I really don't want to be red

Chapter 1412 Building a Universe of Power

Chapter 1412 Building a Universe of Power

Of course, the 1.5 million refers to Xizhou coins. For a company that is struggling to make ends meet, this is the grace of salvation.

With this money, the boss can live comfortably for the rest of his life, and get rid of the big burden of the company.

Lucas said: "The most I can say is this much, I guess it can be less!"

An Ran said: "Buy at all costs!"

Lucas understood what he meant, and this at all costs is of course based on the current situation of Power Corporation.

It is impossible to exceed 1.5 million.

But doing business is always beneficial, so you can start.

You don't have an obvious plan, how can you just buy if you say buy.

Lucas sat up straight involuntarily, "Mr. An, I admire your vision very much, but I need a reason to convince me!"

If the acquisition is launched, it must be the current Lucas who will come forward to make the acquisition. If he has a share, can he not worry about it?

An Ran said: "I will contribute the acquisition funds, you don't have to pay a penny, but after Power Company is merged into Lucasfilm, my shares need to reach 49%!"

Lucas was taken aback. He was not worried that Enron would annex his company, and now the shareholders are actually the two of them.

Even if An Ran gets 49% of the shares, he still holds the majority. As long as he holds the majority, such an annexation is impossible.

Still lead by him.

But An Ran's confidence really surprised him. This is a character work of Powery Company, and he has a lot of confidence to ask for this condition.

"No problem! I want to hear your plans for the future!"

An Ran said: "It's very simple, launch the Power Movie Universe."

"Movie Universe?" Lucas was a little unfamiliar with this term and didn't quite understand it.

"We first adapted "The Iron Man", then adapted "Electric God", adapted "Captain Xizhou"...then let these people all appear in the same movie, and there will be a big scene..."

What the hell!

Lucas cursed in Western slang. This idea is novel and bold. If so many superheroes form a linkage, then this movie will be absolutely wonderful.

But the premise is that the previous hero movies are all successful, at least not at a loss.

He calculated that according to the comics, to collect all these heroes, there must be at least seven or eight movies. Even if one is a huge loss, it will easily cause the "power universe" to be difficult to produce.

This is a gamble for An Ran and for him.

An Ran is betting on the future of movies. If she succeeds, she will naturally make a lot of money.

If it is not successful, it will be a huge loss.

What he gambled on was An Ran's confidence and talent. If An Ran's talent was enough to support the formation of this universe, he would also make a lot of money.

On the contrary, Lucasfilm will probably disappear in the long river of history.

Lucas thought for a long time, "Mr. An, your idea is very bold and you have successfully conquered me. I will gamble with you for a while. In order to let you play to the fullest and not be restricted by this old guy like me, Lukas Cass Films, I hope to inject other shares, we each take 10% of the shares and hand them over to Miss Chu Xiaoxiao, what do you think!"

An Ran was taken aback for a moment, and he immediately understood that this guy was afraid that he would be irrational, and the only person he could be afraid of was his sister, so he offered to hand over the shares to Chu Xiaoxiao.

This share, of course, was after he acquired the power company.

"In addition, you also need to pay 5000 million US dollars in cash for the share replacement..."

This part of the money was used by Lucas as his pension security. If he lost money, he would not have nothing.

An Ran smiled and said, "Deal!"

The two shook hands, and Lucas smiled taking advantage, "Although Chu Xiaoxiao is your sister, I got 5000 million for nothing, and you will be the helm of Lucasfilm from now on!"

Of course, the main management is still done by Lucas, but this company can basically be regarded as Enron.

In fact, Lucas is relatively young, but just 50 years old.

But if Lucasfilm continues to grow bigger, he may not be able to do it himself. Enron has strong strength and a strong family background. More importantly, Enron is also one of the largest shareholders of "AMR" theater chain, the largest theater chain in Xizhou.

It's better for him to do it.

Now that he has given away his shares, but if "Power Universe" can succeed, the company's value will naturally increase several times, dozens of times, and his assets will snowball and grow bigger and bigger.

With a guarantee of 5000 million US dollars and huge profits, the deal is actually very cost-effective.

It's just that he didn't know that An Ran was not gambling.

It's just making a fortune that is almost free...

Several people quickly settled the matter. As for the contract, Chu Xiaoxiao will naturally be responsible.

Lucas was in a good mood, "I'll call Poweri now and find out what they say..."

Now he appears more aggressive than Enron.

An Ran smiled and didn't speak.

Lucas dialed the phone and waited for a while before the other person answered the channel: "Mr. Lucas, have you considered it? If you have no plans to start filming recently, then I will take back the copyright!"

In order for An Ran to hear clearly, Lucas deliberately turned on the hands-free.

"Mr. Wayne, I actually have a better suggestion!"

The other end was silent for a while before saying in a tired voice: "Please tell me, Mr. Lucas, I hope your suggestion can make me happier."

Wayne's voice didn't sound very interested.

However, everyone present could understand that with so many comic copyrights in their hands, but no money, no one would be able to stand it.

"I plan to buy Power Company!"


The voice over there suddenly rose, and then there was excitement in the voice, "Mr. Lucas, have you thought it through?"

"Of course, as long as the price is right, I am willing to sell Power Company."

Chu Xiaoxiao raised her chin slightly, but did not speak. It is obvious that Mr. Wayne is eager to sell the company. As a person with a bit of intelligence, he knows how to do it.

Sure enough, Lucas suddenly fell silent.

Wayne was inexplicable, "Mr. Lucas, are you still there?"

"I'm here!" Lucas sighed, "You want to sell the company so eagerly. My partner and I are thinking about whether we should buy it. If the company is good, you probably won't sell it in such a hurry, right?"


Wayne knew that he had lost his composure, so he had to tell the truth, "No, no, Mr. Lucas's debt problem is not a problem for you. Just think about it. Once you buy our company, you will have all the power of Power Company for 40 years. Comic copyright...you can develop countless possibilities from it, can't you?"

Lucas said with a smile: "But you know better than me that superhero movies rely too much on special effects, the investment is huge, and they are prone to losses, so that no one dares to shoot now..."

"This..." Wayne was speechless for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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