
Chapter 995

Chapter 995
In the sky full of smoke and dust, the blood-stained middle-aged man in white clothes came out...

Hand-held three-foot peach blossom drunk.

It was... Li Taixuan?

Do not!
That's not Li Taixuan...

It's Lin Huang!

And apart from him, no one came out of the smoke and dust in the sky.Those who intercepted and killed him, perhaps all turned into smoke in the smoke.

Lin Huang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, showed a cruel smile, glanced at everyone, shook twice as if he was exhausted, and said:
"Do you want to kill me again? Who else?"

Lin Huang's voice was not loud.

Even mild.

However, it clearly fell on everyone's ears, and the wind was as cold as a knife's edge, and everyone couldn't help but send a shivers down their spines. will be Lin Huang!
They clearly saw that the person sitting cross-legged in the big pit before was Li Taixuan.

The real Lee Tae Hyun.

But why, it was Lin Huang who walked out of the smoke.

For a time, many people were puzzled and hesitated!
Even if Lin Huang is proficient in the art of disguise, the vision of a warrior must not be simple.Judging people... is not simply judging people, but seeing through the bones.

and so.

They were quite sure that Li Taixuan was in the big pit before.

But now...

Everyone can't figure it out!

Moreover, what made them palpitate was that in order to trap and kill these people, Luo Xiaoxiang was seriously injured again.

The same is true for many warriors she brought.

Together with Li Taixuan's beloved little donkey, they are dying now...

At the center of everyone's attention, Lin Huang lifted Luo Xiaoxiang up with a slight lift of his arm, and calmly said, "Okay?"

Luo Xiaoxiang spit out a mouthful of blood.

The corner of Lin Huang's mouth twitched slightly, and he shook his head helplessly.

Afterwards, Lin Huang turned around again, and glanced at the warriors who were watching the battle all around him, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was looking for someone.

For example, want to kill Li Taixuan.

want to kill him.

Or people from the Four Ancient Clans.

However, in the crowded crowd, although there were many whispers, no one dared to stand up and fight against Lin Huang.

after all……

The current Lin Huang has a strength comparable to that of Li Taixuan in the past.

Lin Huang had helplessness on his face, then shook his head, waved his sleeves, and left this place!

Li Taixuan's second time to cross the catastrophe, he came and went in a hurry!

However, inside and outside Tianyin City, there was quite a stir.

After all, this is already the second time.

Everyone has been deceived by Lin Huang twice, the first time is okay, after all, everyone did not think that this is a game.

But the second time can still be cheated...

This is somewhat unreasonable.

For a while, everyone was guessing about Li Taixuan's real time of crossing the catastrophe.

At the same time, he also hated Lin Huang.

In two kills, he killed more than 20 holy king warriors.

More than 20 people, maybe they are nothing among the four ancient clans.But for the non-top forces on the mainland, it was a huge loss.


Is there a third time?

In the first two times, Li Taixuan never appeared.If he really has God's Punishment, then it will appear... Then next time, will it be the real Li Taixuan?
Or the third inning?

For a while, many people in the city found this matter interesting.After all, things that cannot predict the outcome will make people more excited.

But for some people, it is too painful!

After all, they were going to kill Li Taixuan.

Or kill Lin Huang.

As the saying goes, there are only three things!

The next time will be the third time... But this time, will it be Li Taixuan or Lin Huang?

This is always an unknown, which makes them feel strongly uneasy.

If he was not careful, he would give Lin Huang the heads of more than a dozen holy kings.

But if Li Taixuan successfully survived the punishment of heaven, perhaps it would not be a matter of the heads of a dozen or so saint kings.After all, targeting Li Taixuan in this way, when the latter returns to his realm, he is afraid that his family will be destroyed.

Li Taixuan didn't do such things very much.

But also did a lot!


"It's interesting!"

In a palace not far from the Goddess Palace, an old man with frosty hair stood on the terrace, looking at the afterglow of the setting sun, and laughed: "Are you actually playing a game of wolf coming? Are you wise or naive?"

"Da Si Ming said that Luo Xiaoxiang..."

Beside the old man Shuangbai, a middle-aged man spoke.

The man was tall and tall, half a head taller than the old man, his face was as cold and hard as a rock, and there was sharpness hidden in his calm eyes.He stood side by side with the old man, and it seemed that he was not weaker than the old man in the status of the gods.

The old man Shuangbai... is none other than the Chief Commander of the Xuantian God Clan, Shang Jiazi!
Following the order of Emperor Tianshu, he came to bring Lin Huang back to the Xuantian God Clan.It's just that he appears here now, I don't know if he has other thoughts about Li Taixuan.

"It can't be Luo Xiaoxiang's layout!"

Shang Jiazi shook his head, "Have you ever seen a few planners who used themselves as bait to lure others into the game? They accidentally hacked themselves to death, what should I do?"

"And...with Luo Xiaoxiang's character, I'm afraid that the original vision was to protect Li Taixuan with all his might, so how could he play such tricks like a street kid!"

The middle-aged man frowned slightly: "Then according to Da Si Ming, will Li Taixuan appear for the third time?"

Shang Jiazi smiled slightly, but he didn't give the latter an accurate answer. He just smiled and said: "Everyone who makes a plan thinks that he is smarter than others, and can play with others! In fact, most of them don't understand what strategy is." !"

"Tell me!"

The middle-aged man said.

Shang Jiazi did not refuse, "Everyone has a level of thinking, some are on the first level, some are on the second level, and some are on the third level..."

"When a scholar meets a soldier, it is difficult for him to reason with the soldier!"

"But if Bing meets a general, then the general will use his own means to convince Bing!"

"And if the general meets a scholar, he may be able to hear a lot of truths!"

"Soldiers, generals, and scholars, you can understand them as people on the first, second, and third floors. A scholar can subdue a general but not a soldier!"


Shang Jiazi turned his head to look at the middle-aged man.

"more or less!"

The middle-aged man nodded, "Which floor is the person behind this matter?"

"It doesn't matter, I just need to be one level higher than him!"

Shang Jiazi laughed.

The middle-aged man frowned slightly, as if he was a little impatient with Shang Jiazi's nagging, and said bluntly: "Although the gate of the plane of Qingtian Martial Mansion has been suppressed, there are still many hidden dangers, I can't stay here any longer ! Just tell me, at the third time of God's punishment, I will still not make a move!"

Shang Jiazi still didn't answer the middle-aged man directly, "Master Lingzun, why worry, the hidden danger of the gate of the plane can compare to the glory of the Xuantian God Clan beheading Li Taixuan, the best swordsman?"

The middle-aged man frowned slightly. He didn't know whether he agreed with Shang Jiazi's statement or not. He just looked up at the gradually darkening sky and said calmly:

"The third heavenly punishment has already begun to brew!"

(End of this chapter)

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