I really don't want to be red

Chapter 1634 God Likes Basketball

Chapter 1634 God Likes Basketball
"Because God loves basketball, he took Claude away!"

After the whole screen went black, there was only this line of words.

All the audience were dumbfounded.

Originally, the mood fluctuated a lot. After seeing this line, someone couldn't help crying.

The theater was full of crying.

Hordak clenched his fists tightly. He didn't like Enron, so he didn't like Claude, and he didn't like this movie even though it was a good one.

It's almost unbelievable, this guy brings a lot of emotions to the audience, intertwined in it.

No wonder it sold 8000 million on the first day.

Ella couldn't stop crying, with snot and tears.

Even those who persisted until the end and didn't cry, their defenses were broken when they saw this line.

Ella squeezed her snot and wiped her tears.

Whispered: "It's not fair, it's not fair, God is so unfair..."

Everyone didn't know how to express their inner emotions, they just wept and whispered, some were praying, some were cursing.

But in the entire theater, apart from Hordak who didn't like Claude, only Liu Jae-won, who was calm and outrageous, didn't cry.

Even so, Liu Zaiyuan couldn't calm down for a long time.

He always viewed the movie from the perspective of a bystander, and analyzed the success or failure of the movie from the perspective of passers-by.

So the emotional impact was relatively small, but even so, I was still deeply shocked.

After analyzing for so long, he only analyzed "success" and "gain" in this movie, but did not see "failure" and "loss"!
This is almost a perfect movie, and people can't fault it at all.

Especially Claude's daily life at the end, and this sentence, is simply a stroke of genius.

Of course, this is based on Claude's own experience to have this effect.

An Ran made a perfect linkage between reality and the movie. This linkage is subconscious and not superficial. Many people watched the movie and couldn't help but think of Claude's experience, so they were moved.

This is where he is strongest.

Hordak's so-called meaningless daily life is actually the best part of this movie.

There are quite a few good directors who can shoot scenes like fights and romance.

Seeing that everyone who can take daily photos loves to watch, is the real master level.

Liu Zaiyuan felt that An Ran was overpowered.

The conception and overall structure of the movie are too ingenious.

The last sentence is even more unsettling and has a long aftertaste.

After a long time, Liu Zaiyuan sighed, "It's no wonder they got such a high box office on the first day, there really is a reason for it."

"There's a fart!"

Hordak said bitterly: "Let's go, the movie is over, and it's really boring to watch people cry."

With that said, Hordak stood up.

As soon as he stood up, he became the most eye-catching boy in the theater.

Because everyone was immersed in grief at this time, unable to extricate themselves, and no one got up.

Hordak came along, and everyone saw him through the dim light of the theater.


Many people looked at him.

There was confusion and perplexity in his eyes, what is this person doing?

Hordak frowned, if you don't leave, can't I leave?
Ella tugged him twice, motioning him to sit down.

Hordak had an impatient look on his face.

These two words immediately attracted everyone's attention, and many people found that Hordak didn't cry.

Although the words were there at this time, the background had changed, and the light in the theater was just right enough to see Hordak's face clearly.

"My God, look at that man, he doesn't seem to be impressed at all."

"Yeah, it's a heart of stone."

"I don't know what this guy does, but he must not be a good guy. Such a touching movie is not touched at all. Maybe he is a scumbag."

"Anyway, there are all kinds of people, maybe there is no humanity at all."

"You can tell by his indifferent beard and bulging stomach that this guy is a cold capitalist, not a good thing."

"Such a person makes me sick!"


Damn it, how can a movie be described like this for me?
This is moral kidnapping, okay?

Hordak's face turned black. He didn't expect the audience to be so involved. He scolded everyone without crying.

Ella pulled him hard twice, "Mr. Hordak, please sit down first."

Why don't you sit down, maybe someone will poke your spine to death, okay?
Liu Zaiyuan also said softly: "Mr. Hordak, sit down first, we're all here anyway, it doesn't matter if you leave early or late."

Your uncle's.

Hordak sat down sullenly, should I pretend to cry?

It's not necessary!

Fortunately, after he sat down, no one was talking about anything.

Hordak feels so unlucky, it's almost unbearable, and there is such a thing, can you believe it?
Hearing the sobbing of those around him, Hordak was distraught.

After this line ends, the whole movie is actually over.

But when he appeared in the credit list later, it was the tidbits when Claude was filming the movie.

Such tidbits are rare in Xizhou movies.

Even Xiazhou movies don't have many.

This is what An Ran learned from Jackie Chan movies. When the credits of Jackie Chan movies appear at the end of the credits, there will always be extras.

In fact, when that line of subtitles disappeared, someone was already leaving.

But as soon as the tidbits started, he sat down again.

Claude in the tidbits is happy, either reciting lines, eating, or acting in front of the camera.

Lucas, An Ran, the Terry couple, James, and Kumar all appeared in the tidbits, interacting with Claude.

Many people watched it with mixed feelings, feeling warm and sad at the same time.

If the child does not die, he still has a lot of happiness to enjoy, but now he has gone to heaven.

After watching the short tidbits, everyone just shed tears silently, and no one was crying emotionally.

They all shed tears silently, wiped them away silently, and blessed silently in their hearts.

In the tidbits, there are clips of Claude actually playing on the basketball court and participating in the fifth game of the finals.

Liu Zaiyuan was speechless.

It takes about 5 to 10 minutes for the final subtitles of a movie to finish.

Usually at this time, how can the audience watch the subtitles?

When the subtitles are released, just leave, unless some movies have easter eggs.

But this movie obviously didn't, but everyone was firmly pressed on the bench by An Ran's tidbit.

What more can he say?
It's a capitalized word "serve"!

People who watched this movie didn't waste a single minute, and they probably had to read the subtitles after this before everyone left.

After all this meeting, no one left, which already explained the problem.

This is probably the first movie in history that people can watch from beginning to end, including subtitles!
(End of this chapter)

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