I really don't want to be red

Chapter 2170 Entertainment

Chapter 2170 Entertainment
"Ha...ha..." Enke let out a weird laugh: "I just like this kind of energetic guy who doesn't give up, chase after him!"

Three men ran with guns and ran towards the black man.

The black man was injured and his footsteps were unstable. Although the speed was very fast at first, it slowed down significantly after 2 minutes.

The blood on his back flowed out from the wound, taking away his strength.

Even so, it was not easy for the three of them to chase.

After all, Enke was not young, and he was still carrying a heavy automatic rifle in his hand.

The black man got into a dense forest after running for a few steps, and the three of them got in quickly...

At this time, there is no one in the dense forest!

At this point, the first video ended, and it took only a few minutes before and after.

Sanchez frowned?
Without opening the second video, he kept thinking about who took it, but the last shot made him suspect that it seemed to be taken by a biological tracking camera.

This kind of camera is usually disguised as a small bird and flies around you.

There are so many palm-sized birds on the island, no one cares.

In terms of technical equipment, it relies on the collection of biological information.

For example, it is set to detect creatures with a body temperature of 36 degrees to 37 degrees. Once a creature in this temperature range is detected, it will keep tracking and shooting.

Or can the range be set larger, 38 degrees?Because after all, hunting is about running.

Although the body temperature of some people can rise to 40 degrees in a short period of time under rapid running, but considering that the pursuers are generally not young, the heat in the body may not be able to evaporate so quickly.

Another one is that the metabolism of older people is relatively slow, and even during strenuous exercise, the body temperature rarely exceeds 37, 8 degrees.

And these people will gather together for safety, so as not to be killed by those prey.

So this kind of biological flying camera, if it is on this island, it will not exceed 37 degrees.

Of course, for the sake of safety, there will be security personnel following them not far away. In the event of an emergency, these professionally trained people will rush to the scene as soon as possible.

The other is to install a tracker on each prey. After all, although the island is small, it has more than ten square kilometers.

Wherever the cat is, it's really hard to find.

With the tracker, one is easy to find, and the second is convenient for guests to find.

Many people can't find it for a long time, and it is inevitable that they will be impetuous. As Sanchez, he will give appropriate reminders at this time, or give suggestions from the side.

Let him find someone and hunt them down.

And these are arranged by him.

Now someone sneaked into the island silently, and even set up a biological tracking flying camera, which is a bit powerful.

He absolutely did not believe that this was done by Liu Zaiyuan alone.

He is not a director, and he does not have this condition to have access to this level of secrets.

Even the shareholders and directors don't know about this place. This is his private hunting ground, and he has never told anyone in the company.

Where did these guys get the news from, they actually sneaked in here, and even took a video.

Sanchez stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Slowly click on the second video.

The second video was still shot at a depression angle, which made him more certain that it was shot by a biological tracking drone.

This video is of what happened after they entered the woods.

The woods are rather dark, with dappled sunlight everywhere.

There are also dense grasses between the trees, which were deliberately set by Sanchez.

Anyway, these prey have trackers on them, so it doesn't matter how secretive they are.

Such a place will increase the difficulty of hunting and increase the fun.

It is annoying not to find prey.

But after finding the prey, it is very interesting to fight wits and courage with the prey.

Sanchez takes care of these little details very well.

Now Enke has an excited expression on his face, and he said in his mouth: "My little cutie, where are you? Come out quickly! Don't make me wait in a hurry!"

The other one looked around carefully. Sanchez touched Enke lightly and pointed to the trees.

Enke looked at the trees next to him, and saw a bloody handprint on it, faintly visible.

There were also bloodstains in the nearby bushes.

Sanchez made a gesture, and the three of them looked into the bushes, only to find that the leaves of the bushes were trembling slightly.

There was no wind at this time, so there must be someone hiding inside.

This guy is pretty smart. If they searched hard inside as soon as they came in, they would definitely miss this place and let him escape to heaven.

Sanchez smiled, and Enko fired a shot into the bushes with his rifle.

Tongues of flame spewed out, bullets whizzed, and after hitting them, there was still no movement inside.

"Sanchez, our little friend, maybe he wasn't inside? Or was he shot to death by me?"

No way, Sanchez shook his head slightly.

Stretching out his finger to point to the bushes, he saw a little brown underneath. Looking carefully, it was the edge of a shoe.

Enke showed a smile on his face, and continued to design with the gun inward.

The bushes shook, but there was no sound coming from inside.

The three of them were a little surprised. If there was really someone inside, then he would have reacted a little before he died no matter what.

But there was no reaction at all.

Is it a strong endurance, or no one at all.

Enke went over and pulled away the bushes, and there was nothing inside.

Sanchez frowned, fooled?
Hastily looked at the watch.

The watch display is actually a tracker.

Seeing this, Sanchez was taken aback.

The red dot on the watch showed that the prey was indeed here, and the dot was highly coincident with their location.

Is it...

This guy got the tracker off?
Sanchez did have this idea at the time, but seeing this now, he still feels scared.

This is a smart guy with a very high IQ and a great body.

If they hadn't been injured in advance, they might really suffer losses here.

It doesn't necessarily mean death, but if you are seriously injured or something, you can't run away.

In the video, a black shadow suddenly jumped down from the tree and threw Sanchez down in the air.

This guy is very accurate.

Sanchez is the most physically fit of the bunch and the youngest, and the guy has something to track them down.

So he is the object that should be solved first.

Sanchez was thrown down, taken aback.

At this time, his sniper rifle was held down by the black man's hand, and he couldn't lift it up at all.

The two people around were already dumbfounded at this moment, and were frightened dumbfounded by this sudden situation.

The Negro punched him hard on the jaw.

Sanchez was dizzy.

Then the black man reached for the pistol on his waist.

Sanchez was taken aback...

At this time, a black gun barrel hit the back of the black man's head, and he pointed forward vigorously.

The black man was obviously frightened, and quickly raised his hands obediently, not daring to move.

"Go to hell, bastard..."

(End of this chapter)

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