Chapter 1760
Seeing that both kids agreed.

Richard was very happy.

Holding a child with one arm, I deliberately made my voice a little more magnetic.

"The first story I'm going to tell today is called Cinderella."

As he spoke, he looked at the two children, but there seemed to be no reaction.

His eyes were still on the TV.

"Once upon a time, there was a rich businessman's wife who was seriously ill. Before she died, she called her only daughter to her side and said: 'My dear daughter, after my mother is gone, I will continue to protect you and bless you in another world.'" , she closed her speech and died..."


As soon as he said something, he heard his wife laugh.

He looked over.

The wife suppressed a smile, "I'm sorry, Richard, I just think this death is too hasty."

Richard glared at her, "This is just a fairy tale, of course it should be simple."

"Okay!" The wife continued to look at the phone.

Li looked at the next pair of children, the first sentence was obviously not enough to attract their attention.

He sorted it out a bit, "She was buried in the garden, the little girl was a pious and kind girl, she went to her mother's grave to cry every day, winter came, heavy snow covered her mother's grave with a white blanket.

The spring breeze blew, and the sun took off the silver clothes on the grave. Winter went to spring, time passed, and her father took another wife. "

It seems that TV is more attractive than stories.

The two children watched the TV program with their eyes straight, not knowing whether they were listening or not.

Richard felt a little deflated.

He thinks it is very good, very suitable for children's fairy tales, but it does not work for his own children.

It seems that there is something wrong with my vision.

"The new wife came to our house with her two daughters who were born before. They are beautiful on the outside, but very ugly and evil on the inside.

When they came, it was also the beginning of the suffering of the poor little girl.

They said: 'Why do you want such a useless rice bucket in the hall?Whoever wants to eat bread must earn it for himself, go to the kitchen and be a kitchen maid...'"

"This stepmother is too hateful." The daughter pouted and said, "How could she treat the little girl like this."

Richard lowered his head, and saw his daughter looking at him with bright eyes, with an unhappy expression on her face.

The son didn't seem to pay much attention to it, but he was actually listening with his ears up.

It seems that the story is very attractive.

Richard lifted his spirits and resumed speaking.

"The little girl was forced to take off her pretty dress and put on an old gray coat, and they laughed at her like a play, and sent her to hard work.

Every day before dawn, I get up to live, carry water, cook, and endure the ridicule of my sisters.

At night, she had to sleep in the woodshed, without a bed, so she had to sleep in the ashes by the stove, so she was covered with dust, dirty, and ugly, because of this , everyone calls her Cinderella..."

Richard looked at the two children as he spoke.

Both the daughter and son stopped watching TV and listened attentively to his storytelling.

Cinderella's life is too miserable.

It was simply unbearable.

And his wife, who hadn't paid much attention to it, was also listening to the story attentively at this time.

With the development of the story, the father brought back the dead branch, and Cinderella planted it on her mother's grave, watered it with tears, and the dead branch grew into a big tree.

Life begins to change when a bird comes up from the tree.

Richard used the simplest words to tell this story.

The two children interjected a few words at first, but from the beginning of the dance, the two children were fascinated by what they heard, and they never said a word.

When the prince came to find the person with the crystal slipper, this paragraph was a bit bloody, and Richard hesitated for a moment, or he would tell it.

But in the end he was faithful to the original and told this passage.

However, the original work is relatively simple in this first paragraph.

The eldest daughter chopped off her own toe.

The second daughter chopped off her heel.

Soon the whole story was over.

Cinderella ends up leaving with the prince.

The little bird landed on Cinderella's shoulder and made a sweet cry.

It's a happy ending.

"Here, the story is over!"

After saying this, Richard himself secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The daughter came over and kissed Richard on the face, "Dad is awesome, and the story is so good."

The son also said beside him: "Father, will Cinderella's stepmother be arrested by the prince in the end?"


Children's thoughts can sometimes be a little unclear.

Richard said: "Cinderella is a kind child. As for what she will do, maybe that is another story."

He didn't dare to talk nonsense about the ending.

One is that I don’t want to give the children incorrect guidance because of myself, and the other is that I don’t know what the author thinks.

Maybe it's best for the story to end here.

In fact, her two daughters were also punished as they should be, and their own feet were chopped off, what else should they do.

The child didn't pay much attention, just asked casually.

After the question, the attention shifted to the story again.

The two little guys started chatting chatteringly, very happy.

Richard looked very relieved, it seemed that this story was very attractive to children.

"Snow White" is also in a similar style, and it's not bad.

That's the name!
Thinking of this, Richard turned on his phone and browsed the webpage.


Richard made a sound of surprise.

The wife asked, "What's wrong?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Richard's mouth, "The story I told just now is the story of this essay call. I thought it was written by a newcomer author, who is not well-known, and I'm afraid it will be buried, but it doesn't look like it now."

"Oh?" The wife nodded, "The story just now is very good, and it is easy for adults to arouse their interest after listening to it. This kind of good story is destined not to be buried."

Richard nodded.

But it's still dangerous.

Because of the fame of the top three, it is estimated that there will be no change.

Let's just think that the authors of "Cinderella" and "Snow White" are two people, let alone the top three, even if they can enter the Excellence Award, it will be good.

I'm afraid I won't be able to enter the Excellence Award.

After all, there are many authors with solid foundation.

He looked at the data. Originally, there were only a few dozen Cinderellas reading, which obviously aroused the interest of many people.

It suddenly increased to thousands of readings, and there are also many comments below.

Although the data has improved a lot, this final assessment is very child's play.

What if Mr. Eleven's granddaughter, Fanny, doesn't like these two stories?
Richard would have liked to comment too.

But when he thought of this, he was extremely troubled.

Mr. Eleven's call for papers, he said the final grades will be judged by his granddaughter's peers, and that's it, nothing will ever change.

I hope these two fairy tales can attract Fanny.

He is just a small employee and can't control anything.

(End of this chapter)

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