I really don't want to be red

Chapter 1527 This is Tragedy

Chapter 1527 This is Tragedy
"When you see the power grid that the father installed for the girl, don't you think it's super funny? But if you are a father, I'm afraid you can't wait to do it!"

"Xizhou's freedom and openness have harmed entire generations, and its very precocious behavior has caused children to behave like adults prematurely!"

"According to the data, the number of pregnancies in Xizhou is as high as 1.2% every year. This is an indisputable fact, and it is also the sorrow of every father!"

"Isn't this a tragedy?"

"As for the old man who was knocked down on the road, everyone didn't think about how to take responsibility and deal with the aftermath. The first thing they thought about was dealing with the corpse and staying out of it!"

"My God, the crime rate in Xizhou is one of the highest in the world. Rich people live in high-end residential areas with tight security. When the police patrol, they also focus on taking care of these areas."

"As for the poor? Who cares about their lives? The annual crime rate is as high as 15%, more than half of which occur in civilian areas, and as many as 50% of these cases are violent crimes, which can easily kill people!"

"If you are from a rich area, you can just row away, but if you are from a poor area...do you feel the same way? Because even if you are beaten to death, you will still be thrown into the river, and the police station will only come together No one will seriously investigate the disappearance case!"

"Because you are not important..."

Those who watched this passage felt chills down their spines and broke out in cold sweat.

Was Cameron right?


What I said is completely true. Violent crime is an unsolvable problem in Xizhou and has existed for a long time.

Robbery, murder, burglary, etc...

All headaches.

It's better in a city like Twistyue.

If you go to Chicago, after nightfall, it is best to stay in the bustling business district. If you go to those less civilian places, you will find that there are many fights and robberies.

People don't care at all.

This movie actually reflects social reality.

"In fact, in this movie, such examples abound. Almost every plot that seems extremely exaggerated is alluding to reality. You laugh out loud, and it is indeed the sadness of ordinary middle-class people."

"I don't want to give other examples, but there is one point I want to focus on, and that is dumb!"

"Mr. An Ran is right. People who work in the profession of dumb in Xizhou are basically fools. They only serve the rich..."

"Okay, I don't want to explain too much about this tragic movie. If you are interested, go and see if I'm right!"

"If you're not interested, you don't have to watch it... After all, Mr. An Ran didn't learn from other film companies and force everyone to make a choice!"

"Actually, as an ordinary person, why should you be so tired? It's good for everyone to have fun, but as a professional film critic, I still hope that everyone will be more professional..."

"As for the online debate between Mr. An Ran and Mr. Lamo! I'm not on Mr. An Ran's side, because it's not good if you keep telling the truth..."

Cameron's article ends here.

Not only did he highly praise An Ran's movie, but he also blatantly despised Lamo in the end.

You didn't understand the movie at all, did you?

What qualifications do you have to talk nonsense.

This article is much more popular than Lamo's article.

Not long after it was posted, it was reposted by various forums and media, and everyone expressed their opinions and opinions one after another.

After all, Cameron's aura is so strong that he is even called "the god of cards", which is enough to show his status in the Xizhou film world.

And his movies are very popular.

This analysis directly slapped Lamo and the others heavily.

There are not too many examples in the article, but these two alone resonate with everyone.

Because Cameron was right.

"If I hadn't read this movie review, I don't think I would have thought about it that much. Many jokes in the movie are real sorrows. The reason we laugh is because those bad things didn't happen to us."

"This is the best and most in-depth article I have read. After reading this article, I realized that I really didn't understand this movie."

"The core of comedy is tragedy. This sentence is very good, but everyone's perspective is different. Other people's tragedies are comedy in our eyes. Think carefully, Mr. Cameron's analysis is right! These are the epitome of real society Teacher An Ran hid it in the movie with clever and exaggerated techniques, making everyone laugh, only to find out that it was even more cruel when looking back."

"Why do we laugh after watching this movie? Because we are powerless to change the reality... Teacher An Ran can be called a master of comedy!"

"Yes, I will watch this movie carefully, this time with my brain, I believe I will find more different content..."

Everyone expressed that they had misunderstood An Ran.

In fact, Teacher An Ran is using artistic exaggeration to satirize reality.

This is indeed a very good "satire reality" movie, as Mr. Cameron said.

It seems that we have been sloppy.

When everyone posted messages one after another, we finally understood the movie.

Only one person is confused.


As the instigator, he was stunned after reading Cameron's article.

I am a f*cking spoof movie, once you interpret it, it immediately becomes taller, the grade has been raised by more than one or two levels, and it has become a work that satirizes reality.

How did you see it?
His original intention was to shoot disgusting people.

I didn't think so much.

Kashen, are you thinking too much?
Regardless of whether Cameron thinks too much or not, this film review has pushed his film to the point where it is booming.

It turns out that many people are a little bit scrupulous, or don't like this kind of vulgar and funny, thinking that watching it lowers their grade.

It's different now, Kashen endorsed it, personally Amway, this is a deep and layered movie.

did you see?As long as you change the wording, it will be different immediately.

Funny movies represent vulgarity, while satirical movies are synonymous with high.

And you have to post a comment after watching it, otherwise it will appear that you didn't understand the movie, how embarrassing it is?

On the fourth day of Christmas, everyone walked into the cinema because of this film to watch this bloody film that was scolded at the beginning.

Three days after "Scream" was released, the box office counterattacked again...

There was an endless stream of viewers at the AMR theater that day, and almost every show was never empty. People started to watch it from the morning until the evening, and the attendance rate reached almost 50%.

This is a terrible statistic, and being able to reach this statistic shows that the box office of this movie will basically not be less than 2 million!
(End of this chapter)

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