
Chapter 904 Trading

Chapter 904 Trading
Facing Lin Huang's question, Di Hunsheng frowned slightly.

I don't know why Lin Huang asked such a question, but he didn't hide anything: "Zhao Xuanchao and Shi Kongjialou should have reached the second floor of Xuankong Flying Star. Waiting for you here!"

Lin Huang nodded, and stood calmly on the spot.

Di Hunsheng was a little hesitant, and then continued: "How about making a deal?"

"Not interested in!"

Lin Huang turned around and was about to leave here.

"Don't you have no interest in being holy for ten years?"

Di Hunsheng looked at Lin Huang who was about to leave, and shouted loudly.

Lin Huang suddenly stopped in his tracks.

Emperor Hunsheng raised his eyebrows, heaved a sigh of relief, and then said: "The Xuantian God Clan is a peerless clan that rules the world, not only has ancient background, but also has countless martial arts!"

"If you join my Xuantian God Clan, becoming a saint in ten years will be nothing more than a little effort!"

Lin Huang straightened his sleeve robe indifferently, turned around, as if he could see the soul of the emperor, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It doesn't take ten years for me to become a saint, Lin Huang!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Huang turned around again and left this place.

"Wu Shuang, Legend, Peerless, these are the three major stages of martial arts above the heavenly ranks! Don't tell me you are not interested in legendary martial arts, or peerless martial arts?"

"My Xuantian God Clan also has countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures, which can make bones live, keep warriors' souls immortal, and even bring people back to life. Are you not interested?"

"Among my Xuantian God Clan, there are countless holy emperors who can preach. I don't know how many warriors in the world want to listen, and I don't know how many warriors have broken through the barriers of realms for many years after listening to the powerful preaching. Don't you? not interested!"

"Joining my Xuantian God Clan, you will have the biggest backer in the world, and you can run rampant in the world without any scruples, and you are not interested?"

Di Hunsheng finished everything in one breath, and his voice filled Lin Huang's ears like thunder, full of temptation.

And when he finished speaking, he breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Lin Huang with a smile on his face.

He believes that anyone who is not too stupid will be moved by it.Moreover, the rift between him and Lin Huang was nothing more than an imperial sword.

Although the Xuantian God Clan is bound to win the Emperor Sword.

But don't be in a hurry!
However, Lin Huang standing there did not respond at all.

Seeing this scene, Di Hunsheng showed a smile on his face, he knew that Lin Huang didn't respond, but was struggling to make a choice.And once there is a choice, there is only one answer.

Otherwise, Lin Huang would have rejected it long ago.

However, Lin Huang's words froze the smile on Di Hunsheng's face.

"I'm not a dog!"

Di Hunsheng frowned tightly, for a moment he didn't know how to persuade Lin Huang.

While he was still thinking, Lin Huang had already walked far ahead.

Di Hunsheng gritted his teeth, and immediately caught up with Lin Huang...


Lin Huang's voice was as cold as ice.

However, Di Hunsheng did not give up, and said directly: "Among my Xuantian God Clan, there is a legendary martial art—Shanhe Zhaoshi! As long as you meet one condition, this martial art will be yours!"

Lin Huang frowned, and looked at Di Hunsheng coldly.

"In the hands of the elders of the clan who guard me behind me, there is also an indestructible tribulation pill, which can help warriors survive the tribulation of martial saints safely and successfully enter the realm of holy kings!"

"Together these two things, you only need to promise me one condition!"

Di Hunsheng seemed to have lost his blood.

This time, Lin Huang finally stopped in his tracks. He turned his head, as if he was watching the soul of the emperor, his cold voice was hoarse, "What conditions?"

The corner of Di Hunsheng's mouth curled into a slight smile, and then he informed Lin Huang of his conditions through voice transmission from his soul.

"You want me to help you kill Zhao Xuanchao and Shi Kongjialou? You also want to kill Bai Xiaopang and Song Changling?"

Lin Huang directly spoke out the conditions for the birth of the emperor's soul, and then Lin Huang looked at Bai Xiaopang and Song Changling who were not far behind him, his eyes flickering fiercely.

Bai Xiaopang and Song Changling frowned at the same time.

And Di Hunsheng's face also became a little ugly, he received the news from the outside that Lin Huang was going to be tied to the peerless battleship of the Xuantian God Clan, and could not be taken away by any force.

So the Emperor Soul stayed on the third floor, and wanted to drive Lin Huang to join the Xuantian God Clan with benefits.

And if you want Lin Huang to join the Xuantian God Clan, in addition to the benefits, you have to make Lin Huang provoke everyone's hatred, let him kill Song Changling and Bai Xiaopang, this is the betrayal of relatives.

After killing Shi Kongjialou and Zhao Xuanchao, Lin Huang became a must-kill for the Western Land Buddhist Kingdom and Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace.

In this way, the world is so big that only the Xuantian God Clan can accommodate Lin Huang.

At that time, in order to survive in this cruel world, Lin Huang, who has nowhere to go, can only be a well-behaved dog. Whoever the gods let him bite, he will bite.

But Di Hunsheng was so stupid that he didn't expect that Lin Huang would say what he said.

The ancient battlefield was opened, and there were many forces outside, monitoring everything that happened in the ancient battlefield.Although what is spoken inside cannot be heard outside.

But I don't know how many old monsters there are on the mainland, and they can know Lin Huang's words just by the shape of their lips.

Naturally, he also knew that even if Lin Huang killed Zhao Xuanchao and Shi Kongjialou, behind him was the Emperor Soul, and even the Xuantian God Clan.

Di Hunsheng looked at Lin Huang's cold appearance, and finally couldn't bear the contempt and anger suppressed in his heart. He clenched his fists, and there was a sharp edge in his eyes when he looked at Lin Huang:
"It seems... there is no agreement between us!"

Lin Huang teased, looked down at him as if he could see the soul of the emperor, and said with a sneer: "The so-called battle of proving the way is killing people to prove the way. Stepping on other people's bones, climb to your own throne! You don't need it!" Said, Zhao Xuanchao and Shi Kongjialou should die as well! And you..."

As he spoke, Lin Huang slowly pulled out the Zhan Li Jue and Shan Na Dao, "You are just a skeleton on my road to the throne, Lin Huang, and you are qualified to make deals on behalf of the Xuantian God Clan! I heard that Xuantian Among the gods, there is the peerless Tianjiao Ditian, so it's not too bad to let him come!"


The Emperor Soul was furious, and then he slammed his knife, like a black dragon, towards Lin Huang.

Lin Huang twitched the corners of his mouth and let out two hissing laughs, his voice was like frost:

——Unfeeling cut!

As the words fell, a thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky, directly hitting the black shadow of Emperor Hunsheng, causing the latter to vomit blood.

Di Hunsheng stopped.

He spat silver blood at his mouth, and stared at Lin Huang fiercely.He didn't expect that Lin Huang, who had realized the ruthless way of heaven, would be so unreasonable. Not to mention the failure of the transaction, even if he made a move, it would be a killer move.

At this moment, Di Hunsheng also gave up recruiting Lin Huang.

No matter what the dignitaries in the clan say, he will pretend to turn a blind eye. He must personally trample the ant Lin Huang to death, and let him know what price he will pay for rejecting the Xuantian God Clan.

On the battlefield of Taiji, Di Hunsheng leaned on a long knife with both hands, and a huge black shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

In that black shadow, there are countless pitch-black wraiths roaring and crying!
The monstrous resentment swept all directions.

Bai Xiaopang frowned and stopped everyone from retreating for a few miles. From the black shadow, he felt the breath of death.

Di Hunsheng raised his head, staring at Lin Huang with black lines climbing in his eyes, with a greedy and crazy smile on his face, "Since you don't want to submit to my Xuantian God Clan, let you experience the legendary unique skills of my God Clan—— Thousands of ghosts and catastrophes!"

(End of this chapter)

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