spiritual Qi cliff top.

Lin Huang raised his head, looking at Jun Qingcheng who was gradually sinking into the crowd of the third division, feeling both lost and soaring in his heart.

San Si left in such a hurry that the two of them didn't even have a chance to say goodbye.

They could only look at each other at the last moment.

Looking at the woman's eyes like autumn water, Lin Huang grinned, and then patted his chest very foolishly, telling Jun Qingcheng to rest assured.

When Jun Xingshi waved his hand, the third division of Xingtian Temple left in a mighty way.

The graceful figure that amazed the world also disappeared from Lin Huang's eyes.

further and further.

Until it disappears completely!


On the top of the aura cliff, Lin Huang looked away, and then he let out a long sigh of relief.

There were so many things that happened that day that his heart was hanging, and it didn't come to the ground until this time.

Jun Xingshi, who was famous and indifferent, gave Lin Huang a chance.

Huang Xuanzhi, who is related by blood but regards him as an abandoned son.

And that Li Jiangye who turned out to be in the world.

They all made Lin Huang feel the warmth and coldness of the world, and also made Lin Huang understand his own insignificance.Regardless of whether Xiao Yishan or Qin Changsheng is behind him, only his own strength can truly make others look up to him.

"The seven-year agreement... Next, it should be the battle of the king!"

Lin Huang turned around and walked into the back mountain, muttering to himself in a low voice, his whole body was full of fighting spirit!


The next day.

When a ray of dawn broke in the sky, Lin Huang walked out of the thatched cottage.He rarely wore a black robe, and he looked a lot quieter, and he also hid some of his previous sharpness!

Lin Huang knocked on Pei Xiufu's thatched cottage first.

When Pei Xiufu yawned and opened the door, looking at Lin Huang with a calm face, he suddenly froze.He always felt that today's forest shortage was very different from yesterday's.After a little hesitation, he continued, "There are still a few days before the start of the battle to seal the king!"

"It's always good to go early to prepare!"

Forest Road.

Pei Xiufu frowned slightly, "I really think about it. This time the battle of the king is different from the past. Without the restriction that only those who are below the level of the Wu king can participate in the battle, the fight will be much more cruel. Even among the four ancient clans, Maybe there will be a genius coming!"

"Don't Mr. Pei want me to go?"

Lin Huang laughed.

Pei Xiufu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "In the ancient battlefield, if we encountered danger, we would not be able to show up. Everything can only be done by yourself!"

Lin Huang nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, Mr. Pei, I will definitely not lose Qingtian Martial House's face when I go to the ancient battlefield to participate in the King's Battle."

"Stinky boy!"

Pei Xiufu said cursingly.

Then Pei Xiufu pointed to the distance and said: "In the Qingtian Martial Mansion, there is also a holy sky tower. Your father once stepped on the eighth floor. He originally wanted you to try it. Even if it is only a few days, Maybe it can also give you something to gain, why don’t you give it a try?”

"Time is running out, let's try after returning from the Battle of the King! Don't worry, Mr. Pei, although I am only the seventh heaven of the Martial King, but... I can already see the world of the Martial King!"

Lin Huang waved his hand, reassuring Pei Xiufu.

"The state of mind is in the Martial Emperor?"

Pei Xiufu said in amazement, he couldn't help being surprised.It was only a short time ago that Lin Huang went from Marquis Wu to King Wu Qichongtian.It has not been a few days, how could he be able to understand the mind and start peeping into the world of the Martial Emperor.

"It's just a glimpse of the leopard, and you can't see the whole picture of the Emperor Wu's world!"

Lin Huang waved his hands and smiled, then asked Pei Xiufu's opinion, "I want to take Chunfeng out this time, Mr. Pei, what do you think?"


Pei Xiufu frowned.

"Li Chunfeng is still very weak, and taking him with you will greatly hinder your behavior. But this may be a good thing for him. After all, the arrival of the ancient battlefield is rare. If you miss it once, you may die Missed a lifetime. And sometimes the vision of a warrior is more important than the realm!"

Pei Xiufu said.

"In that case, that's enough!"

Lin Huang nodded, and then bowed to Pei Xiufu, "Then I will take my leave first, and when I return from the Battle of the King, I will treat Mr. Pei to drink!"

"it is good!"

Pei Xiufu nodded, looking extremely straightforward.


Not long after greeting Pei Xiufu, Lin Huang appeared at the entrance of Qingtian Martial Mansion.

Beside him, there was another group of people.

Situ Huang's grave.

Wang Xiao.

Li Chunfeng.

Bai Xiaopang.

Anyway, it's just a group of old men!

Among the few people, all of them were full of fighting spirit. After all, it was the battle of the king, and the great way in it was related to the achievements of many warriors in their lives!

Of course, get rid of Bai Xiaopang, who is so stupid!
"Boss Lin, we have been standing here for half an hour! Look at the people coming and going around, and look at us like monkeys!"

Not long after, Bai Xiaopang started to complain, he was too lazy to stand, and sat on the little turtle, hugging the big white cat in his arms, still with the same lazy look.

"hold on!"

Lin Huang nodded and said.

"An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, if you wait any longer, the day lily in the Battle of the King will be ruined," Bai Xiaopang said nonsense.

Lin Huang kicked on Bai Xiaopang's body, looking at a figure appearing in the Wufu, his eyes lightened slightly, "Here we come!"

"Hey, why is it a little boy?"

Bai Xiaopang got up, looked at Song Changling in the distance who was dressed in white Confucianism, and said with contempt on his face.

Lin Huang spread his hands, then turned and left Qingtian Martial Mansion.

In the Martial Mansion, Song Changling quickened his pace and gradually followed the pace of the few people...

(End of this chapter)

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