I really don't want to be red

Chapter 1745 Cancellation of Membership

Chapter 1745 Cancellation of Membership
"What Mr. Kahn said is a way, but I think we should try our best to maintain market share while reducing losses, so this price reduction, I think it is more appropriate for members to drop to about $8 per month."

Everyone nodded, Felici's suggestion is good.

In fact, netizens and listeners are all cheap, no matter how big their opinions on music platforms are.

As long as you lower the price, they will still say "really fragrant".

At $8, the price is pretty low.

Coupled with the download fee, it is no problem to achieve a balance, and you can even make a small profit.

But Mai Liwen frowned.

"Price reduction, I agree with this method, but I am not satisfied with this price."

Everyone was stunned, what do you mean?
Do you think you have dropped too little?

Sure enough, Mai Liwen said: "It has dropped to 8 dollars, which seems a little lacking in sincerity."

What do you mean?

Mai Liwen said: "I mean, the membership system should be abolished. All songs can be listened to without membership, and only the download fee will be charged."


Richard was the first to jump up unwillingly.

"I object, this is simply ridiculous, cancel membership? Do you know how much we will lose? Nearly 3000 million members, the monthly income is hundreds of millions of yuan, have you calculated it? This will hurt us Muscular?"

"Ms. Mai Liwen, you have to calm down. Although the situation is really bad now, if you cancel the membership, the loss will be too great."

"I object. The membership system cannot be cancelled. Once it is cancelled, even if we keep our market share, we may not be able to continue our business due to lack of follow-up."

"That's crazy, what's the difference between losing all your market share?"

Seeing everyone's indignant discussions, Mai Liwen's expression remained calm.

These short-sighted guys didn't consider the seriousness of the consequences at all.

This is also a helpless move for her to abandon the car to keep her handsome.

As long as the market share is maintained, the lost money will be made back sooner or later.

If you can't even keep the market, how can you talk about losing money or not.

It can kill you in one go.

If the market is gone, how much energy and financial resources will be invested in re-doing it?

And it may not work.

This group of people only see the immediate benefits, and don't think about the future at all. No wonder the "flywheel" can't do the "micro-listening" of others.

"Wei Ting" has been focusing on low prices since it entered Xizhou. Membership is only 5 yuan a month, and downloading only costs 50 cents.

At a time when life and death are at stake, these people still care about gains and losses for the moment.

Mai Liwen said: "Not only will the membership be cancelled, but the download fee will also be reduced."

Everyone was stunned.

Are you making the "flywheel platform" go to hell?

"No, absolutely not, I object!" Richard was the first to jump out and object.

Straining his neck, he said, "Downloads are also reduced, and members are also free, so what do we eat and drink? What do we use to buy copyright? Will those damn stars agree with the current share? They won't, if the share is reduced, they will run away." Go to another platform..."

Mai Liwen said: "Where are you going? Not in Flywheel, go to Weiting? The download fee of Weiting is 50 cents, and those who want to go have already gone."

"We can tell them about the current difficulties, and when the situation improves, we can give them a one-year increase in share to make up for the current loss."

"What about our loss?" Richard said emotionally, "Can we last until then?"

Everyone looked at Mai Liwen and shook their heads.

Mai Liwen said: "I've made my decision, just do as I said, if you don't think it's suitable, please call now!"

The executives under the flywheel platform are all drawn from various platforms.

Not only responsible for management, but also representing the interests of major platforms.

If there is anything, of course we will discuss it with the original platform.

In this regard, the flywheel is not as good as micro-listening.

Weiting is a re-recruitment. The three major platforms only recruited three executives, and the rest were re-recruited later.

There are not so many constraints.

Mai Liwen's voice fell, and everyone did not hide it. They took out their phones and started contacting their bosses.

It's better to leave the meeting room and go to the corridor, or call in another room.

For those like Richard, the call was made directly in front of Mai Liwen.

And speaking of it, she was filled with righteous indignation, as if Mai Liwen was heinous and pushed everyone into the fire pit.

Mai Liwen watched all this calmly.

He specifically asked these people to call.

Bill and Wall watched with him and knew what was going on.

If they are not short-sighted, they will agree with themselves after all.

As for the rest of the "Vitu" music, there has been little movement, and it seems that they don't pay much attention to these things.

But "Rittal" music has been going very steadily.

Not long after, everyone finished calling, but Bill and the others didn't call Mai Liwen immediately.

Obviously, everyone is weighing the pros and cons.

Within 10 minutes, Bill was the first to call.

"Mai Liwen, I support your approach, let's do it!" Speaking of this, Bill sighed.

The Xiazhou music platform is coming in menacingly, and An Ran is adding fuel to the flames.

They have almost no way out.

Now I just have to give it a go, whether it is life or death, it depends on this time.

Mai Liwen let out a long breath, "Thank you, Bill!"

She meant what she said. If Bill didn't support it, Wall might not support it either. All these things she did were in vain.

Fortunately, Bill has made his stand.

It wasn't long before Wall called to support her in doing so, too.

On the other hand, the "Vitu" music side didn't show much, and it was completely laissez-faire.

Mai Liwen couldn't care less.

It was announced on the spot that after 12 o'clock, all members of the platform will be canceled and enter the refund process.

And the download fee will be reduced to 30 cents.

Everyone loves free lunch, and canceling membership can win many hearts.

At the same time, after the download fee is cheap, it is likely to drive the growth of downloads.

Relying on quantity to make up for the lack of amount, I hope to succeed. ,

In fact, she didn't have much confidence in her heart.

After Mai Liwen announced at the meeting, she didn't bother to look at the faces of these executives, and directly announced the end of the meeting.

After 12 o'clock, when everyone was still abusing the "Flywheel Platform".

"Flywheel Platform" suddenly released a message.

As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The flywheel platform cancels the membership system, and all recharged members will be refunded within 30 working days.

It was also announced that the download fee was reduced to 30 cents a song.

The generosity of the flywheel platform scared everyone at once.

Those who shouted for money back were suddenly speechless.

As shameful as it is for Flywheel to operate behind the scenes, the free lunch...seems to taste good too.

(End of this chapter)

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