Chapter 2117 Rebirth
No one laughed at Cage at this time.

Everyone understands his feelings very well.

The heartache of 12 years was released today.

He covered his face and cried very sadly, even if he tried his best to suppress it, he could still hear the sound of crying and choking.

Tears flowed continuously from between the fingers.

Everyone doesn't know what to say.

Only An Ran and Travolta were beside him, patting his shoulder lightly.

This is a strong man.

If you are not strong, you will not endure gossip for 12 years in order to pay off your debts.

Maybe he himself was wrong.

But he is considered an aboveboard guy in the entertainment industry.

An Ran took the tissue that Huang Ling handed over and stuffed it in Cage's hand, "Cage, from today on, no one will look down on you, you are still the king of the Xizhou film circle, your performance is good enough, you are already very capable explain the problem."

Cage took out a tissue and wiped the tears off his face, "I'm sorry..."

He apologized for his gaffe.

An Ran shook her head, "It's better for a man to cry sometimes, it's not that there is a song called "Men Cry, It's Not a Sin", it sings very well..."

"Huh? Why haven't I heard this song?" Huang Ling whispered behind her.

Shit, I missed the point.

An Ran said as if nothing had happened: "It's good to pass, you haven't been knocked down, you are still standing, although it's hard work, but it's finally over, isn't it? Cage, there is still a lot of time to shine in the future!"

Travolta came over and hugged Cage, "Hey, old man, our days are still long, with Teacher An Ran here, I believe we can still have a fire, don't you think so?"

Cage was like a child at this time, seeing Travolta's serious look, he couldn't help laughing.

Yes, the days to come are still long.

I have paid off my money in exchange, and I don't have to act in bad movies anymore, and life will get better and better.

The key is to meet a good boss.

Without this young man in front of him, I'm afraid I would still be begging for help in a low voice.

Not even the 5000 million.

His industry is getting worse year by year. There are still 200 million in the past, but this year it has dropped to 150 million!
He takes up to three plays a year.

According to this figure, it will take 11 years for him to pay off without eating or drinking.

And as he gets older, his salary will definitely get lower and lower, maybe it will be 100 million in the next year...

In the year after?
No one invited.

This is a very serious problem, but luckily we met An Ran.

Cage wished he could kneel down and kowtow to An Ran.

It turned out that he was also grateful, but today he really empathized, and all the grievances in his heart burst out at once.

The feeling of gratitude to An Ran became stronger and stronger.

"Boss, I don't know what to say anymore. You are the kindest person I have ever met in my life..." Cage is not very good at speaking well, and he is so excited now that he can't think of any words.

Said dryly.

An Ran didn't take it seriously at all, "Cage, remember that I'm a businessman, because you have the value I need, so I will support you again and be optimistic about you! If you have no value, I won't give you a piece of money." The money! Why don't I hire someone else? Do I have to sign a contract with you and Gyllenhaal? You can understand when you think about it..."

"I'm just a businessman to make money!"

There is nothing wrong with this, An Ran thinks so too.

If it were another person, he really didn't want to pull it.

Who would do something that is not beneficial?
Crowe is also the winner of the best actor at the Xizhou Film Festival, why doesn't he help him?

And this guy's reputation is much better than Cage's now.

But everyone in the circle knew that this guy was finished.

Crowe is a violent madman with low EQ, who uses extraordinary means to suppress and attack some newcomers.

Also a member of the crazy club.

When you are proud, no one cares, and even many people fawn on you.

But things were revealed differently.

Crowe is now ruined and has nothing to do.

Occasionally perform a movie, which is also a small-cost movie.

He is also following Cage's old route.

But An Ran knew that Crowe was not like Cage, at least Cage had a good reputation.

That's why he had the chance to stand up today.

Crowe will appear in a small movie for the last time in his life, and it won't be too long. His reputation is not as big as Cage's.

The mistake he made was a big mistake that ruined his reputation, and he would never even think about turning over in this life.

Those who are outdated in other movie circles, those who have fallen into the street, and those who can't climb up, why doesn't An Ran help them?

In the final analysis, Cage has acting skills, and his appeal is still there, but has not disappeared.

Cage and Travolta don't think so.

Why do people help you?
Yes, their peace of mind is helping them, not making money.

In fact, with An Ran's talent, in his hands, as long as it is not too exaggerated to be mentioned, it can become popular.

Why did people choose them?

It's nothing more than growing up watching their movies when I was young, but now I can't bear to see them downcast.

In fact, it can be said that it is to maintain the image of heroes in my childhood, so I paid them to act in movies.

This is their chance.

And they didn't feel that Enron was particularly interested in making money.

Because all of Enron's movies make money, it's just a matter of more or less.

Travolta scratched his head, "Mr. An Ran, you don't need to be humble, you are actually helping us, there is no doubt about it, you don't need to be so polite, we all know it in our hearts!"

"Of course, Cage and I, including Gyllenhaal, are not very good at talking, but I don't think your efforts will be in vain. We will definitely show the best acting skills, and your efforts will not be in vain!"

"Also, if your movie doesn't do well at the box office, we don't need a penny!"

Several people nodded.

In their hearts, Enron has already helped them a lot.

An Ran couldn't help but smile, as a businessman, it is impossible not to make money.

However, as a human being in his two lives, he can best feel the feelings of these people.

The ups and downs of life are so impermanent. There is a difference between someone pulling you up at a critical moment and no one pulling you up.

If Cage didn't give him a hand, he would probably die.

how to say?

It can only be said that I met the right person at the critical moment.

Everyone saw it right.

An Ran clapped her hands, "Everyone, don't be so obedient. In fact, our cooperation is mutually beneficial. You can be active on the screen again, and I can also make money. Why not do it! So, everyone You don't have to be so polite!"

Cage mumbled something to say, but ended up saying nothing.

But the expression on his face was enough to explain the problem.

Huang Ling felt that this would let Cage die safely, and Cage probably would not hesitate to ask any reason.

But now Cage looks like a different person.


(End of this chapter)

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