I really don't want to be red

Chapter 1691 Sweet Air

Chapter 1691 Sweet Air

Adam nodded, "It's understandable, but Mr. An Ran, are you still Xiazhou nationality?"

"Of course!" An Ran replied decisively, "I will never change my nationality in this life!"

"Okay!" Adam said, "But there are many people who want to change their nationality!"

"For example?" An Ran asked.

"For example, this lady!" Adam waved his hand, "Ms. Yang Shu is welcome."

There was sparse applause at the scene.

Everyone didn't know who this Ms. Yang Shu was. Compared to the fame of Greya and An Ran, this lady was obviously not very well-known.

But the name seems to be from Xiazhou.

Then, a lady came up from the backstage, wearing a bachelor's dress, with a very ordinary appearance.

An Ran looked over and frowned.

This woman looks quite distinctive.

Just like "Benboerba" in Journey to the West, when she saw this Ms. Yang Shu, An Ran thought of that line, "I am "Benboerba, a carp monster, he is Baboerba, a catfish Refined……"

This one looks amazing, he is a combination of a carp monster and a catfish spirit, he looks like he just became a spirit, which is extremely inconsistent.

Adam introduced: "This is Ms. Yang Shu from the University of Maryland. She has something to say to everyone today."

Yang Shu nodded, "Mr. Adam, hello! Ms. Greya, I like your environmental protection speech the most!"

After speaking, put An Ran there.

In terms of coffee status, Anran has the largest coffee position here, and in terms of social status, regardless of Xizhou or Xiazhou, Anran is at the top of the pyramid.

But Yang Shu acted as if he didn't see An Ran, and didn't even say hello.

The audience below chuckled lightly, this was a blow to An Ran.

But An Ran didn't mind, she still had a smile on her face, showing no inner fluctuations.

Fei Liwen in the background gradually frowned, how old is this girl?Is it that rude?
"Yang Shu?" Fei Liwen took out her phone and dialed it directly.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, have you watched the show?"

"Are you watching? Well, it's best to investigate and let the young people know how powerful it is. This person definitely doesn't plan to go back to China!"

"Since we are so proud, we don't need to be polite!"


Fei Liwen hung up the phone, looked at Yang Shu on TV, and sneered softly, "This kind of person is not welcome anywhere."

In the studio, Adam said: "Ms. Yang Shu, I heard that you have obtained a master's degree. You can tell me how you feel about Xizhou."

With a flattering smile on Yang Shu's face, "Okay."

What he said next surprised people, and the kitsch tone made An Ran frown.

"Five years ago, I took a plane from Xiazhou to Xizhou. As soon as I walked out of the Dallas airport terminal, I quickly picked up one of the five masks I prepared at Xiazhou and put it on!"

"But after I breathed Xiazhou air for the first time here, I took off my mask!"

"The air here is so fresh and sweet, it looks very luxurious!"

"I was shocked by all this..."

Greya had a smug look on her face, and looked at An Ran provocatively, as if to say, see, none of your compatriots are on your side.

Surprisingly, there was no applause from the audience below. Occasionally there was a few applause, and they stopped knowingly when they saw that other people did not applaud.

Just when Yang Shu wanted to continue, An Ran suddenly said, "And then? Do you take off the mask and put on the body armor?"

As soon as An Ran's words came out, there was silence first, and then a roar of laughter broke out.

This sentence refuted very cleverly.

I admit that the air quality in Xiazhou is probably not as good as in Xizhou, but we have no shootings.

And what about Xizhou?

I really don't know when they will be killed, especially the frequent occurrence of school shootings in the past two years, which makes everyone feel unsafe.

An Ran's words struck the deepest part of everyone's hearts, so while laughing out loud, the audience directly applauded.

"Man, he was so good, I'm so sick of the NRA guys."

"Money, to put it bluntly, is all for money, so I don't care about the lives of our common people..."

"Mr. An Ran's words hit the point. These days, my poor child died in a school shooting."

"We should regulate guns..."

"Why should we take care of other countries' affairs? We didn't even take care of our own affairs."

Not only the audience at the scene resonated with An Ran's words, but also the audience watching TV agreed with this sentence.

Sitting in the front row, Chen Yizhou unconsciously twisted his body.

All of this was arranged by her husband Lai Sen. If nothing else, it was just embarrassing An Ran, embarrassing him, leaving him speechless, and making him a joke in everyone's eyes.

But it seems that the effect is not obvious.

An Ran's words didn't seem very sharp, but every sentence hit the point just right.

When Greya came up, An Ran said a few words and she lost her energy, and she sat there like a defeated little hen, listless.

I thought this Yang Shu could beat An Ran, but in the end, Yang Shu couldn't continue his speech with a single word.

Adam hurriedly smoothed things over, "Mr. An Ran, what Ms. Yang Shu said also has her reasons."

An Ran didn't give in at all, "Ms. Yang Shu feels that the air here is sweet, but your local Freud of Xizhou said he can't breathe..."

"Ah! This..."

Adam couldn't even refute this sentence.

The Floyd case was a major event that happened in Xizhou a few days ago.

Floyd, a black man, was pinned to the ground by the police, with his knee on the back of his neck, causing cardiac arrest.

For this reason, large-scale mass incidents occurred across the West, and Freud's words became everyone's slogan.

The demonstrations spread throughout Xizhou, and even caused a great impact in the Xizhou cultural circle.

An Ran's response really made Adam unable to answer.

If you dare to deny it, you just have trouble with the Xizhou people, but you don't deny it... These words are exactly the same as the two things Yang Shu said now.

Adam has been on the show for 20 years.

He is also a well-known talk show host in Xizhou. He is known for his sharp words, but he was completely defeated in front of An Ran.

It is equivalent to An Ran's one-on-three victory on the stage.

Adam spread his hands and said, "Of course, you know, Mr. An Ran, the 'sweet air' that Ms. Yang Shu mentioned is just an adjective..."

An Ran smiled and said, "Yes, but 'I can't breathe' is the end for Mr. Freud!"

I am Nima!
Can you still have fun?

There was a storm of applause from the audience, and there were cheers and whistles everywhere.

An Ran's words really hit everyone's heart.

An Ran turned to the audience, nodded slightly, then stretched out her hand and pressed down gently.

The audience below immediately stopped their applause, wanting to hear what he had to say.

Up to now, An Ran has completely controlled the rhythm of the live broadcast, and the initiative is all in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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