
Chapter 968

Chapter 968

In Taixuan domain.

There is an ancient city that has stood for an unknown number of years.

According to legend, in distant times, the place where the city was located was still a plain.

I don't know what happened afterwards.

Suddenly one day...

Millions of swallows appeared in the sky, covering the sky and soaring in the void.Every swallow has soil in its mouth.


After the soil fell into the sky, a city wall was built on that plain. The soil mixed with the swallow's saliva seemed very solid.

Therefore, that city was called Feiyan City.

It is said that thousands of years ago, the city wall of Feiyan City blocked the full blow of an evil emperor without breaking even the slightest bit.

Of course... legends are just legends.

Perhaps this is the people of Feiyan City, in order to explain why the city walls are bare and unattractive, they found a decent excuse.

However, perhaps it is precisely because of this set of rhetoric that Feiyan City has attracted countless warriors for a long time...

Over time, Feiyan City became extremely prosperous.


In the low-walled Feiyan City, a carriage suddenly appeared.

The carriage can't be said to be rich or low-key, but there is a big banner with the word "business" hanging on the corner of the carriage, which makes people unable to underestimate it.

on the mainland.

There are very few Shang surnames.

And few are famous.

Therefore, if this carriage is not from an ordinary family, then its origin and identity are very surprising.

in the carriage.

There are two young people.

A man dressed in Tsing Yi, with sharp and shrewd eyes, has a thick stack of account books beside him.He put his palm on the account book and tapped lightly with his five fingers.

As for the other young man in white, he simply closed his eyes and sat in the carriage calmly, without saying a word.

In the car, it was a little quiet.

Half an hour after the carriage entered the city, it suddenly stopped.


The young man who was knocking on the account book paused with his five fingers, and said.

The young man in white also opened his eyes, as if he was talking to himself, "This time, I should be able to catch him!"

The moment the voice fell, the young man in white opened the curtain and walked out.

Afterwards, his figure froze for a moment. He looked up at the place where the carriage stopped, raised his eyebrows slightly, and saw that in front of him was...

A brothel.

"You really know how to choose a place!"

The young man in white then smiled and got out of the carriage.

The young man in Tsing Yi followed.

"This is such a good place... I like it!"

The young man in Tsing Yi looked at the words 'Feiyan Tower' on the vermilion plaque in front of him, with a smile on his face.Listening slightly, you can hear the sound of silk and bamboo in the building.

one look……

It's such an elegant place!

The two of them walked into Feiyan Tower very naturally.

Before the person in charge in the building appeared, several very graceful girls greeted her. Those half-covered clothes and unfathomable...smiles really made people feel uncomfortable all over.

Any girl in the building, placed outside, is no less beautiful than a concubine.

And without mentioning the obvious "I'm rich" attitude of the young man in green, the young man in white made the eyes of countless women spring up...

For those women.

Life is always so unsatisfactory.

But in this unsatisfactory situation, it is also very good to see a happy person.

The young man in white didn't seem to have much strength, but he couldn't stand Yushu facing the wind.

Paired with white clothes, he really has the attitude of Mo Shangren Ruyu, the unparalleled son of the world.

And the young man in white walked into the building very calmly before.Suddenly seeing so many women approaching like... a scourge, he immediately revealed his secrets.Afraid of being unable to hold back, he quickly wrapped himself up tightly.


After the young man in Tsing Yi smiled slyly, he waved his hand, spilled a bag of spirit stones, and told the girls to leave.

Those women are also very knowledgeable, although the young man in Tsing Yi looks like a big spender, he may not be able to fall in love with them.

Otherwise, with their pretty good looks, they wouldn't be able to show their faces in front of this hall.

The word "Oiran" is still a little purple higher than them.

"It's so easy!"

The young man in green patted the young man in white on the shoulder, and said with a half-smile.Afterwards, he took the lead to lead the way and headed towards the highest floor of Feiyan Tower.

There is no way, there is a stack of account books in his carriage.

He also has countless shops or assets under his command.

He knows all kinds of ways of a brothel like the back of his hand.

For example, the highest floor of a brothel is not accessible to ordinary people.

Another example, before he came here, he bought many shops in Feiyan City... The most worrying thing in his life is how to spend money!

Facing the run-on by the young man in Tsing Yi, the young man in white felt a little annoyed, and then he stepped down patiently.He...Damn it, who has lived a mighty hundred years, who can't become a real man!
The two had just stepped into a secret room, but within a few breaths, a person walked in the room.

It is the proprietress of this brothel.

And when the two turned their heads, they were slightly taken aback.

This proprietress looks too scary... It's good to see that it makes the two people's eyes light up, and their heart beats a little faster without knowing it.

The proprietress' dress is not gorgeous, it can even be said to be plain.

However, it is precisely because of this simplicity that the latter's glamor and enchanting charm are supported. Those soft and charming eyes hide the unique style of the world.

"Cough cough..."

The young man in white suddenly coughed a few times, then turned around, sat calmly in the room, and poured himself a cup of tea, calm but not calm.

The young man in Tsing Yi was stunned for a moment, but he smiled. Before the proprietress could speak, he threw out another generation of spirit stones and said calmly, "Let's find someone!"

The smile on the landlady's face didn't diminish, but she said: "You two young masters, this is a place to have fun. If you want to find someone, you can find someone in the city..."

The proprietress weighed the weight of the spirit stone for a while, and then said: "There is a blacksmith's shop in the north of the city, and it is the place with the most information!"

The young man in Tsing Yi frowned slightly, then pouted, lowered his head and looked at the proprietress with a smile, "My name is Shang Julu, the proprietress has never heard of it!"

The smile on the proprietress's face froze for a moment, and then her chest fluctuated, perhaps because her mood changed too quickly.

"I'm not famous. Since the lady boss knows me, it means that you are not simple! I hope there will be no more roundabout conversations between us!"

As he said that, Shang Julu added another bag of spirit stones to the proprietress's arms.

"What does Mr. Shang want to know?"

The smile on the proprietress's face became a little embarrassed.

"Three days ago, a man named Lin Huang entered Feiyan Tower. As far as I know, he hasn't left in these three"

The smile on Shang Julu's face became brighter and brighter:
"Tell me, is he still in this building... or did he suddenly disappear..."

"Lin Huang?"

The proprietress frowned suspiciously, then slowly shook her head, "Feiyan Tower has hundreds of guests coming and going every day, and I have never heard of the person Mr. Shang is talking about. You know, Feiyan Tower is not an ordinary brothel, so if ordinary people come in, I won't have the energy to pay attention!"

Just as the proprietress finished speaking, the young man in white knocked his teacup on the table.

He suddenly turned his head, looked at the lady boss who was full of doubts and ignorance, and smiled, his eyes fell lightly on the lady boss's face, which was extremely aggressive and made the lady boss very uncomfortable.

When the proprietress looked at the young man in white, she only found that in the latter's gentle and brilliant eyes, there was unparalleled sharpness and fierceness hidden...

It seems that no one has any secrets under those eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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