I really don't want to be red

Chapter 2260 Advertising

Chapter 2260 Advertising
"But I still have doubts!" ​​Huang Ling said, "I'm curious, what method will you use? It's definitely not as simple as placing an advertisement."

An Ran smiled and said: "Placing advertisements, even if it is to pull music, is not a small fee. We must try our best to make a profit. Low cost is our advantage, so we must expand this advantage!"

Huang Ling sat down, pinching her chin, "Tell me about it."

As a short video of Yanyin, the volume is large, but due to its inherent disadvantages, it can only place advertisements one by one. It is impossible to post one here and one there on the web page like Twitter and Facebook. This is the disadvantage of Yanyin. .

An Ran was quite moved after hearing that, without him, in this world, short video platforms like Yanyin might take another ten years to reach their current size.

Even a business genius like Huang Ling didn't realize the huge business opportunities brought by short videos.

An Ran said: "We don't vote for the Yanyin platform, we vote for the short video Yanyin number!"

"Duanyinhao?" Huang Ling suddenly realized, "You mean, let those Yanyinhao advertise for us."

An Ran nodded, looking like a teachable child, "There are many accounts on the Yanyin platform that make short videos for film and television!"

"In today's society, due to the fast pace of life, many people don't have time to watch series one by one, or because of copyright issues, they are reluctant to watch these series."

"Moreover, many serials have more than a dozen seasons and one or two hundred episodes at a time. It may take a long time to finish watching. Think about it, everyone is running around for a living, and many people want to do nothing after get off work!"

"Even if you have to spend money to watch a series, what do you do? These video numbers on Zhanyin have become everyone's favorite place to look for."

"These drag numbers specialize in editing serials or movies, and cut out the main line and highlights! A one-and-a-half-hour movie can be cut in about 10 minutes!"

"A movie with an hour and one episode ranges from 2 minutes to 5 minutes, which greatly shortens the time for everyone to watch the series! It not only meets the needs of watching the series, but also does not need to waste time, and it is great without spending money. thing?"

"Some accounts that make videos have more fans than some star accounts, which shows how popular they are!"

Huang Ling finally understood after hearing this, "You mean, borrow their huge fan base?"

"That's right!" An Ran said: "To extract the highlights of the movie, of course the main line can't be exposed, and the ending of the story can't be exposed either, just make a few more shocking endings to arouse the audience's interest! "

Huang Ling already understood all of An Ran's plans, but she was still a little worried.

After all, we haven't let these people advertise.

Some Tuanyin accounts with a huge number of fans have begun to receive advertisements and even carry goods, but this has mixed reviews, and many people have even developed resistance to online celebrities carrying goods.

Many people take a wait-and-see attitude. After all, many of these Internet celebrities are eager to realize the traffic, and they will do it as long as they are paid.

It's a mess.

There are many people who bring goods to advertise, but those who make videos rarely bring goods.

Not to mention that the movie made them advertise.

Huang Ling said, "How about their charges?"

"Of course the charges are much cheaper than advertising on TV and online platforms."

"We just let them play the edited one! Let them stick one to the top for a month, and pay according to the number of fans."

"If you have more than 200 million fans, you will be given $500 a month, and if you have 100 million fans, you will be given $300..."

Huang Ling frowned slightly, "If there are 50 people, only [-] will be paid? It really saves a lot."

An Ran shook her head slightly, and continued: "First, I've seen that the most fans who make video clips online is 1200 million. I'm going to give him 5000 to be the top fan for a month."

"As for those accounts with about 200 million fans, there are actually far fewer than 1000. Many of them are fans bought by themselves or obtained through other means. They are not considered live fans! Those who really have 200 million fans It's only a few hundred people..."

"For a phone number ranging from 200 million fans to 50 million fans, we can spend a total of [-] yuan!"

"And there are more people in the range of 200 million to 50. We also spend 50, which can basically cover 80% of movie fans. How much money can this save!"

As An Ran spoke, she praised herself, "I feel very good about this idea, what do you think?"

Huang Ling gave him a blank look, but she couldn't help admiring that this was indeed the most cost-effective advertisement.

"You can be proud of this once, and everyone will learn it in the future. I am afraid their prices will become higher and higher. Although it is still much less than TV and web advertisements, the price may not be as favorable as it is now. .”

An Ran didn't care, "The higher the price, the better. Anyway, I'm also the major shareholder of Yanyin. They make more money. The higher the popularity, the higher the traffic, the higher our profits will be."

Huang Ling was speechless for a while, this guy really doesn't suffer from both ends.

It really is so.

If these dragging numbers want the film companies that place advertisements to see their strength, I am afraid they will have to spend money to buy traffic.

Isn't this income?
And the fans they attracted were all the traffic of dragging music.

It can be said that the ultimate benefit is still in the hands of An Ran, no matter how you play, you will not lose.

An Ran said: "Or at first, they didn't feel that this was an advertisement, they just thought it was an edited movie clip."

Huang Ling nodded, "That's right, I'm afraid at first, even within a month or two, they won't feel that you are advertising. After all, this is a new thing. Even if they know about it, they still want to see our effect. .”

An Ran very much agrees with Huang Ling's statement, in fact, this thing is to support the bold and starve the timid.

There are many things, especially new things, that everyone dares to try.

The earliest web page advertisements on the Internet were not so active at the beginning, and everyone didn't know how powerful it would be.

It has been developing for more than ten years before this kind of advertising has become the norm.

An Ran said: "I'll arrange it and ask them to edit the clips more beautifully."

His subordinates are all professional editors, which are more likely to arouse everyone's interest in watching movies than those edited by the owners of these accounts on the Internet.

Huang Ling nodded.

When Speer and Sanchez started advertising and roadshows in full swing.

An Ran was in the editing room, discussing with Lucasfilm's professional editors how best to edit.

There are a lot of highlights throughout the movie, but not all of the videos that are served are the same.

To let everyone feel the splendor of this movie, but also have a vague plot, without revealing the complete plot, in fact, this is really not an easy task...

(End of this chapter)

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