I really don't want to be red

Chapter 1767 Fanny's Choice

Chapter 1767 Fanny's Choice
Carey spoke eloquently.

"As my family, we must first be clear about what kind of story we are writing? I believe everyone can do this, and these three stories have also done it!"


There is nothing good about this turn.

First praise you, give you some affirmation, and then slap you, these are the usual tricks of these people.

An Ran sat in front of the computer and had already calmed down. He wanted to see what excuses this group of people would come up with.

Carey said seriously: "First of all, what I want to criticize is the writing style of these three authors!"

His face became serious.

"Children's literature is also literature. You should pay attention to the choice of words and sentences. You can't use them randomly, let alone decide to use that word easily. You have to know that the people who read your stories are still children, they are still young, and they need to absorb nutrients from your stories! "

"If your works are all such naive words, how can you let them learn from them?"

"When you create, you should set a good example..."

Paralyzed, you have a brain problem.

An Ran snorted, said it nicely, you use gorgeous words, can the children see it?
What children can understand is called children's literature, and what children can't understand is not called children's literature.

You are just pretending.

But the people watching the live broadcast were led by him.

Many people agree.

"Indeed, these three fairy tales all have one thing in common, that is, the writing style is not good. If you ask me, the writing is not as good as mine."

"Ms. Kerry said it very well. These stories are very creative and well-written, but the most important writing style has become a problem."

"These three stories are all suspected of being hype. If the three big shots hadn't been chosen to publish anonymously, I believe that these three stories would not have made it into the top [-]."

"Mr. Kerry, you have accurately stated the problem, which is also a reminder to the three authors."

Everyone has everything to say.

People like Kerry have a great influence in the minds of netizens.

His words are highly recognized.

When he said this, everyone felt that it made sense.

An Ran was speechless, that's the level of this person.

That's not the end of it.

Kerry continued: "The other one is that the story doesn't seem to be very friendly to the stepmother."

The crowd burst into laughter.

The stepmothers in the two stories are not good things, and "Sleeping Beauty" has no stepmother.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or something else.

Kerry said: "We can't establish this kind of idea for children. I don't think children like this kind of story, so it is reasonable for these three stories to be eliminated."

"What I want to tell everyone is that you have to pay attention to what you write! This time it's a call for children's literature. There is no blood or horror in my stories."

"But the chopped heel in "Cinderella", the poisoned apple in "Snow White", and the spindle in "Sleeping Beauty" all seem to be related to life!"

"Creation is fine, but I hope everyone can grasp the limit...not too much."

Too much your uncle.

These stories have been circulated on the earth for so long, and generations of people have read them, and no one has said too much.

It's too much for you.

How can you do this?
Of course An Ran was not convinced.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't get an award, because classics are classics, and these stories will inevitably spread quickly and become familiar stories to everyone.

Even change it to children's reading books, or use other methods to show children.

At that time, the popularity will definitely surpass this old guy's work. It will depend on where you put your face.

Kerry said a few more words and made a conclusion.

Then others came up to comment.

The focus is on these three stories that are commented on.

Because these three stories are so distinctive, everyone can pick out some thorns anyway.

It was a good story, let everyone tell it, it seems that it is not a matter.

An Ran was almost speechless, as long as she wanted to pick a thorn, she could always find a problem.

Whatever you say, it's time to see who will be ashamed!
After finishing talking, everyone praised the shortlisted works again.

After waiting, the host said: "Okay, the rest will be handed over to our most important judges today, Miss Fanny and her judges."

Eleven took Fanny by the hand.

Fanny whispered: "Grandpa, I like "Snow White" the most, why don't they like it?"

Eleven looked at his granddaughter, "Son, that story is very good, it is almost custom-made for our little princess, you can do what you want, you have the right to recommend and the final judge, nothing compares You like it."

Fanny nodded, "Can I recommend everything I like?"

"Of course, even everything is fine."

Of course, Fanny would not like all of them. The [-] shortlisted stories are actually not bad.

But in comparison, it's a bit worse than those three stories.

Eleven led Fanny onto the stage.

Followed by her friends.

Everyone couldn't help but get nervous. The final decision this time is these children.

The host said: "Princess Fanny, are you satisfied with the selection just now?"

"Satisfied!" Fanny said softly.

The host laughed and said: "It seems that our little princess Fanny has a pretty good appreciation level."

Many people showed kind smiles.

The host said: "Among these stories, is there anything you particularly like?"

Fanny said: "I like "Snow White" very much."

I'm so...

The host almost didn't spit out blood.

This one was eliminated.

But having said the rules just now, Fanny can recommend her favorite stories for shortlist.

Fanny added: "Not only do I like it, but all my little friends like it."

What else is there to say.

The host said: "What does Little Princess Fanny mean... to recommend "Snow White" as a finalist?"

Kerry and the others below suddenly became nervous.

Fanny likes this story so much, if she recommends it as a finalist, then this story is likely to win the final prize.

And one will be squeezed out, as for whose it is, it is hard to say.

Fanny shook her head.

Everyone was relieved, although they liked it, it still couldn't meet the requirements recommended by the little guy.

It seems that I can rest assured this time.

Kerry and Tiffany smiled, and it seemed that this time they were safe.

Yamazaki Ryuji looked forward to it.

Paralyzed, I was voted down by your joint vote.

I hope that the little girl has vision, can choose her own story, and recommend it to enter the final selection.

Well, it's very possible.

The little girl has a lot of eyesight.

Ryuji Yamazaki straightened his body and looked at Fanny expectantly.

Finney said into the microphone: "I would like to recommend three stories, "Snow White", "Cinderella" and "Sleeping Beauty"!"


The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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