Chapter 1665
Fei Liwen's trust in An Ran is nothing to say.

Just do what the boss says. Although it is against common sense, it is just a question.

An Ran looked at the information Fei Liwen had collected, and wrote down the names of the above people.

Fei Liwen carefully collected the materials. Although this thing is not needed now, it might be useful sometime.

An Ran turned on the computer, logged into her account, and sent a message.

"Dear friends, I don't want to say much about this incident. In fact, everyone was unintentional."

"As we all know, things in the entertainment industry are difficult to figure out, and I have no intention of pursuing this matter!"

"But if I don't pursue it, it doesn't mean I'm not angry!"

"Arahan, I hope you will find out next time that you are writing an article. As a reporter, the most important thing to write is truth! Don't hearsay."

"Joseph, you're swearing hard enough, but you're also doing it for a living."

"Libet, whether I am good or bad, I don't need others to judge. Your hand is too long."

"Orff, actually, I don't think I'm better than ordinary people. The extra money is not bad money..."

An Ran named seven or eight people by name, and they were all representative figures.

Especially Yaris and Hordak.

"Mr. Yaris, your failure lies in your arrogance. I accept your apology. After all, you are just a guy who speaks for others with a pen."

"As for Mr. Hordak, I don't want to say any more. From the beginning to now, you have been full of prejudice and discrimination against me. This time you won..."

Throughout the story, An Ran didn't say a single word about leaving, but everyone felt that An Ran was going to leave.

Why not sue these people if they are not planning to leave?

If it wasn't about leaving, why did he say that Hordak won?

After this article came out, the majority of netizens couldn't sit still.

"Mr. An Ran, you have retained the last conscience of the entertainment industry, please don't leave, we will always support you."

"People who do good deeds will finally be favored by God. Please believe that there are still more good people in this world."

"If possible, I hope those idiots will come out and apologize to Teacher An Ran. As a bystander, I can't stand it. Why are they able to point fingers and say nothing, but Teacher An Ran is scolded for doing so many things!"

"Teacher An Ran is too kind to sue these scumbags. If it were me, I would sue them until they don't even have to wear their underwear!"

"Yeah, Teacher An Ran is too broad-minded, just let these scumbags go lightly..."

When An Ran posted this Facebook page, he forgave those who wrote indiscriminately.

But netizens don't want to.

All ran to scold under those guys' social media.

And the most embarrassing and most scolded person was naturally Hordak.

Hordak is Enron's old opponent, who doesn't know about this.

And this time, Hordak also came out to accuse An Ran in a serious manner, saying that he is a scum in the entertainment industry, and God's excrement.

You are so brave.

Now it turns out that Hordak is retaliating against others.

On Huodak's side, Liu Zaiyuan had already begun to contact the environmental protection girl team, and his side was slapped.

Netizens first ran to Hordak's personal social media to abuse him.

As a boss, Hordak actually doesn't have much time to take care of his personal account.

I usually rarely post anything.

Facebook, which few people paid attention to at first, was bombed to the sky in one fell swoop. In just over an hour, it was bombed 10,000+ times by netizens.

One hundred thousand comments were posted on Hordak's Facebook page.

This Facebook page was from half a year ago, and it is his family portrait.

Netizens greeted Hordak himself, his wife, and his daughter.

When Hordak learned of this, his head was swollen.


This is not over yet, and then everyone rushed to the website of Diss Films and began to insult and abuse Diss.

Hordak was forced to have the forum shut down.

And the directors called too.

Let Hordak deal with this as soon as possible, otherwise a board meeting will be proposed.

Needless to say, why hold a board meeting.

Naturally, re-elect the chairman.

From Enron's Facebook post to the present, Diss' stock plummeted 3 percent.

If this matter is not settled quickly, everyone will lose a few memories.

Hordak felt a little overwhelmed.

Called Liu Zaiyuan and said, "Liu Zaiyuan, have you contacted Greya?"

Liu Zaiyuan said: "We got in touch, but she is far away in Yingzhou, and she has promised us to come over as soon as possible, probably tomorrow morning."

tomorrow morning...

I'm Nima's.

Hordak wanted to curse, but it was impossible to think about it.

It's all because this dead woman loves to pretend to be aggressive, she runs around the world every day, and when she needs you, she is so far away.

Hordak had no choice but to hang up the phone and wait patiently.

The days of waiting are difficult, because there is no better way to deal with it for the time being, and Hordak can only remain silent.

But his silence is different from An Ran's silence.

An Ran has the bottom line in her heart, so she doesn't care at all, just spray it if you spray it, anyway, I have a trump card.

But Hordak didn't know what to do.

At this time, someone launched a "vote to retain Mr. An Ran" on Facebook.

The vote has been remarkable from the start.

Because the vote was initiated by the "God of Basketball" Jordan.

"Maybe you don't understand, but I understand that Mr. An Ran is definitely one of the kindest people I have ever met in my life! His contribution to Xizhou's sports, film, and music careers is obvious to all! I hope he can stay."

"If everyone has the same desire as me, please cast your precious vote."

Jordan launched a poll on Facebook, which is okay.

The first to respond were the players from the West Island Basketball League.

James, Kumar, Rand, Green, Hayworth...

The leading stars of these various teams all voted for themselves.

And leave a comment below.

"It is we who need Teacher An Ran, not Teacher An Ran who needs Xizhou! I believe that with Teacher An Ran's ability, you will be able to live comfortably wherever you are, and you will not be wronged! So, I want to say, let go of your pride, Teacher An Ran is missing It’s not that Xizhou can’t survive! James.”

"Please stay, you are the best tactician I have ever seen in my life! Weisen!"

"Please believe that we all support you! Kumar."

"Send those idiots to hell if you can! Green!"

In these messages, Rand stated that because of the loss of Diss' company to Mr. An Ran's reputation, he would terminate the cooperation with Diss' company.

With Rand taking the lead, it's fun now.

(End of this chapter)

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