
Chapter 960

Chapter 960

In the dilapidated Martial Mansion, Xue Tianjun was so indomitable, but at this moment he was choking up and looking at the pile of powdered corpses in front of him, and then his hand suddenly pulled Lin Huang and Bai Xiaopang directly in front of Lu Shenzhou.

Lin Huang looked slightly puzzled, until now, he still didn't know who the golden corpse in front of him was that guarded the Qingtian Martial Mansion for more than a month.

Bai Xiaopang was even more bewildered, and sat on the side by himself, why did he suffer such an indiscriminate disaster?

Looking at the golden corpse that could not stop disappearing in front of him, Lin Huang bent down and bowed!
No matter who this person is, being able to appear at the moment of crisis of Qingtian Martial House, and guarding Qingtian Martial House for such a long time with his surviving body after death, Lin Huang admired him deeply.

"His name is Lu Shenzhou!"

Xue Tianjun said coldly.

Lin Huang's bent body froze suddenly.

Afterwards, Lin Huang raised his head with difficulty, looked at the corpse in front of him, his eyes were full of astonishment, he wanted to reach out to touch the corpse, but he was afraid that the corpse would fly away and be annihilated in an instant.

——Lu Shenzhou.

The Lu Shenzhou in Qin Changsheng's notes.

It was he who, after Qin Changsheng went deep into the hinterland of the evil clan, rushed thousands of miles to rescue Lu Shenzhou.

He didn't know other stories about Lu Shenzhou, but his love for Qin Changsheng alone was enough to make Lin Huang respect and even admire him.

Lin Huang knelt down on one knee, trying to make his voice full of joy, "Lin Huang met Uncle Lu!"


A few words were squeezed out of the golden corpse.Although weak, everyone could clearly hear the joy and relief in that voice.

"Uncle Lu is leaving. It's a pity that I can't see you with my own eyes. I can't see Changsheng's junior brother. I don't have anything left for you. Don't be disappointed!"

Lin Huang shook his head violently, as if a big stone was blocked in his heart, he couldn't say anything.After deliberating for a long time, I finally said with difficulty: "Brother, he is fine, and I am fine, Uncle Lu..."


"... let's go!"

The golden corpse suddenly danced agilely, as if responding to Lin Huang.

"come here!"

Afterwards, Lu Shenzhou's voice moved towards Bai Xiaopang.

Bai Xiaopang rubbed his head, still a little puzzled, he really wanted to take a look at this moment, but found that the surroundings were oppressed, and he couldn't help but feel heavy. Holding his fat body, he walked slowly in front of Lu Shenzhou .

"What's your name?"

Lu Shenzhou asked extremely weakly.

"Bai...Bai Xiaopang..."

Bai Xiaopang put his hands in front of his body, only feeling that his whole body was surrounded by a mysterious and vast force, which made him feel like looking up at the sky.

"My name is Lu Shenzhou. I don't know if you've heard of me. I used to be pretty good!"

Bai Xiaopang wanted to scratch his head but didn't dare. He was about to shake his head when he met Lin Huang with an extremely fierce look, which made Bai Xiaopang nod suddenly, "I've heard of it!"

"Can me Master?"

Lu Shenzhou's voice had become extremely weak, and all the gold in the corpse had dimmed.



Bai Xiaopang opened his mouth wide, then nodded knowingly.In the end, it was rare to kneel down respectfully, and kowtowed to Lu Shenzhou:

"Disciple Bai Xiaopang, pay homage to Master!"

"it is good……"

In the void, only a good word came out of the corpse.

However, before the words of that good word fell completely, the golden and dim corpses in front of the crowd were all turned into dust and dissipated in the void uncontrollably.

...into ashes.

Xue Tianjun's figure froze in place, like a tearful sculpture, at a loss.

The smile on Lin Huang's face stopped abruptly, and his eyes were full of regret and sadness.

Bai Xiaopang was still kneeling on the ground. He didn't know that Lu Shenzhou had been wiped out. He only knew that the little turtle that escaped in the Taixuan Secret Realm returned to his body.

In the mysterious sea, the little turtle burst into tears, causing Bai Xiaopang to feel sympathetic and great grief sweeping his whole body.

He knew before that the little turtle has an owner.

He also knows now that the owner of the little turtle...has left completely.

Looking at the powder disappearing in the void, Qingtian Martial Mansion was completely silent.

Even dead silence.

The people from Wufu looked forward with awe and sadness on their faces.

However, the Mingjiao army who survived by luck, all of them gritted their teeth and did not make a sound of grief, but even so, they couldn't hide the tears in those iron-bone eye sockets.

In their ears, only the last parting words of Lu Shenzhou lingered——

Lu Shenzhou...

"Congratulations to Shuai Lu!"

In the Martial Mansion, Xue Tianjun suddenly roared with tears running down his cheeks. That roar pierced his heart, his grief was unspeakable, only endless voices pierced through the sky.

"Congratulations to Shuai Lu!"

"Congratulations to Shuai Lu!"

"Congratulations to Shuai Lu!"


Following Xue Tianjun's mournful cry, all members of the Mingjiao Department knelt on one knee and hissed loudly.Even the Xuanzi Battalion of the Qinglong Department in Dafeng Qingtian Ancient Great Wall in Lin Huang's body also appeared, screaming mournfully.

That voice full of resentment, pain, and unwillingness shook the sky, echoing for a long time within a hundred miles of Qingtian Wufu, without end!

What passes away will eventually pass away!

Following Xue Tianjun's five instructions, a sun and moon embroidered dragon flag appeared in the void, swept across the previous place of Lu Shenzhou, and then burned to ashes, this world...

There is no more leader of the Xuanwu Department of the Zuo Jiaming Sect, Lu Shenzhou!

Time passed by little by little.

From dusk to late night.

Xue Tianjun stood there motionless.

Everyone in the Ming Cult stood there motionless.

The entire Qingtian Martial Mansion did not move at all.

The atmosphere is still deeply sad, making it hard to breathe.

Until a ray of dawn light appeared on the horizon, Xue Tianjun suddenly rolled up his sleeves and straightened his body...

Lin Huang raised his head and looked over, the light in his eyes froze immediately.

But overnight.

Xue Tianjun is full of gorgeous hair!
However, the latter didn't seem to have the slightest feeling, perhaps his heart was already numb with grief.He slowly turned his head and looked at the place where the sun was rising. He remembered Lu Shenzhou's outrageous words when he first met Lu Shenzhou, and couldn't help murmuring softly:

"The mountains and rivers are stained with blood, and the land of Shenzhou is sinking! My youth, we should act righteously to save the sky and help the generals to collapse the building. Even if we are smashed to pieces, we will never recover, so we should not hesitate to kill the evil spirits and restore the dawn of our human race!"

"My name is Lu Shenzhou, and I always warn myself that the world is displaced, Shenzhou Lu Chen! A man of righteousness should throw his head and blood for the common people!"

"The sun and the moon are rising in the east, and the mountains and rivers are dawning. Gentlemen, are you willing to join us in Lu Shenzhou and fight for this world!"


"When the thirteen killing dragon heads are born, I can be lazy by killing the evil race!"

"I'll go! Changsheng is too young after all, if he is not careful, he will die in that place!"


In the Martial Mansion, Xue Tianjun kept murmuring what Lu Shenzhou had said. He gently picked up his sleeve robe and wiped his face, and slowly walked towards the rising sun.

Xue Tianjun's speed became faster and faster, until he rose from the ground, swept into the sky, and rushed to a place where no one could see, only to hear an incomparably majestic voice, like a shocking war drum, spreading throughout the entire Taixuan Realm:

"The sun and the moon are rising in the east, and the mountains and rivers are dawning. Gentlemen, are you willing to join us in Lu Shenzhou and fight for this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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