
Chapter 831

Chapter 831

Not long after, everyone descended from the cloud ferry, and after gliding for a while, they appeared in the bloody area.

Before entering the city, Lin Huang felt a strong murderous aura.

The murderous aura did not come from any one person, but the accumulated aura left behind after years of fighting here.But when everyone scanned the surrounding area, they could see everywhere the uncollected skeletons, as well as the river water that was stained with blood and turned a little dark red.

The blood of warriors was sprinkled on the dilapidated city wall full of scars, layer by layer, looking murderous.

"The Territory of Calamity Blood is a warrior's paradise and a warrior's hell!"

Song Changling covered his nose lightly, and opened his mouth with a murderous frown that was not suitable for this place.

Lin Huang nodded, "Understood, there are quite a few places like this in every big domain, no matter whether you practice martial arts or not, there will always be situations of bullying, and the world of martial arts is even more serious!"

Wang Xiao coughed twice, "This is not a good place. Although the forces in the bloody area are not as good as the three sects and six mansions, they are really lawless, and there are many big men hiding here. Martial Saint powerhouses, entering the Territory of Calamity, capsizes are common occurrences!"

"Just be careful in everything!"

Lin Huang said calmly, "Now that the Ancient Battlefield and the Taixuan Secret Realm are located here, there must be a lot of mysterious characters pouring in. It is not easy for people from the Bloody Blood Realm to suppress Jianglong. But we, Now I can only be regarded as a clay bodhisattva, there is no need to be afraid of things, but don't act rashly, and lose your life!"

Everyone nodded. Among the younger generation, although they all have good talents.But except for Bai Xiaopang, everyone also understood that any eagle that did not rise up was a chick that could only be pecked to death by pheasants.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Lin Huang, a group of people entered the bloody realm.

"Tell me about the specific situation of the ancient battlefield!"

Lin Huang turned his head to look at Wang Xiao. Among the crowd, perhaps only Wang Xiao, who had been among the disciples of Wufu all the year round, knew better.

"Before I came, I got a rough map!"

Wang Xiao took two steps faster and walked side by side with Lin Huang, "Now the ancient battlefield and the Taixuan Secret Realm are connected, running across the east and west ends of the Blood Mist Mountain Range. And the Blood Mist Mountain Range is nearly [-] miles away from us journey!"

"Now, although the Taixuan Secret Realm is connected with the ancient battlefield, the sealing circle outside has not yet been broken. It may take a certain amount of time, or there may be a few strong people in the Holy Emperor Realm who will not hesitate to expose their traces and forcefully attack!"

Wang Xiao continued.

"How long is a certain amount of time?"

Lin Huang asked.

"Ten days at most. Before coming out, it is said that there are already twelve strong men of the Holy King Realm in the Blood Mist Region, who forcibly entered the Blood Mist Mountain Range to bombard the seal, causing the seal outside the ancient battlefield to be broken seventeen times in one night!"

"Are you early?"

Lin Huang frowned.

Song Changling curled his lips, "In just ten days, it would be great if you could find an excellent hiding place. Is it too early?"


Wang Xiao nodded, "After all, the Ancient Battlefield and the Taixuan Secret Realm are here, and I don't know how many old monsters will be attracted. Their souls are so powerful that it is outrageous. It is not particularly difficult to find a physical body." !"

"Hide and seek... Actually, I'm pretty good at it!"

Lin Huang smiled calmly.

Song Changling stared, "That's not peek-a-boo, it's a matter of life and death!"

Lin Huang spread his hands, too lazy to argue with Song Changling.

Not long after, everyone found a relatively remote restaurant in the troubled blood area and stayed there.

However, although the place is remote, the restaurant is still overcrowded.It was all because of the Battle of the King and the Taixuan Mystery Realm that more than ten times the number of characters had flowed into the entire Bloody Blood Territory than before.

When everyone was walking on the street before, they felt the aura of the Martial Emperor.With the pitiful state of Lin Huang and others, they dare not show their heads at all.

And in the process of arriving at the inn, everyone saw many battles from a distance, and saw with their own eyes that warriors with no less than one hand died across the sky.

After entering the restaurant, what entered the ears of everyone was also related to the battle of the king and the secret realm of Taixuan. Warriors of different shapes spoke loudly...

What Buddhist Tianjiao Shikong Jialou ordered to kill on the first day he entered the bloody area.

There was a green ox that killed a Martial Emperor early this morning.

It is also said that in the Qinglong God Realm, an ancient family appeared, and a group of 17 people flew into the Chaos Blood Territory forcefully, and wiped out the local forces in the Chaos Blood Territory that day.

There was also a fortune teller who swaggered through the city with a cloth banner in his hand, but he offended a strong martial artist with no eyesight.What happened in the end, just as the martial sage strongman drew his sword, the fortune teller uttered a prophecy, directly cutting off the martial sage strongman's vitality.

There is also a mysterious girl in white, holding a piano and entering the bloody realm.When she appeared, Shi Kongjialou from the Buddhist sect and Zhao Xuanchao from the Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace both appeared on the tower to welcome the latter.


Lin Huang enjoyed hearing the news that was flying like snow, after all, these were all free news.Sometimes one more message can save a life.

Except for those warriors who talk a lot and grab people's attention.In the restaurant, there were quite a few people sitting and standing quietly.They may wear bamboo hats, making people unpredictable.Or the body is shrouded in the shadow of the black robe, like a poisonous snake.There is also a white long gown, who seems to be smiling, but has a perverted light in his eyes.

There is also a middle-aged man with a scar on his face, sitting like a mountain, and within three feet of him, the murderous aura is like a fog, making people dare not approach him directly.

In the restaurant, there are all kinds of people.It is difficult for them to have an intersection, or they dare not have an intersection, because if they are not careful, even their lives will be lost.

Everyone walked around the restaurant and returned to their respective rooms.

But not long after Lin Huang closed the door, the door was kicked open...

Lin Huang frowned and turned his head to look over.

I saw a young man in a golden robe suddenly appearing at the door. He didn't look very good-looking, but he was dressed extremely luxuriously.He has the aura of a high-ranking person on his body, but also has the arrogance of a dude, and he can't tolerate anyone in his eyes.

"What's the lesson?"

Lin Huang got up and looked at the young man... the purple-clothed old man behind him with a wary expression.

The old man was as decayed as a tree, but there was always a breath of life, even in broad daylight, those eyes were like will-o'-the-wisps at night, very scary.

The young man put his hands behind his back, "I heard that the room is full, so this room belongs to my young master, you can get out!"

"What if I don't go out?"

Lin Huang laughed.

"Don't go out? This king is ordering you, and there is no room for you to choose, Old Wei!"

The young man in gold was too lazy to talk nonsense with Lin Huang, so he waved lazily, gesturing to the old man behind him.

In an instant, murderous aura surged in the room, and the gloomy old man raised his arms above his knees and came towards the forest.

"Want to kill me?"

Lin Huang looked at the old man who had been killed, his expression didn't change at all, but he brushed his robe casually, and a golden Buddha statue with the Buddhist avenue suddenly appeared behind him, "Where does the wild dog come from, dare to kill this king !Are you not afraid of my senior brother Sakyamuni?"

(End of this chapter)

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