Chapter 1701
Adam was a little confused for a moment, whether An Ran said that on purpose.

While thinking about it, An Ran asked, "Mr. Adam, what do you think the good life in your heart looks like?"


Didn't you just say "olive tree"?Why did it suddenly become like this.

"My good life?" Adam said casually: "Sleep when you are full, eat when you wake up, don't have to work every day, and enjoy the rest of my life and years!"

An Ran clapped her hands, "Then this is your 'olive tree', your yearning for life is the 'olive tree' in your heart, why you work hard, it's because you want to live the life you want to live..."

Adam nodded subconsciously.

An Ran asked curiously: "With all due respect, you are already 60 years old, and your shows have always been good. I don't think you are short of money, right? You should be able to live the life you want!"

Bringing this up brings tears.

I want to retire and my wife doesn't want to.

Do you really think I want to work like this?Not a workaholic...

But this cannot be said.

It is said that the dog's head is not guaranteed.

"You know, people have different goals at different stages. What I just said was a dream in the past, but it's different now. I love my job, and I think my job is my 'olive tree'!"

Lao Tzu is simply too smart, and Adam couldn't help feeling a little complacent.

If it is said that the wife is not an "olive tree", then the end must be miserable.

Now that the job is an "olive tree", my wife must be happy to hear it. In fact, he wanted to quit a long time ago, but his wife didn't allow it, so he had to keep doing it.

And because there is a shrew at home, he doesn't want to go home, so he mostly uses work as an excuse to stay at the TV station.

It really made him famous.

This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, the family is not happy, but the career is good.

My wife saw that the job was pretty good, so you can continue to work and make good money...

At this age, if you make more money, I will spend more, what a wonderful thing.

So he said that work is an "olive tree", there is nothing wrong with it, and it will never make his wife angry.

"Very good!" An Ran said, "At this stage, your ideal and goal is to do your job well?"

"Of course..." Adam smiled easily.

If I want Lao Tzu to be tricked, there is no door.

You just want to cause disharmony in Lao Tzu's family.

He was proud on the top, but the audience below all had strange expressions on their faces.

Including the audience in front of the TV, they all looked at Adam with a little playfulness.

This is your show!
Why is An Ran more like a host, and you like a guest?

Why are you so obedient when people ask you what you answer?

"When do you think Adam will react?"

"I don't know. This is the first time I saw Mr. Adam being led astray, and I didn't feel it."

"Haha, Mr. An Ran's questioning is very skillful! What Adam is most afraid of is his wife. Almost every sentence An Ran says is about his wife, so Adam has to think carefully before answering, so unconsciously, Mr. An Ran Became active..."

"Haha, Adam has been hosting this show for 20 years. I'm afraid he never thought that one day, he would be manipulated by others."

"Who says it's not? This is a live broadcast across Xizhou. Mr. Adam is ashamed."

"It's not an exaggeration to say it's his Waterloo..."

The people below were talking and laughing.

Instead, An Ran on the stage asked, "Then, Mr. Adam, is the 'olive tree' for the first half of your life your wife?"

I'm so...

Why did you mention her again?
"No!" Adam said with a serious face, "Not only the first half of my life, but actually the 'olive tree' for most of my life is her. I love her so much, she is the star in my heart!"


Many viewers felt like throwing up after hearing it.

You are such a masochist.

The news that Adam was beaten by his wife is a landscape in the entertainment industry, and it will add some color to the entertainment section from time to time.

And someone has already said that if it wasn't because of his wife's family background that allowed him to be on this show, he would have left a long time ago.

To put it bluntly, he relied on the influence of his wife's family to get up all his life. There is a common name in Xiazhou, "Zuo-in-law"!
As a son-in-law, how dare he dare to say that his wife is not good?

Living under his wife's lust for a long time, he didn't even have the guts to resist.

An Ran laughed, "It seems that Mr. Adam likes his wife very much, and treats her as his olive tree for most of his life."

"of course!"

"Then why not now? Could it be that Mr. Adam doesn't love his wife anymore?"

There was a burst of laughter from below.

Are you forcing Adam to die?
"No, how is it possible, I have always liked my wife."

"Then why is she not your 'olive tree' now, but work is, Mr. Adam, do you have a reason?"

I have a hammer and I...

Adam was speechless for a while when An Ran asked.

Chen Yizhou said angrily: "It's a shame..."

She couldn't bear Adam's mentally handicapped behavior anymore, so she stood up and walked outside.

Although it was a live broadcast, the camera was not shown to the auditorium at this time, and no one noticed anything unusual.

This kind of show, the audience is relatively loose, and it is normal for some people to leave.

Layson hurriedly followed.

Adam was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that I was being led by the nose by An Ran.

This is Lao Tzu's home field, why did he keep asking me?
"Mr. An Ran, this is my show..."

"It's okay!" An Ran said: "I didn't say it wasn't your show, I just asked you a few questions, but I think you don't seem to like your wife very much."

You are ass, you are cheating me.

Adam was shocked, "No, Mr. An Ran, you are mistaken, I like my wife very much, no one is more important than her in this life."

"Okay, okay!" An Ran laughed, "I was just joking."

Can a joke be messed up?That's what kills.

Adam was about to cry.

An Ran said: "Actually, I just want to say that the inspiration for this song comes from everyone, from everyone, including you, me, him, Mr. Chen Shanhe, the person who named it, and ordinary passers-by..."

"I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to write this song without everyone giving me inspiration."

"When I knew the name of this song had to be 'Olive Tree', I decided to let this word replace the dreams and hopes everyone pursues!"

"Dreams have nothing to do with size, as long as it is what you like, even if it is for life, it is equally great..."

An Ran's words immediately sparked applause.

After all, most of the dreams are not majestic, they are just for family or life. Sometimes when people think about it, they feel that they have no ambition.

But An Ran's words made everyone feel confidant.

(End of this chapter)

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