I really don't want to be red

Chapter 1687 Sensation

Chapter 1687 Sensation
This is the singer's voice, which makes people feel refreshed.

Because it imitates the sound made by dolphins when they are still swimming in the sea, it is called dolphin sound.

After this melodious dolphin sound, the most beautiful picture in this documentary from now to now appeared.

An Ran's editing scenes for the animated movie "Sea Soul" appeared in it.

In a completely fresh picture, two big fish soar up from the sea.

Everyone didn't react and looked at this scene in surprise.

The background is full of animations, the colors are beautiful, and the prelude of the song is even more beautiful. The sound of the piano beating brings people into another beautiful and quiet situation.

Everyone silently watched the song MV at the end.

After the prelude, a siren-like voice sounded.

"The waves silently drown the night"

"Over the Corner of the End of the Sky"

"The big fish swims through the gap in the dream"

"Watching your sleeping silhouette"

"Look at the sea and sky, listen to the wind and rain"

"Hold your hand and blow away the vast mist"

"The wings of a big fish are already too wide"

"I let go of the rope of time..."

Facing the same song, the Xiazhou audience already knew that it was Chen Qian's song, and An Ran wrote the lyrics and composed the music.

It has dominated the charts for a long time and is still a classic to this day.

But after seeing such a cruel thing, followed by such a quiet and perfect picture, a sharp contrast appeared in front of my eyes.

The contrast between cruelty and beauty is right in front of you.

Even with such a beautiful singing voice, everyone’s mind is still filled with the fan-scattered blood in "Dolphin Cove"...

it hurts!

Countless people feel pain.

Most people in Xizhou have never heard of this song.

And they don't understand the language, but they can still understand the translated lyrics.

Paired with an almost unmatched Siren's vocals, the song is as good as it gets.

Coupled with the perfect mood created by the animated film, many people immediately understood the meaning of this song.

The two fish in the picture are free and easy, like dancers in the sea, beautiful and beautiful.

These sea elves should be so free.

But in Fuzhou and Ruidian, they became the targets of massacres.

Jovis watched the MV, tears fell wave after wave.

Facing the video, he gave a thumbs up and shouted in a hoarse voice: "An Ran, Lucas, I admire you! I admire you!"

After speaking, he seemed to be venting, and slammed on the table.

Is this something no one wants to shoot?
No one dared to shoot.

These two have offended the whole of Fuzhou and the whole of Beiou with this documentary.

They're bound to be a thorn in someone's side.

A documentary that is cruel and beautiful in parallel has caused a sensation since it went online at 2 o'clock and now at 3 o'clock.

Xizhou has more than 600 million views, while Xiazhou has 1300 million views.

Many people watched it in tears.

The interlacing of real cruelty and illusory beauty in the documentary hits human nature directly and makes people weep.

But the documentary has received very few reviews.

Only a few thousand.

Chen Qian's song is coming to an end.

In the picture, a big fish swims towards the depths of the sea, and the picture gradually dims.

But Chen Qian's dolphin sound sounded inside.

Clear and distant, with feelings and sighs.

Everyone's hearts are tied together.

When the sound became smaller and smaller, the cruel images in front of everyone began to dance again.

I feel like I have something to say.

If I don't say it, I feel like I'm going to explode.

When the last sound was over, whenever I went to the website of this documentary, the comments were like an explosion, and the blowout came out.

"Finally finished watching it, and now I know why this documentary didn't fast-forward! I saw the cruelest thing happen in front of my own eyes, but I couldn't do anything about it. I also understand why Teacher An Ran and Mr. Lucas are in such pain."

"I've heard of these things before, but when I really saw them, I realized the cruelty beyond imagination..."

"Seeing the dolphins commit suicide... I was in tears, there will be no good retribution for these goddamned dogs."

"What about the environmental protection? What about the people in Xiazhou who don't eat seafood to help the environment? Come out and take two steps, you stupid ass, let's see if I beat you to death!"

"Shocked, sad, sad, angry! I watched the whole film in panic... Now I feel panicked."

"It is not only a presentation of the facts, but also a satire on those so-called environmental protection experts, the most vicious environmental protection girl, I remember you are from Ruidian, right? Why have you never spoken out about this matter? Do you deserve to be an environmental protection guard? ?”

Whether it is Xizhou or Xiazhou, everyone is discussing this documentary.

Within 5 minutes after the video ended, Xia Zhou's comments had exceeded 120 million.

And Xizhou has as many as 30 comments.

All the videos and discussions about this documentary have a huge increase in traffic.

And with the song "Big Fish", it became popular again, and a few years later it re-entered the top three music charts.

Many people in Xizhou are also discussing this song.

The song is so nice, and the artistic conception of the MV is too beautiful, and there is a touch of sadness and regret in it.

The name Chen Qian immediately entered the field of vision of Xizhou audience.

This song also entered the top [-] of Xizhou's song charts, and it is still growing rapidly.

This is also the first non-Western African song in so many years to enter the top [-] on the West African charts.

Looking at it like this, there is great hope of entering the top ten.

Two months!
It took An Ran two months to throw a bomb with a flick of her hand.

Especially at the end of the credits, in those few photos, both of them were tattered, filthy, and looked very embarrassed.

Just know how much they have suffered in the past two months.

Even Lucas was beaten for it.

Many viewers left messages in the comment area.

"Thank you Mr. An Ran and Mr. Lucas. It is your perseverance that let us know the truth of the matter. You are real warriors."

"Although they only filmed a short section, the manager spent on this is absolutely unimaginable. During the time when they were whaling, it was difficult for outsiders to enter this area. I salute the two teachers."

"You are the real environmentalists, not those who talk all day long!"

"I hope Teacher An Ran is okay, you deserve everyone's respect."

All along in Xizhou, An Ran has been working behind the scenes, and her popularity is not very high, but this time it has suddenly risen.

Reached the popularity of many little heavenly kings.

And on An Ran's Facebook, countless people left messages, admiring what he did, and calling him a worthy and respectable person.

But there are also many unfriendly voices in private messages.

Even death threats.

"Mr. An Ran, as a person in the entertainment industry, you shouldn't stretch your arms so long, it's easy to bring disaster to yourself..."

(End of this chapter)

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