Chapter 1904 Free

Everyone listened carefully to what Pierre said.

Liu Baoxuan and Crazy Zhao glanced at each other.

The old man is not young, but he is very clear-headed.

The levels of TV drama production in Ouzhou countries are uneven, and it is difficult to form a strong whole.

Yingzhou has a close relationship with Xizhou, so their series production is also closely connected with Xizhou, and they often help each other.

The atmosphere of Xizhou Opera is very strong.

Relatively speaking, it is more popular. After all, it is different to be able to swim in the big market of Xizhou.

And being able to enter Xizhou means earning more money.

Better serials can be made with the money.

In a country like Spain, no matter whether it is a movie or a series, it is a niche type.

It belongs to the kind of drama that can surprise everyone by one or two from time to time.

But without a very powerful platform, it is basically difficult to travel around the world.

Movies are better. Spanish suspense movies are famous all over the world, but unfortunately they don't make much money.

Let alone a series.

There are good serials, but they still cannot enter the market outside Ouzhou.

The same is true for other countries.

France is a comedy that was popular all over the world for a while.

But after that, it became depressed.

Moreover, actors like Jean Renault from France are world-renowned actors, but there have been no rising stars in recent years.

The reason is that no matter whether it is a producer, an actor, or a director, they all focus on the big market of Xizhou.

If there is a chance, they all drill in.

My own local cultural movies and TV dramas have been left alone.

Pierre explained the most fundamental reason. Now that he wants to occupy the Xiazhou market, it is impossible to rely on everyone's imagination.

"Everyone doesn't have a good episode, and they want to eat this cake!" Pierre looked at everyone and said, "Because everyone knows that now is the best opportunity."

Fuzhou dramas are niche, while Korean dramas are spontaneously rejected by the audience.

Xizhou Opera was kicked out of the door by An Ran.

Of course it is the best opportunity, and everyone knows it in their hearts.

"Then there is only one way. Everyone, come up with the episodes that you think are good and broadcast them on Xiazhou!"

Pierre said: "I will take out the 13th season of "Doctor Who", whether it is on Xiazhou's TV station or streaming media, and let them broadcast it for free for five years!"

Everyone looked at each other.

Liu Baoxuan was taken aback, and immediately admired the old guy's handwriting.

Adding up the 13 seasons of "Doctor Who", if you want to sell the copyright, it is very easy to sell hundreds of millions, but he has the courage to broadcast it in Xiazhou without taking any money.

What for?
Liu Baoxuan understood after a little thought.

Seize the market.

If "Doctor Who" follows the normal process and sells the copyright, how many buyers will buy it?
Whether it's streaming media or TV stations, there won't be more than five in total.

After all, this is a very popular TV series in Ouzhou, and it is also very popular in Xizhou.

But it's hard to say in Xiazhou.

Because of the content of the series, there must be a lot of viewers watching it, but it's hard to say how much you can earn.

If there are fewer people buying, there will be fewer platforms to put it on.

and then?The speed and scale of market capture will be small.

Once it's free, it's different.

Good content, coupled with a free format, this will become a series promoted by major streaming media and TV stations.

Because I don't need money here, every cent of the advertising fee of the TV station is in the TV station's own pocket.

Of course he pushes hard.

The same goes for streaming media, I don’t spend money, and I can still earn advertising fees and traffic. Of course, I will put such episodes on the homepage and recommend them crazily.

TV stations and streamers are making money now, and they're grabbing the market.

It's a win-win situation.

"If you don't do this, I won't force you, but you will miss this opportunity to seize the market!" Pierre said: "This may be our last chance!"

Everyone fell silent.

If An Ran's big move is released, Xizhou will definitely react.

As long as Arman does not fall, he will definitely fight An Ran to the death.

But everyone can see clearly that Xizhou needs Xiazhou market, and Xiazhou doesn't need Xizhou market.

Once the production company and TV station in Xizhou suffer too much, they will soon compromise.

Maybe a year or a half, or even no use, maybe two or three months.

Once they compromise, relying on the strong production capabilities and excellent production standards of Xizhou drama series, they will make a comeback soon.

They must seize their own market as soon as possible, and then make their own reputation.

It turned out that M. Pierre was far-sighted.

Best was the first to say: "Mr. Pierre is right, we will take this opportunity to seize the market..."

""Thirty Silver Coins" will be played in Xiazhou for free!"

"Well, our "Rome" will also be played for free in Xiazhou..."

Soon, everyone unanimously agreed that each of them would play a series.

Liu Baoxuan was about to blow everyone's ears.

This is more than 40 TV stations, that is, more than 40... No, to be precise, more than 100 excellent serials have entered the Xiazhou market.

It enriched the diversified development of Xiazhou Market drama series at once.

Lots of episodes, but more than one season.

If you want to buy this, it will definitely cost more than 50 billion!
This saves a huge sum of money.

Of course, he, Liu Baoxuan, will distribute and distribute these episodes according to the normal requirements. Apart from his own broadcast, the others will be distributed to various TV stations in the form of domestic distribution.

Only a symbolic distribution fee is charged for these TV stations and streaming media.

Even if he only charges 10 for hundreds of TV series after deducting the cost, he still earns a fortune in vain.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but admire An Ran.

The night before yesterday, he discussed this matter with An Ran.

What he was worried about was what would happen if these people didn't like the Xiazhou market.

After all, Xizhou was too deeply influenced.

An Ran only told him, "No one will let money go without making money, just watch it, they will not only pay a high price to buy this series, but also give you a big gift... The relationship between the Xizhou film and television industry and the TV stations like Ouzhou , very harmonious on the surface, but the business is overflowing, and no one minds eating more..."

Everything is as An Ran expected.

Pierre and the people in charge of the TV station directly sent a big gift.

It's just so predictable.

Of course, these people in Ouzhou are not saints, they are for the market.

They wanted to grab as much of the market as possible before Xizhou re-entered.

At the same time, it will also fight against the domestic drama production chamber.

But Liu Baoxuan was not worried about this at all.

Local dramas need competition, so as to stimulate everyone to shoot better serials and more exciting content.

Fortunately, some dramas have cultural characteristics, and they are not born to be filmed by Xizhou people.

For example...

Fairy drama!Martial arts drama!
(End of this chapter)

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