I really don't want to be red

Chapter 1764 It won't be a tragedy

Chapter 1764 It won't be a tragedy

Three days!

Just in these three days.

These three fairy tales aroused great repercussions.

Everyone thinks that these three fairy tales are very good, far surpassing the others.

Even most people think it is better than the top three in terms of reading volume.

It's just that most of these were written by others, so everyone didn't compare them too much.

However, the reading volume of these three fairy tales has increased by leaps and bounds in these three days.

If you submit from the beginning, you may be able to become the top three.

Sure enough, the masters made extraordinary moves.

Many people even think that this is the spring of Xizhou's fairy tales, a sign of rising again.

A lot of money is stimulating, and fairy tales can also be written very well.

Soon came the day of the awards.

The award process is also very dramatic.

This is a live broadcast award. Although it is not broadcast live on TV stations, it is broadcast live on major websites.

Mr. Eleven's influence is huge, and this call for essays was very successful, and many people paid attention to this live broadcast.

An Ran also didn't expect that what was said in advance, let readers who are suitable for these fairy tales evaluate, it is not empty words, but the real thing.

There were not only literary critics from all walks of life, but also Kerry, Tiffany, and Ryuji Yamazaki were invited to the awards ceremony.

An Ran is also following the live broadcast of the awards.

Not to mention, it's really like that.

Let a group of children judge the awards. If it can be done, and there is no instigation from others, the process is still very credible.

However, An Ran also has reservations. If the children make decisions, then why are these critics here?But a display?
He also invited Kerry and others to the scene. This attitude is already a bit obvious.

He misunderstood Eleven on this point.

These writers and critics must come, and they also need to support the scene.

There is another one. Everyone thinks that these three are actually the top three winners. If they come, it will be quite interesting to be able to present awards on the spot.

Even these three didn't think that this award would fall into the hands of others. They were all dressed in suits and leather shoes, with smiles on their faces, as if they were already the winners of the grand prize.

A reward of 100 million yuan, everyone who watched it was envious.

If it weren't for the tortoise of Yamazaki Ryuji, who made so many things, it would be frightening.

Carey and Tiffany were slandering Yamazaki Ryuuji all the time. Fuzhou people are so frankly not good. They must not get along with such a thing in the future.

He scolded non-stop in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face.

"Mr. Long Er, hello, hello, I haven't seen you for a few days, and my spirit is getting better!"

"Mr. Long Er, you look great..."

Ryuji Yamazaki straightened his body, and then bowed stiffly, "Hi Yi, thank you two teachers for your compliment."

Then he half-bent and stretched out his hand, "Please sit down, both of you..."

Kerry and Tiffany glanced at each other.

This dog has a serious smile on his face, and you are paralyzed in his heart.

This respectful look, if it wasn't for these things, they thought this guy was a good person.

Of course, everyone is smiling now, thinking how to kill each other later.

An Ran had a great time watching it in the live broadcast room.

These two clearly hated Yamazaki Ryuji to death, but they had smiles on their faces.

Also very interesting.

Fortunately, he didn't go to such an occasion, otherwise he would be embarrassed and boring.

Soon after all the people who should come have come.

The host asked Mr. Eleven, the host, to come out.

I saw Eleven walking out from the backstage leading a little girl.

An Ran was taken aback, this child was the girl in the picture of the "Snow White" cup essay.

It's just that from the live broadcast, the girl's face is a little pale, and there is no blood in the picture.

Is there any disease?

Mr. Eleven held the little girl by the hand. The little girl was smiling all over her face, but An Ran observed carefully and found that there seemed to be something wrong with the little girl.

Her arms were very thin, without any of the healthiness that a child should have.

Although she is very beautiful, she gives people a sick feeling.

An Ran seemed to understand something.

Why is it called "Snow White".

The child's skin was exceptionally pale, like Snow White, so she was called Snow White.

Black hair, blue eyes, if you give him a princess dress, then she is a child version of Snow White.

It's just a little thinner and looks a little paler.

An Ran sighed slightly, there is probably nothing to do with this child's illness.

Mr. Eleven is rich, very rich.

Even if it's cancer, I'm afraid he doesn't take it seriously, but the child has remained in this state because there is no cure, and it has nothing to do with how much money there is.

It doesn't matter how much money he has.

An Ran suddenly understood that Eleven probably wanted to make the child happy, so she took out a sum of money and got this essay.

His intentions are good.

But the people below don't think so.

An Ran couldn't help sighing, just now he still felt that if he didn't get the award, there must be something shady.

Now I suddenly feel quite boring, it doesn't matter if I win an award or not.

As long as the kid can be happy after reading his own story, that's fine.

Seeing the two people enter the stage, the people below applauded and cheered together.

Little Fanny could tell she was very happy, her face was slightly rosy, and she frequently waved to everyone.

The host smiled and said, "Welcome, welcome, welcome to Mr. Eleven, the main sponsor of this essay call."

After finishing speaking, he squatted down again, and said to Fanny: "There is also the judge of this competition, Princess Fanny."

There was another thunderous applause below.

The host said: "Princess Fanny, where is your little friend?"

Fanny raised her little hand, "I invite my friends..."

Applause broke out again.

I saw ten children walking out one after another, all with various skin colors.

The children looked very excited and waved frequently to the audience.

After everyone stood up, the host said: "This time is a special essay call, and the judges are also a group of special judges."

"Mr. Eleven broke the rules and believed that what kind of literature should be read at any age, and children's literature should not be judged by judges, but should be judged by children!"

"The best stories are the ones that children like."

Having said this, there was another frantic applause from below.

Many people showed admiration on their faces, as if they were all expressing their inner language.

Mr Eleven was right, that's how it should be.

An Ran looked contemptuously.

Because Eleven is rich, you guys are counting on making money, so everyone seems to be convinced by this statement.

What if you were another person?

Damn, you can spray this group of people to death.

This group of people who play with words are all black-hearted, are there still fewer people killing people with the pen?
But An Ran also felt a little uncertain.

Really let a group of children come?
He hadn't seen this scene either.

Are these kids reliable?
(End of this chapter)

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