
Chapter 985 Qin Xuance's Bad Thoughts

Chapter 985 Qin Xuance's Bad Thoughts

"Oh, you, is there anything you can do!" Luo Huanhuan said anxiously.

Suddenly, the movements in Qin Xuance's hands paused, "Yes!"

"Speak quickly!"

"When you go back, tell your master 'Lin Cangxue said, I sincerely hope you can be with the master', that's enough!"

Qin Xuance said.

Luo Huanhuan's eyes lit up immediately, and then she glanced at the room where Lin Cangxue was, "But...would this be a lie to my master!"

The little girl began to struggle again.

Qin Xuance smiled, and said: "Actually, Lin Cangxue knew how to resolve the jealousy in your master's heart, but you came to ask her to leave Tianyin City so suddenly. She is naturally angry in her heart, so don't worry about it." I will tell you the answer, in fact, this sentence is what Lin Cangxue wanted to say!"

Luo Huanhuan twirled her fingers around her hair, looking a little cute and playful, and then said: "So that's the case, how can you be so smart, you can guess it!"

Qin Xuance smiled calmly, "It's just that I read a few more books, I can't be considered smart, and I'm far worse than Miss Luo Huanhuan!"

"It's okay, just work hard!"

Luo Huanhuan floated up immediately, with a smile all over her face, which made Qin Xuance a little crazy.

"Okay, I'll go first, thank you!"


Seeing that Luo Huanhuan was about to leave, Qin Xuance suddenly felt a little lost, so he hurriedly opened his mouth.

Luo Huanhuan turned her head and looked at the latter.

"With little effort, Luo Huanhuan doesn't need to teach me the rhythm!"

Qin Xuance laughed.

"No, I must teach you, I don't want to owe you favors!"

Luo Huanhuan said firmly.

"But I'm leaving Tianyin City soon!"

Qin Xuance said with some embarrassment.

"Then start from tomorrow. Tomorrow you will come to the Goddess Palace to look for... well, forget it, I will look for you tomorrow!"

Luo Huanhuan said, and then handed the Qin behind him to Qin Xuance, "You keep it for me first, familiarize yourself with the feeling, remember, don't break it for me, otherwise I will never end with you!"

"oh oh!"

Qin Xuance groaned twice, holding the Guqin in his arms like holding a baby.

"You are so stupid, hee hee..."

Luo Huanhuan looked at Qin Xuance's flustered look, and smiled like a flower for a moment, then left Qingluan Palace briskly and nimbly without looking back.


After Luo Huanhuan left, Qin Xuance let out a long sigh of relief, and patted his beating heart.


Suddenly, Lin Cangxue opened the door, walked into the courtyard, looked at Qin Xuance who was holding the qin, and said with a smile, "You don't know the rhythm?"

"No way, not at all!"

Qin Xuance spoke uprightly.

Lin Cangxue sneered twice, and sat on the stone bench in the yard.

"That... thank you!"

Qin Xuance knew he couldn't hide Lin Cangxue, so he smiled.

"love at first sight?"

Lin Cangxue asked Qin Xuance, the moment Luo Huanhuan arrived and opened the door, she realized something was wrong with Qin Xuance.The woman's delicate thoughts allowed her to see through Qin Xuance's emotions at a glance.

"It's not the first time I've seen her, but it's okay!"

Qin Xuance nodded, and continued: "When Lin Huang was in the ancient battlefield, I saw her through the screen of delivering the [-]th kill token!"

If Lin Huang was here at this moment and his condition was normal, he would definitely smash Qin Xuance's head with his palm.When Lin Huang and Luo Huanhuan were traveling together, they were always blind, and they didn't know what kind of woman the latter was.

At that time, he only felt that something was wrong with Qin Xuance, why did he insist on staying with Luo Huanhuan.

And he also asked Qin Xuance how this woman is. What Qin Xuance said at that time was not very beautiful. It turned out that she was guarding against forest shortages like thieves.

"Ancient battlefield..."

Lin Cangxue raised her voice, and then frowned her delicate eyebrows, "The main reason why you left the Eastern Spiritual Realm was because of Luo Huanhuan!"

Qin Xuance shook his head immediately, "It's because Lin Huang couldn't get along in the Taixuan Realm, so he came out in a hurry!"

Lin Cangxue snorted suddenly.

Although what Qin Xuance said was convincing, his face turned red in an instant.

"Her mind is too clean, don't spend too much time!"

Lin Cangxue warned Qin Xuance.

Qin Xuance smiled awkwardly, gritted his teeth and said, "How dare you!"

Lin Cangxue snorted again. She listened to the conversation between the two just now.

Take a piano score first, and get closer to Luo Huanhuan, so that she won't be so nervous.

Then he said he didn't understand the rhythm.

Luo Huanhuan had a reason to openly exchange terms with Qin Xuance.

Before Luo Huanhuan left, she forced the little girl to set a specific time... Poor Luo Huanhuan, from the beginning to the end, she didn't know that she had stepped into Qin Xuance's bottomless pit.

In Lin Cangxue's eyes, all of Qin Xuance's tweaks and disguises were clearly seen.

"If you want to be with her, her master's test is very sad!"

Lin Cangxue kindly reminded Qin Xuance.

This time, Qin Xuance nodded solemnly. He had heard about it from Shang Julu a long time ago. After thinking about it for a long time, Qin Xuance laughed again: "She has a master, but I don't have a master?"

"Her master knows and will tear you alive. If your master knows, he may tear you alive too!"

Lin Cangxue said.

Qin Xuance was a little discouraged.However, the confidence on his face did not diminish in the slightest. Thinking of Luo Huanhuan's agile appearance, his heart felt like the spring breeze in March, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Lin Cangxue slapped her forehead with her hands, feeling as if she had been hit a little bit.

"Let's talk about your master!"

After Qin Xuance laughed, he hid the intense joy in his heart, looked up at Lin Cangxue, his expression gradually became calm and serious, "Li Taixuan, what happened!"

Lin Cangxue was stunned for a moment, and looked at Qin Xuance with some doubts.

"Accordingly, when Li Taixuan appeared in the Qingtian Martial House, the Xuantian God Clan had just retreated, and the Qingtian Martial House would have a catastrophe at any time, and you were still in the Martial House, so he shouldn't be so casual. leave!"

"Also, Luo Xiaoxiang's appearance in the Taixuan Domain may have come in pursuit of Li Taixuan. But this is too much of a coincidence, Li Taixuan's whereabouts have never been a secret, why Luo Xiaoxiang came at this time!"

"Besides, Luo Xiaoxiang has been staying here, which means that she no longer knows about Li Taixuan's whereabouts! And when you appear here, you also don't know about Li Taixuan's whereabouts. You can only hope that Li Taixuan will come to Tianyin City to meet Luo Xiaoxiang!"

"So, Li Taixuan should have disappeared!"

"Li Taixuan disappeared, it may be reasonable for you to be so anxious, because the other few are disciples of the Qingtian Martial House, and they will be hunted down by the Xuantian God Clan anytime. They need Li Taixuan's protection. But Luo Xiaoxiang's reaction is very unusual Now, Li Taixuan is such a strong man, even if he disappears, he should not be intercepted and killed, so she doesn't need to wait here for Li Taixuan at all!"

"Besides, after all, Luo Xiaoxiang is the Qin Jue who has been famous in the mainland for a long time. No matter how narrow-minded he is, he will not point the finger at you. I want to force you to leave Tianyin City, but to force Li Taixuan to show up!"

Qin Xuance said a lot of words in one breath, and put the thoughts in his mind one by one in front of Lin Cangxue, and finally concluded:

"So, Li Taixuan must have something to do now, or something happened!"

When she said this, Lin Cangxue's face was already pale, and she stared at Qin Xuance in disbelief.

Everyone here has not noticed the problem. Qin Xuance saw through this matter as soon as he entered Tianyin City, and he has almost grasped the truth of the matter.

And Qin Xuance looked at Lin Cangxue's changing expression, which was also a thought in his heart. He tapped the piano score in his hand and said calmly:

"Li Taixuan is a generation of holy emperors, and his affairs are likely to be related to the four ancient clans. And you, Luo Xiaoxiang, Lin Huang, and even everyone here will be related. are really not going to tell me What happened to Li Taixuan?"

(End of this chapter)

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