I really don't want to be red

Chapter 1573 Your Cheer

Chapter 1573 Your Cheer
After every game, there are countless fans waiting at the entrance of the stadium, looking forward to seeing their idols and favorite stars.

And this is the playoffs, and they are playing so well, you don't need to look to know that there must be a large number of fans who will guard the door.

An Ran pondered for a moment, "Okay!"

At this time, there is no need to spoil everyone's happiness. It is also a good thing to celebrate with everyone.

Although I may not be the protagonist, it's good to take advantage of this time to relax.

A group of people walked out of the arena.

An Ran and Steven were surrounded in the middle.

The moment the arena access door opened, cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami rushed in, pouring into the ears like a gust of wind.

An Ran took two steps back, feeling very uncomfortable.

Wesson thought that An Ran was being modest. After all, Steven was the big boss, and he wanted to give up the C position to the boss.

Others think so too.

Kumar smiled and said, "Teacher An Ran, you are the protagonist today!"

Speaking of which, everyone surrounded An Ran in the middle, and walked out of the passage together.

As soon as he went out, there was warm applause and screams outside.

On the big screen outside, various pictures of An Ran in the game were edited.

Or stand on the sidelines with your pockets in your pocket.

Or sit on a chair with your arms folded over your chest.

No matter what time it is, it is a general who is calm and calm.

Steven stood on the steps, suddenly grabbed An Ran's hand, and raised it high.


Before An Ran could react, the cheers on the scene became even more enthusiastic, and everyone shouted An Ran's name together!



This scene surprised An Ran very much.

The protagonists of the game have never been the coaches, but the stars running on the court, and they showed themselves to the audience more intuitively.

So it will win the applause of the audience.

Just like a song, the singer is always the one who gets the most attention, not the songwriter.

He never expected that everyone would pay so much attention to him.

The staff handed over the microphone.

An Ran took a look, did she really prepare for this?
Steven said into the microphone: "Gentlemen and ladies, let us welcome the biggest contributor to winning the game today, Mr. An Ran..."




Huge cheers resounded through the night sky.

Steven said: "Next, Mr. An Ran, please say a few words for everyone."

Hand over the microphone.

Although it was a bit unexpected, An Ran was someone who had seen big scenes.

He took the microphone and raised his hand, "Hi everyone!"

When the cheers subsided a bit, An Ran said, "It's a great honor to be here today and to be able to guide this game."

A word, caused countless whistles and cheers.

"It's also a great honor to be able to celebrate the victory with everyone!"

Steven said on the side: "Mr. An Ran is a star, the film is good, but his singing is even better!"

After a long time, let me sing?

I'm not ready either.

The fans cheered loudly.

Many people shouted: "Hotel California!"

Someone shouted, "The Cup of Life!"

What about trouble?

Although these songs are nice, they are definitely not suitable for singing now.

An Ran said: "Everyone, "Hotel California" and "Cup of Life" are not suitable for singing in this occasion. I promise everyone, when the Sonics win the championship, I will definitely sing a new song and write a song about basketball. .”


Cheers spread like a tide in all directions.

For so many years, there have been many songs written about football, but not many songs about basketball have become popular.

Although An Ran's songs and works in Xizhou are not many, each capital is a classic production, which is enough to be handed down from generation to generation.

Since he said so, what he can produce will definitely not be bad.

Steven said excitedly: "Then this song, which was born to celebrate the championship, will be the team song of our Sonic team in the future, okay?"

An Ran was taken aback, you didn't even listen to it, you want to be the team anthem?
Is it a bit too sloppy.

The audience below didn't care about this, and shouted along with him: "Okay..."

"Okay, gentlemen and ladies, let's stop here today. Our players are tired and they need to rest. I hope everyone understands."

The fans below also understand very well, although it is more than 40 minutes of the game, but the whole game is close to two hours.

And this is still the playoffs, much more intense than the regular season.

Everyone spread out in front of the steps.

Everyone carried their backpacks and walked towards the bus.

Along the way, countless fans stretched out their hands, and everyone gave them high fives.

This is the last tough battle before the finals. They won and won half of the championship. Can you not be excited?

An Ran was even more popular, and countless people shook hands with him.

In a short distance of less than 7 meters, it took six to seven minutes to pass through the crowd and enter the parking lot.

When the bus moved, there were fans yelling behind it.

An Ran got into Steven's luxury car and let out a sigh of relief.

"Man, these fans are so enthusiastic."

Steven laughed: "Because we won!"

By this time, he was also relieved.

To be honest, his heart was still hanging when An Ran was asked to guide this game. After all, An Ran had no experience in directing games.

The match in his villa was more like a friendly match, neither of them gave much effort.

This is the playoffs, and whoever loses will go home to fish.

James and others will definitely do their best.

From the beginning to the first half of the fourth quarter, his heart was always on his mind.

Even if it was only the last 3 minutes, his excitement was always suppressed in his heart.

After all, there was a miracle of 35 seconds and 13 minutes, who knows if there will be a second time?

Fortunately, everyone persisted until the end and did not disappoint him.

The game was also going according to the script, and nothing unexpected happened.

Without An Ran, it would be difficult to say who would win this match.

"Mr. An Ran, thank you!"

Steven reached out and shook him vigorously before saying, "You are really a genius! Tell me, how can I thank you?"

"How can I thank you? After winning the championship, it's fine for the Sonics to borrow me to make a movie, and I don't need anything else!" An Ran said, "After all, I'm also a shareholder of the team."

"That's no problem!" Steven said with a smile: "This matter has been discussed a long time ago."

"By the way, what kind of movie are you planning to make? You said the main character of this movie is James?"

As he was talking, An Ran suddenly looked out the car window.

I saw a plainly dressed black child, about twelve or thirteen years old, in a field field blocked by barbed wire on the side of the road.

Under the lights, focused on dribbling, then shooting...

Steven took a look. There are many such children in Xizhou.

Nothing particularly noteworthy.

But An Ran's eyes fell on the child's worn-out sneakers...

(End of this chapter)

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