
Chapter 942

Chapter 942

Not long after, Lin Huang walked out of the icy and snowy space.

I met Senior Sister Xiaoxiao, although I didn't have any communication.But Lin Huang knew that he must revive Xiaoxiao, not only for Qin Changsheng.

Also because of the snow floating in the world!
He doesn't want to be sad in the world. If one day, Xue Piao has no power in the world, he will be very happy instead.

Not only that.

He wants to revive Qin Changsheng!

Although Qin Changsheng refused to tell him how to be resurrected, Xiao Yishan didn't say anything either.But he knew that Li Baiyi must have a way, but Qin Changsheng himself was unwilling.

And Qin Changsheng's heart knot may be Xiaoxiao!

Seeing Lin Huang appearing, his expression was a little depressed and deserted.Everyone didn't say much, but their eyes fell on Lin Huang's hands.

At this moment, Lin Huang held a big bronze ball in his hand.

The entire sphere seems to be made up of 27 small bronze pieces.There are deep gaps between the small blocks.This allows the entire bronze ball to rotate horizontally and vertically.

This is what Lin Huang brought out from Xiaoxiao's ice room.

In the entire space, only this bronze ball was not frozen.

Looking at the bronze ball in Lin Huang's hand, Feng Wuji frowned slightly, and then said: "This Tianji ball is the control center of the entire Outer Tomb, how did you bring it out!"

"I know!"

Lin Huang nodded, "In the several layers of secret chambers in the outer tomb, it seems that there is no movement. In fact, they are staggered and rotating, which makes countless secret chambers constantly change positions. Thinking about it, it must be an incomparably huge cemetery of institutions!"

Lin Huang raised the secret ball in his hand and turned it casually. When he saw the secret ball for the first time, he understood that this thing controlled the entire Tai Xuan Mystery Realm.

"This thing cannot be rotated at will!"

Dong Shenyue warned Lin Huang.

"Why not?"

Lin Huang smiled coldly, then walked to the front of the nine huge patterns on the bronze wall, raised his hands slightly, and the secret ball was suspended in the void, emitting golden rays of light.

Afterwards, Lin Huang waved his palm lightly, swiping one side of the secret ball to rotate half a circle.

Suddenly, a sea of ​​swords appeared in the fourth picture on the bronze wall.The sea of ​​swords covered the sky and covered the earth, strangling the fourth floor of the outer tomb.

In a moment, the fourth floor of the outer tomb began to collapse, and countless corpses were turned into dust under the sea of ​​swords.

It seems to be able to extinguish all vitality!
Feng Wuji frowned, then stared at Lin Huang's back, and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to kill everyone in the outer tomb?"

Lin Huang turned his head, glanced at Feng Wuji, and said calmly, "My brother is kind, he loves this world. Maybe you follow him, too!"

"But, I won't allow it!"

Lin Huang pointed to the people on the sixth floor of the pattern, and suddenly smiled, "Look at them, they fight like crazy, brothers turn against each other, rebellious apprentices kill teachers, there is no kindness at all. After entering this quasi-emperor Tomb, without the slightest awe, after leaving this mysterious realm, you think they will benefit one party!"

"I won't let anyone disturb my senior brother's sleep! Even if this person is the hope of the human race, the future of the continent, no matter how amazingly talented and beautiful this person is, that won't work!"

Lin Huang said categorically, while speaking, he kept waving his hands, spinning the secret ball in the void.

While the sphere was rotating, countless rays of light shone, illuminating the entire bronze hall.

At the same time, the pattern on the bronze wall is also changing.


Outer mound.

When everyone found and entered the sixth floor and saw countless inherited treasures and magical weapons, they went crazy again.

Then, fighting broke out everywhere.

But when they were dying for the treasure, they found that the entire tomb was in violent turmoil.There seemed to be a tomb collapsed overhead, which made them look puzzled.

There seemed to be countless monsters roaring at the bottom of their feet.

Not long after, purple thunderclouds gathered in the space on the sixth floor, and countless thunderbolts shone like fire snakes.Just in between breaths, there was thunder hanging down like a waterfall, attacking the space on the sixth floor.

Countless fighters looked horrified, and hurriedly resisted the killing of Thunder.

However, even under the destructive power of Thunder, they still did not forget to take the opportunity to snatch the treasure.Many people, just because they succeeded in winning the treasure, forgot the existence of Thunderbolt when they were overjoyed, and were killed directly.

In the giant bronze hall.

Lin Huang looked at the scene on the sixth floor with a cold expression, and continued to study the secret ball in front of him.


Suddenly, Feng Wuji let out a loud shout.With one move of the arm, the secret ball was snatched away, "Master Longshou ordered that as long as the outsiders do not enter the ninth floor, they must not be completely destroyed!"

Lin Huang turned his head, squinted at Feng Wuji, and then slowly said, "The kindness of a woman!"

"How about my emperor, you can't criticize me!"

Feng Wuji sneered.

Lin Huang turned his head indifferently, and continued to look at the picture on the wall.He knew that although he sealed the ruthless Lin Huang, his heart was much colder than before.

Becoming indifferent to life.

But Lin Huang thinks... this is very good!
Even if he wanted to inherit Qin Changsheng's dream and protect this world, Lin Huang would not treat him equally.There are beautiful things in this world...

There is Xuanyuan Tibing who sacrificed his life to kill the evil king and guarded the East Spirit Realm for 1000 years.

There is Yan Nangui in the Valley of Yin and Yang, who bows to beg for death.

Xie Qinghou has bowed his knees for many years and ate blood, just for the safety of the East Spirit Realm.

There is a young girl, Aning, in order to revive Xie Qinghou, she walks between the mountains, rivers and the earth, collecting the annihilated soul of Xie Qinghou bit by bit.

There is an old woman standing at the entrance of the village, hoping for her son to return.

There are old people who have children and grandchildren around their knees, and their children are happy!
There is Jianjia Cangcang, childhood sweetheart!Teenagers are immature, girls are shy!


These people are the beauty of the world.

These people don't deserve to die!

And in the tomb outside the tomb, are these wolf-hearted, brother-in-law warriors really worth protecting?

Lin Huang snorted coldly in his heart.

"They... seem to have found the entrance to the seventh floor!"

Song Changling on the side suddenly said.

Only when he was speaking, he only found that the pattern on the eighth floor on the bronze wall began to change.

From the inside to the outside, huge stone doors opened slowly.

Outside the many stone gates, what is connected is the seventh floor of the tomb.And at the stone gate, squatting at the moment is a very decayed old man with a sackcloth on his head.

However, it was this old man who bent down on the ground, and with his fingers knotted together, he broke through the mechanism of the stone gate bit by bit.

Lin Huang's eyes fell on the old man in sackcloth, his brows were slightly condensed.

In the few months he spent in the ancient battlefield, tens of thousands of fighters here have only broken through to the fifth floor.But after returning to the Taixuan Secret Realm, someone was able to solve the mystery of the tomb so quickly.

Found the sixth floor.

Also found the seventh floor...

I'm afraid that the law of the entire Outer Tomb Agency has been discovered.

"This person is a bit weird!"

Looking at the old man in sackcloth on the screen, Feng Wuji frowned.

"Try it, and then you'll know!"

Lin Huang snorted calmly, then snatched the Tianji ball from Feng Wuji's hand again, and turned it casually!
While the secret ball was spinning, the structure of the tomb chamber on the sixth floor of the outer tomb changed quietly.The stone gate in front of the old man shifted and disappeared in place.

In the picture, the old man froze in place for a few breaths.

It seems to be a little puzzled, why did it suddenly disappear?

Afterwards, the old man stood up stooped, his head was still covered with sackcloth, and his face could not be seen.He turned his head and looked around, looking around as if he couldn't figure it out.

After turning his head to look at the sixth-floor space a few times, the old man was walking staggeringly, trembling forward, covering his mouth and coughing for a while.

He looked like a person half buried in the ground, but he still didn't give up and came to the Asura battlefield.

"He seems...not affected by Thunder!"

Li Chunfeng at the side suddenly spoke.

Lin Huang's expression froze for a moment, and he didn't realize until now that the old man was wearing a sackcloth on his head, and the thunder that covered the void did not touch his body at all.

It was as if Lei Ting had eyes, avoiding him neatly.

Feng Wuji also frowned, with murderous intent hidden in his voice, "Could it be possible that he is still a holy emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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