I really don't want to be red

Chapter 1182 Suddenly Fired

Chapter 1182 Suddenly Fired

Fuck, is it really an insider?Still a total!
The head of the finance department is very busy, and these people come to order with money.

As long as you dare to supply, people dare to give you money.

Direct transfer without any hesitation.

"Oh, I'm really from the company. I don't know, brother, don't mind!" The big man apologized quickly.

"What? This is Mr. Li, the person in charge of the entire company. Why did you offend my boss?" Li Xuerui, the head of the finance department, is a woman in her 30s.

Half-jokingly: "Be careful that our boss doesn't sell your goods!"

"Boss Li, please don't, I'm wrong, okay?"

Li Wei waved his hand, "It's not that exaggerated, don't worry, if you have the goods, you will definitely sell them, who wouldn't want to make money?"

"But, Boss Li, when will you have the stock?" someone shouted from behind.

Li Xuerui said: "What are you in a hurry for? The workshop has been running at full capacity, and the orders are scheduled until March next year. You guys, it's better not to wait!"

"Come on, Mr. Li, we've been waiting for several days!"

"That's right, Mr. Li, can't you just give us a portion of the amount?"

Li Wei suddenly said: "Everyone, don't worry, we are now starting to expand the production line. It is estimated that the production capacity will be doubled in February next year at the earliest, so you don't have to work so hard!"

"Really? That's great!"

"Mr. Li, you have to hurry up. Now your drinks have become a signature item, and many stores specify that they want solar function drinks."

"Everyone seems to be crazy now, the supply exceeds the demand!"

Li Wei said: "Don't worry, everyone, the funds are already in place, just wait for the assembly line!"

After chatting with customers outside, Li Wei came to the accounting room.

In the office, Li Xuerui brought tea to Li Wei, "Boss An is so happy to do things, and directly transferred [-] million cash into the account. To be honest, I was really shocked!"

"He's also worried? Are you afraid that we will do something wrong? This is [-] million!"

After working in finance for so long, Li Xuerui has never seen such a big hearted person.

Be careful whoever puts the [-] million cash in. In Anran's case, they call directly.


Li Wei smiled wryly and said, "Why do you feel relieved? Because I have already signed a contract with you, and he is now the owner of Sun Beverage, with 30 shares here! What are you afraid of when you divide people?"

"I said it!" Li Xuerui had a comprehension expression on her face.

Li Wei said again: "Even if I don't have a share, I don't dare to be a black man? Who is An Ran? If I dare not admit it, this company may not be able to continue."

The people around them are all he can't afford to offend, he just sliced ​​his head flat to get in.

Of course not doing such a stupid thing.

Li Xuerui nodded and said, "Then what should we do next? Continue to expand production?"

"Of course!"

Li Wei said: "There is one more thing, you set aside a certain amount of advertising fee, put the advertisement in the gift box first."

"Gift Box?"

Li Xuerui said: "The gift box we brought? It's too late to produce it now, and the plain packs are not enough to sell. If we are making gift boxes... I'm afraid the loss will outweigh the gain."

"Don't produce, advertise first!"


Now Li Xuerui was a little confused.

After so many years of being a financial officer, I have seen many high-end business bureaus, but I have never seen anything like this.

The product is not on the market yet, so print the advertisement first?

and then?
The products are on the market and are not popular with the public. Your batch of products is not worthless, and there is an extra expense.

What do you think?
"Boss, isn't this a little too hasty?" Li Xuerui persuaded: "I think it's safer to advertise on the market after it's put on the market. Float!"

Li Wei also had this concern, but An Ran spoke with confidence.

An Ran's judgment from the very beginning was right.

Whether it is the judgment of the trend of the entertainment industry or the judgment of other commodity markets, they are almost ahead of everyone.

There is nothing wrong with it.

Although he was also worried, he still chose An Ran's idea after all.

"Forget it, I'm still very fond of Mr. An. Look at this ad? We did product placement and spent more than 2 million yuan. At that time, how many people looked at me like a fool!"

"What about now? I guess I've regretted my intestines!"

Li Xuerui nodded, "That's true, but the boss still thinks it through carefully. After all, we have such a good momentum now, I think it's better to be conservative!"

Li Wei waved his hand, "Listen to me!"

Anyway, with An Ran around, he can't take care of things if something goes wrong?There is also his 30 million investment and [-]% of the shares!

Well, Li Xuerui didn't talk anymore, you are the boss, you can do whatever you say.

As for herself, she has already done what she should do, and if the boss insists on going his own way, she can't help it.

Soon, Li Wei followed An Ran's train of thought and started publicity and advertising.

First of all, the health programs on TV began to promote the benefits of stevia.

Since various health programs and health science popularization programs on TV now say that some things can cure all diseases, many people have tried it and the effect is not good.

Everyone has a skeptical attitude towards these things.

But Enron is different.

Stevia has only one function, instead of sugar, diabetics can also drink it, it is very sweet but not sugar.

It was only put on a health program for one episode, and this thing attracted a lot of attention.

No way, now is the era of health, everyone knows that eating too much sugar is not good.

But there are a few people who can stand that kind of temptation. The sweetness is irresistible and delicious. Even if they are seriously ill, they want to try it.

Because sweetness can bring people a pleasant mood, such as a spring of inspiration.

These are all other flavors that cannot be bought.

Therefore, although stevia has only this effect, it has attracted the attention of many people.

Enron is just a warm-up, and it hasn't been launched on a large scale yet, so people are starting to be vigilant.

Fortunately, Wang Yuan was fast over there, and offered a price that the owner of the base could not refuse, and won this piece.

Many people have called to the base, hoping to order stevia.

After Wang Yuan asked for permission, he politely refused, and said that the quantity is not very large, and the supermarket sells it, so everyone can go to the supermarket to buy.

The first batch of people who noticed this was naturally the major beverage factories.

After all, abistame is a chemical preparation with many side effects. Although the sweetness is very high, long-term use will cause cancer, which is enough to discourage everyone.

Who the hell would use that if there were natural sweeteners instead?

Wang Yuan is not a fool, he just got the base.

But there are a lot of goods, most of which are the stocks planted in the previous two years and stored in the warehouse after drying.

This time, the stevia in the supermarket suddenly became popular.

And the price has also started to skyrocket, from 50 per kilogram to 70 per kilogram!

Wang Yuan was so excited that he couldn't help it. He didn't do anything, so he made some money first?
(End of this chapter)

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