I really don't want to be red

Chapter 1518 Brainless Plot

Chapter 1518 Brainless Plot
The sudden sound made everyone startled.

What the hell?

It seems to be the sound of electric current.

There shouldn't be such a voice on this occasion.

As a result, the boy rubbed his fingertips with a puzzled look on his face.

Cindy smiled apologetically.

Lens to the past.


What do you think?

The audience burst into laughter, and some people even laughed out of breath. This is too spoof.

The little boy had no choice but to leave after saying a few words to Cindy.

The next thing is that everyone meets at school, and a few close classmates make an appointment to go out to play.

During this period, it was some vulgar and funny content.

An Ran seems to want to carry the disgusting people to the end, which is full of jokes like foul language and ambiguous slang.

This movie is really not for people in the Xia Zhou cultural circle.

It is completely aimed at Xizhou movie audiences, because many stalks in it are put on Xiazhou's side, and they don't understand at all.

The plot moves forward quickly.

Six people were driving and knocked down an old man who scavenged on the road.

Everyone discussed how to keep it secret, and when the corpse was destroyed, the old man stood up unsteadily and said that he was fine.

But the few people who were only focused on the discussion didn't pay attention to this matter at all.

Especially the leader of the group, Xiaoshuai, flew out the soda bottle.

Coincidentally, the bottle hit the old man's head.

The old man who should have escaped was directly raped.

Everyone laughed again.

There are constant coincidences, spoofs, and unexpected plots in it.

And Lucas was the one who laughed the least.

Because half of his energy is analyzing An Ran's filmmaking techniques and the direction of the plot.

There are indeed many spoof plots in the movie, but under An Ran's ingenious arrangement, all these clips have become jokes.

Thinking of this, Lucas suddenly froze.

This guy……

It's basically because everyone is familiar with these plots, and as long as you change them casually, you can create good jokes.

Many plots have formed a fixed impression under the influence of everyone, and it is difficult to change.

And it's all well known.

But the plot that you thought would follow your thoughts suddenly turned into another kind, and the laughing fruit appeared immediately.

Lucas shook his head slightly.

This guy is a master at playing with audience psychology, always creating surprises, so you can't guess how it will turn out.

With the addition of messy spoofs, it all tastes a bit out of the blue.

Many people in the small movie theater are laughing to death.

Is the movie vulgar?

Lucas can say with certainty that he has never seen such a vulgar movie in his life, which is full of all kinds of vulgar stalks.

For example, the blond girl in front farted, Dumb shit, etc...

This kind of messy and vulgar plot has a lot of plots that go straight to excrement.

But if you want to remove these things, there will be a lot less little jokes that can be accumulated.

And these are interspersed in various plots.

A lot of people have started talking about Enron making a parody of that movie.

"My God, this guy is too messed up. This is a scene from "Moonlight Panicked". I don't know what Hua Na's people think when they see it."

"Not only that, isn't the robot that appeared just now from "Pacific Rim"? He was beaten up, haha!"

"The archery one is a spoof of "The Hunger Games", but it's a pity that it shot in the ass of one of our own."

"That woman jumped up just now is "The Matrix", my God, I almost died laughing."

"There is almost no one else, no matter the old movie or the new movie, this guy is relentless!"

"Haha, that spoof of "Baywatch" almost killed me laughing..."

Everyone is discussing how many movies Enron spoofed.

Lucas smiled slightly, this guy is just as easy to use, in many plots, it can be seen that An Ran played it at will, without any script at all.

It is estimated that Turner and Rachel also have a lot of dialogue and performance, which are all played at will.

The whole movie runs smoothly.

Especially in terms of plot, it is not as simple as it is written in the book.

The script has almost no plot, just a patchwork of various things.

But now it seems that everyone is thinking about who the murderer is.

It's just that this murderer is too spoof, and often makes some messy mentally retarded things.

It's just unbearable.

Soon, the 1 hour and 40 minutes movie was over.

During the whole movie, everyone laughed and laughed.

Although there are not many people, the atmosphere is really good.

And another thing that surprised Lucas was that he thought that this kind of movie could be watched without thinking.

Generally speaking, when you watch a spoof movie, you don’t use your brains when you watch it. After watching it, except for the particularly impressive ones, you hardly remember the plot.

But in this movie, he remembered unexpectedly clearly.

Lucas understood after a little thought.

Because this is based on the plots of classic movies, everyone knows those movies very well, so they remember them clearly.

In the final analysis, it is still a spoof film with little nutrition, but in terms of plot, An Ran has made improvements.

In addition, let other people's movies help the audience remember the plot.

A stroke of genius!

After the movie ended, Lucas came out.

Ma Wei, who was next to her, asked, "Mr. Lucas, what is your expectation for the box office of this movie?"

Lucas said with a smile: "Enron will always create surprises and surprises for everyone. I originally thought that the box office of this spoof movie would not exceed 5000 million, but now I think it may exceed 1 million!"

Ronan laughed "haha" and said, "I want to see the faces of the executives of the major film companies, how many classics the boss has ruined with one movie!"

"Especially those few soul questions, almost made me laugh!" Ronan said, "Is there a plot in "Scream"? Does "I Know What You Did Last Summer" make sense?"

"The heroine actually replied, there is no plot, the actors are too bad..."

"Oh my god, I think the Huaner Company and the Universal Company will probably be pissed off!"

Thinking of this, Lucas pressed his brows. Speaking of this, it was indeed a bit violent.

It is no exaggeration to ridicule, although it is telling the truth, it is very likely to be sued.

"Ma Wei, let the legal department prepare. After this movie is released, I guess we will have a lot of lawsuits!"

According to his own rough calculation, An Ran has spoofed at least a dozen movies.

Far away, such as "Scream", "I Know What You Did Last Summer", this kind of youth horror film.

The most recent ones are "The Matrix", "The Hunger Games", and "Pacific Rim".

Moreover, this guy is all openly teasing and spoofing, without saving any face.

Ma Wei nodded, "But I think Teacher An Ran must have a way to deal with it..."

"Whether he has it or not, we have to be ready!"

Lucas has a headache.

Well, once this movie is released, there will be no room for negotiation with major companies...

(End of this chapter)

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