I really don't want to be red

Chapter 2199 I will answer

An Ran didn't speak, just looked behind You Wen.

You Wen smiled and said: "Mr. An Ran, you are not speechless, do you know how many people will think that you and Miss Joyner have something behind your back by your silence?"

As a reporter, this guy is fearless.

Anyway, you An Ran are a public figure, what can you do with me.

A big reporter in Xizhou has fewer fans than non-stars, and many reporters even have star attributes.

They are considered to be the first-line whistleblowers, and their work has its own halo.

Many things have been exposed to you. If something happens to the reporter, whether you did it or not, the public opinion can drown you.

But An Ran is not afraid of the so-called public opinion.

"Everyone, please make way?" Everyone's attention was on An Ran, and a voice rang out without kicking over.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Joyner.

Joyner had intended to go.

But after thinking about it for a while, if An Ran had any bad questions, it would be difficult for An Ran to answer them. At least with her by her side, these reporters would restrain themselves somewhat.

Then I knew that I heard such an unconstrained question as soon as I came here.

Juventus smiled, and the Lord is here, which is just right.

"Sir, I can answer your question just now for Mr. An Ran, but you have to tell me your name first!"

"Juventus, I'm Juventus from NBB."

Joyner smiled and said, "You haven't been here for long, have you?"

Juventus shrugged his shoulders, "Yes, I just came to Xizhou for more than a month, and it turned out that I was working in the TV station branch of NBB England."

Everyone nodded slightly together, and at the same time there was a trace of pity in their hearts.

No wonder.

When I first came here, of course I wanted to stand out, so I wanted to do something to attract attention.

When this question is asked, no matter how An Ran answers, the reporter can write different flowers with just one pen.

The problem is that some people can be offended, while others cannot.

This guy figured out the situation at all, so he ran out to light the gun. Isn't this courting death?
In a way, you can offend Enron.

Generally speaking, he won't care too much about these low-level people, and as a predator in the entertainment industry, he won't use too dark methods to deal with you.

Enron's behavior is obvious to all.

But you can't offend Joyner.

Joyner herself may be fine, and she doesn't care about these issues, after all, this is the entertainment industry.

There are too many things going on between who and who, she really doesn't care about this kind of problem.

But her brother won't.

Joyner's two elder brothers, they are both the underground emperors who are accustomed to lawlessness.

Thanks to Xizhou's gun culture, people always shoot when they draw their guns, or their younger brothers can kill people in minutes.

"Okay, Mr. Ewing, I'll answer your question now!" Joyner walked up to An Ran, took An Ran's arm and said, "The relationship between Mr. An Ran and me can be said to be a relationship between a student and a teacher, or it can be said to be a relationship between a teacher and a teacher." The relationship of good friends, of course, is very, very good friends.”

Juventus clung to this question, "Your is very good, how good is it? Is it as good as a couple?"

Brother, I admire you.

You are so courageous, you dare to ask such a question.


Many people looked at Juventus with admiration in their eyes.

Juventus was even more proud, not knowing that he was already going further and further on the road to death.

It feels like people look at him with envy.

Just wait, I'm going to make myself famous once, and there are more excessive problems behind him.

Joyner didn't hide it at all, "Of course it didn't reach that level. I have a very good relationship with Mr. An Ran, but Mr. An Ran is very polite to me and never does anything excessive."

"Of course, in fact, I like Mr. An Ran very, very much, but he already has his own. For me, it can only be a pity!"

An Ran looked at Joyner in surprise, how dare you say it.

Joyner looked at him with a smile on her arm, "What, are you surprised?"

What a surprise.

An Ran is not a piece of wood, Joyner is interested in him, he is not ignorant, but his heart belongs to him, so he can only pretend to be stupid.

But this is fine now, after all, Joyner has expressed her attitude, and she will not cling to her.

The two are just good friends, which also reassures him a lot.

Joyner actually had more on her mind.

If she really starts pursuing, An Ran may not necessarily fall into her arms, in fact, it is likely that she will not agree to him.

Are there not enough beauties around An Ran?

At least she could see that Huang Ling was very interested in An Ran, but An Ran always kept her distance.

If she chased her closely, An Ran felt the pressure and didn't want to hurt her, maybe she would distance herself from her.

In that case, the gain outweighs the loss.

So now the best thing is to get along with An Ran as friends, or better than friends, so that they are not tired of each other and can get along happily.

Joyner's emotional intelligence is very high.

An Ran also smiled when she heard this.

A relationship that makes you feel at ease, of course that's fine.

But Juventus doesn't think so. What he wants is breaking news, or even creating a topic, otherwise how can he make his name famous?

"Then Miss Joyner, have you ever had intimate behavior with Mr. An Ran in the name of a friend?"

This is very impolite to ask.

Not only Joyner was angry, but An Ran was also very angry.

"Mr. Ewing, if you ask me this way, I can tell you clearly, are you satisfied?" Joyner had always answered the question with a smile, but at this time she seemed a little unhappy.

"Oh...Miss Joyner, are you upset? Could it be that I told you about your pain? Or is it the fact that I exposed it, and that's why you became angry..."

Joyner's expression tightened and she became calm, "Mr. Ewing, I'm afraid it's not polite for you to do this?"

Juventus smiled: "I don't think there is anything impolite, this is what everyone wants to know."

An Ran said indifferently: "Mr. Ewing, Ms. Joyner and I have already answered your question. We are very good friends. We have no intimate relationship beyond the norm. Well, let's stop your question here!"

Juventus hurriedly shouted: "Then how can you convince everyone!"

An Ran looked at his watch.

"Everyone, you only have 10 minutes to ask questions. If you want to give up all your time to this garbage, you can continue to watch. I will answer his questions in detail."

"I go……"

Hearing this sentence, all the reporters rushed forward and pushed Juventus aside.

In an instant, Juventus changed from the inside of the card to the outside.

There was a large group of people crowded in the middle, although the distance was not very far, it was impossible to get close to An Ran.

Joyner smiled slightly, good means...

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