Chapter 2079 Simple

An Ran was rather curious about the two going back and forth.

"You two, what's the matter?" They won't come back if they have nothing to do, and they both look serious.

Gyllenhaal said: "I'm sorry Mr. An Ran, my agent Mais accepted a show for me by Diss, but I don't want to go!"

"But my contract with him hasn't arrived yet..."

An Ran said: "I understand what you mean, is he threatening you with a contract?"

"It's Mr. An Ran!" Gyllenhaal said, "Actually, I can play your role without caring, but after all, I have a big breach of contract with him."

"It's not easy to operate."

It's a dilemma, the contract is not up, but he doesn't want to work with Mais anymore, this guy is a bit greedy and not friendly to people.

However, with the resources in hand and the contract in hand, he was in a dilemma.

An Ran asked, "How long is the contract?"

"About half a year, he gave me a choice, saying that the next contract would give me 80%!" Gyllenhaal said: "And he only gave me an hour to think about it."

An Ran said affirmatively, "Reject him."

"If you refuse, I will pay a large amount of liquidated damages!"

An Ran said: "That's not necessarily the case. I'll ask Delta to help you with this matter. This guy will take advantage of the loopholes in the law!"

"At the same time, I am operating here, it may not be impossible!"

Gyllenhaal didn't know what An Ran meant by operation!
An Ran said: "Accordingly, Mais is a person who cares about money very much. If your contract is frozen for half a year, he will lose a lot. If you reject him, I will find someone to buy your contract, and you will transfer it to me! When it's over, I'll tear up your contract, and you'll be a free man from now on!"

Gyllenhaal was so excited that he almost knelt down. According to An Ran, the operation is very likely to be successful.

Mais wasn't going to sit back and watch his contract fall into his hands.

Even if there were no loopholes in his contract, it would be a breeze to file a lawsuit for a year or so for this kind of nonsense contract.

Delta is also a well-known barrister, the shadow of a famous tree, there is a serious sense of awe.

After a year and a half, it may not be possible to win. If the contract can be sold, Mais may make a small profit, so why not do it.

Gyllenhaal felt sorry, "Mr. An Ran, if my contract comes back, you can continue to execute it. After all, you have helped me so much, and I can pay for the contract myself!"

An Ran smiled and said: "It's a trivial matter, don't mention money to me, just like you don't want salary, don't care about this matter! I have plenty of money, but I lack good actors!"

"Get the contract back, and I'll sign a new one with you. Let's just follow the market practice of Enron, and I'll get 20% commission!"

Gyllenhaal didn't know what to say at this time.

I just felt a rush of hot air in my chest, and my throat was blocked.

"Teacher An Ran..."

"Okay, there's no need to talk anymore!" An Ran interrupted him with a smile and waved her hand, "Since you call me 'teacher', I can't ignore this matter, and this matter is caused by me, I must help !"

"Why don't you wait here for a while, I'll arrange it now!"

Gyllenhaal nodded.

Every day this matter is not settled, he feels uneasy every day.

When I went back, my heart was also up and down.

It's better to wait here to see what happens.

An Ran called Huang Ling in first, "Go and see the economic company that Gyllenhaal works for, and give them a shot."

Huang Ling nodded, An Ran had already told her the matter when she was called in.

After Huang Ling went out, An Ran called Delta again and told about Gyllenhaal's situation.

After pondering for a moment, Delta said: "This lawsuit may not be able to win. Generally, although this kind of contract is harsh, legal experts will be invited to read it and plug all the loopholes in it, but also because of the harshness, there is a lot of room for maneuvering. "

An Ran said, "What do you mean?"


"Gyllenhaal's contract is only half a year. Let's delay it for one or two years. After half a year, what else can he say? Even if the lawsuit continues, it will be a loss! Mais is a businessman, and he will suffer for such a long delay. No."

"What's more, his opponent is you! He has to consider the consequences of offending you!"

An Ran said: "Then do it this way, try to delay as long as you can!"

After hanging up the phone, An Ran said to Gyllenhaal: "Give me Mais' phone number, I want to talk to him in person."

As the current bigwig in the entertainment industry, An Ran is also a powerful person, so tell Mais in person, let's talk about it first and see if it's okay.

Just as he was about to pick up the phone, Huang Ling came over before he made a call.

"Boss, Maise's company is a cultural media economic company. It has more than 30 artists, including the little heavenly king Deng Ruiwen, first-tier stars House, Marfa, Li Sek, and a dozen other second-tier stars. The rest It's a third-tier star..."

An Ran nodded.

This is already a strength that cannot be underestimated. Little Heavenly King, three first-tier, plus a dozen second-tier, these people are twisted into a rope in his hands, and they are considered to be quite powerful in the entertainment industry.

And he can have so many artists under his banner, especially Little Heavenly King, who has been working under him without setting up a studio, which shows that this guy is very strong.

At the level of Xiaotianwang, even many frontlines will set up their own studios to avoid taxes or operate other things very conveniently.

Being able to stay under him all the time shows that Mais must have something special.

"Mayce himself was originally a third-rate director. He directed a few films but never made it to the top. Later, relying on his popularity, he began to expand his network, and finally became an agent. He himself is nothing, but his wife Edith is a powerful character. His family has A lot of connections!"

"What does Edith's family do?"

"Member of the Gun Association!"

As soon as these words came out, the air suddenly became thicker.

Guns in Xizhou are a kind of culture.

Unlike Xiazhou, in Xizhou, as long as you pass the inspection, you can own a gun.

Moreover, there are many gun shops in Xizhou, and the business is super good.

But the proliferation of guns brings extreme violence and random shooting.

People from Xiazhou ridicule people from Xizhou. There is a saying, "Life is free, death is random!"

There are tens of thousands of shootings in Xizhou every year, and tens of thousands of lives are killed by guns.

Every year, a large number of ordinary people call for the control of guns, or even the prohibition of guns.

But there was a lot of thunder and little rain.

You call yours, I sell mine!
This has dragged on for decades.

This shows how powerful the gun association is, enough to influence the decision of the top executives of Xizhou.

Throw in the gun association, and the matter immediately becomes complicated.

Gyllenhaal sighed, "Mr. An Ran, I'll do it myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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