
Chapter 899 Emperor Tianshu

Chapter 899 Emperor Tianshu

After leaving the endless abyss, everyone has reached the third floor of Xuankong Flying Star.

From the eighteenth floor to the third floor, everyone walked over like a dream.

At the front, Lin Huang walked alone.

Behind him, Song Changling and others stared at Lin Huang, unable to relax for a long time.They never imagined that what Lin Huang comprehended in the endless abyss was the ruthless way of heaven.

Bai Xiaopang was very puzzled, "What is the ruthless way of heaven? Will Boss Lin just twitch his head and kill us all mercilessly?"

"Ruthless, not unfeeling!"

Song Changling replied: "Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and treat all things as dogs. This is a very old saying, to the effect that heaven and earth regard all things as equal!"

"Since all things are equal, nature is ruthless!"

"And the ruthless way of heaven is one of the truths of heaven and earth... But such a way, with the changes of the years and the changes of the times, is no longer suitable for today's warriors!"

"Why doesn't it fit?"

Luo Huanhuan asked.

"The so-called ruthless means ignoring everything in the world and being the only one. They don't need to live in groups, and they don't need to have feelings with anyone. Humans can be traced back to ancient times, although they are also beasts. The reason why the human race can rise is because they know what living in groups is. , Gradually fade the essence of the beast. Otherwise, it is impossible for the great human race to dominate the continent!"

"And those who understand the ruthless way of heaven, their thoughts will tend to be close to the thoughts before the human race lived in groups, with self as the center of the world, it's okay not to provoke them; but once they feel threatened, in order to survive, they will When you meet a god, you kill a god, when you meet a Buddha, you kill a Buddha!"

"Because this kind of Dao thought is adjacent to the ancient times, so the understanding of the ruthless way of heaven will bring them extremely powerful power, that kind of power, even the power of ancient times! But this kind of thought will also let him be stripped from the world of the human race. , if you are not careful, you will become the enemy of the whole world!"

Song Changling explained.

But Bai Xiaopang smiled coldly, and looked at Song Changling with contempt, "I know it's nonsense, I don't think Boss Lin is doing anything wrong now, isn't it just a little cold and withdrawn? This is not bad. Yes, like a king!"

Song Changling saw that Bai Xiaopang was messing around, he didn't pay attention to it, but continued: "When the beast is hungry, it will hunt for food, even if it eats its own relatives; if it senses danger, it will kill it in time. Kill danger; if someone invades its territory, they will send the enemy to die. In their eyes, there is no emotion, only survival, profit, and becoming stronger! In order to achieve these goals, they can use any means!"

"You're calling Boss Lin a beast! His grandma, you're tired of working!"

Bai Xiaopang stared, wanting to smash Song Changling's head with a hammer.

Song Changling still ignored Bai Xiaopang, "In this world, those who live alone are either beasts or gods! Since the current forest is not a god, it can only be a beast!"

Li Chunfeng kept frowning. Hearing Song Changling talk more and more scary, his face felt sad, "What should I do then?"

Song Changling shook his head.

He has some understanding of countless avenues between heaven and earth, but he doesn't know how to strip off a warrior's avenue.

The perception rooted in the soul and thoughts of warriors, I am afraid that even a holy emperor-like existence is helpless.


In the ancient forbidden land of the Xuantian God Clan.

It is still the gazebo made of dead wood.

In the gazebo, the middle-aged man whose hair was as white as snow on one side and as black as ink on the other was gently arranging his sleeves.

And outside the gazebo, there was a person kneeling, hidden under the pitch-black robe and hideous mask, it was impossible to tell the identity of this person.

At this moment, this person is holding a jade plate in both hands.

There are two jade slips on the jade plate.

The middle-aged man with black and white hair, flicked his sleeves lightly, and the jade on the right side of the jade plate shone brightly, projecting a scene above Qingtian Wufu.

Looking at the fierce battle in the light curtain, the middle-aged man twitched his mouth, with a cold expression on his face, "Young boy Huangkou, you are wise. Knowing that Qingtian Wufu is a dead game, he resolutely gave up. Tsk tsk... If it is a thousand years In the past, with your character, I am afraid that many strong people appeared and died in this Shura battlefield. It is a pity that the peerless masters of my god race can't do it, so they can only run away!"

After speaking, the middle-aged man shook his head.

Afterwards, he waved his sleeves again, and a light curtain spread out from the jade slip on the left.

And the scene projected on the light curtain turned out to be Lin Huang, Song Changling and others outside the endless abyss of the ancient battlefield.

The middle-aged man sat on the steps like a farmer, looking up at the barren forest in the light curtain, observing carefully for a long time.It wasn't until half a quarter of an hour later that he clapped his hands and stood up.

"Sure enough... I said that in the battle of the ruins, Qin Changsheng borrowed the body. It cannot be an ordinary person. It must have something to do with the Zuojia Mingjiao. Li Baiyi, this piece should also be one of your pawns. One!"

"Very good, he walked into the endless abyss as I expected!"

"Moreover, I have successfully comprehended the ruthless way of heaven!"

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and treat everything as a straw dog. After comprehending the ruthless way of heaven, no matter how you plan, Li Baiyi, even if he has any connection with Zuojia Mingjiao, he will not be used by you! Now he is a beast... …very good!"

While muttering to himself, the middle-aged man with black and white hair stopped, turned around and looked at the kneeling man in front of him, and said majesticly: "Send a message to Emperor Hunsheng, and let him not be angry with Lin Huang." At the same time, with the slightest killing intent, he is drawn into our Xuantian God Clan with benefits."


The kneeling man spoke in a low voice, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man also returned to the dead wood pavilion, sat down, picked up an embroidery needle, and embroidered a picture of mountains and rivers with breathless concentration, while chuckling lightly:

"Back then, my Emperor Tianshu and Wang Yifeng were tied, what a pity. I gave you 1000 years to grow, and I hope you can be my opponent. The chess pieces you have buried for thousands of years, I will never forget Find it out and have a look, I hope you can surprise me. Also let me see what the Twelve of Heaven's Mystery is capable of!"


In the ancient battlefield, after everyone escaped from the endless abyss, they have already begun to go deep into the third layer of Xuankong Flying Star.

the third floor.

It was like an ancient Shura battlefield.

Thousands of miles ahead, full of pitch-black blood-soaked colors.

Countless mountains collapsed, and rocks spread across the battlefield.

The criss-crossing rivers have already dried up and broken.

On the battlefield, the ground is cracked, and there are traces and abysses left by countless knives and halberds.Pieces of corpses were scattered on the battlefield, most of them with incomplete bones.

or severed head.

Or the body is broken in two.

Or countless corpses lying in an abyss, actually filling up the abyss.

There are also the corpses of ancient monsters that died as mounts.

Dusty, rusty battle armor.

A spear black and bloodied.

A huge drum with a height of hundreds of feet, the surface of which has already been smashed.


Lin Huang couldn't see it, and even if he saw it, the current him would probably be indifferent, so he walked calmly on the ancient battlefield.

While Song Changling and others walked among them, they frowned heavily.

Even thousands of years apart, they can still feel that on this battlefield of death, they did not know what kind of shocking battles they had experienced a long time ago.

The corpses filled the abyss, and the earth was soaked in blood.At a glance, the skeletons lined up are like a lush forest.The giant drum of hundreds of feet burst, and the stern battle flag was buried in the loess.

There are also countless rusty weapons in their hands, and they know that in front of them must be the corpse of a peerless warrior.

Looking at the inescapable battlefield, the whole body was surrounded by gusts of sinister wind, making everyone shudder!They seem to be able to feel that on this battlefield, there are countless souls that never disperse.

And Lin Huang, who was walking in the forefront, stopped at some point.

He looked up, but couldn't see anything.

Everyone also stopped, and they also raised their heads, looking at the place Lin Huang was looking at, their eyes were obviously shocked.

Thousands or tens of thousands of miles ahead of them, there is a monument!

The monument is so high.

Straight into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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