I really don't want to be red

Chapter 2332 I'm So Tired

Chapter 2332 I'm So Tired
Masur also worked hard, and three months passed by gritting his teeth.

I don't worry much during the day, but mainly at night, if there is a thief or something, I can't just steal it.

Thinking of this, Masur went back and moved a mattress out, so I won't leave, and will stay here for food and lodging in the future.

Of course poop can't be here.

The poo is here, affecting the device a bit.

After searching around, he found a place to keep out the wind. He dragged the mattress and put the pillow on it.

A metal bat was also prepared.

Fortunately, the weather is not too cold now, and it is okay to have a blanket at night.

Soon at night, Masur, who plugged in the TV and DVD, sat next to the device and watched the DVD.

There is a sound here, which will have a deterrent effect on some young people.

If there is movement, many guys dare not come.

When he came, Lao Tzu hammered him with a stick.

Masur touched the metal bat, somewhat confident in his heart.

After a short meeting, sleepiness hit him, and he curled up together, so early...

No one should come, those guys are nocturnal animals.

Go to sleep for a while, it should be fine.

Unexpectedly, after his sleep, it was already dawn when he woke up.

Masur was taken aback, and quickly jumped up to check it again. The equipment was fine.

The big iron door was well locked, with no signs of being tampered with, and the few residents upstairs were also very honest and had never been here.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Made, unexpectedly fell asleep, if something happened last night, it would be troublesome.

Woke up and ate something.

Masur decided to get enough sleep during the day and stare at it at night.

If it can stop for a day, who dares to say that it will stop forever?
This is not something to be taken lightly.

After dealing with some things in the morning, he slept soundly in the house in the afternoon.

In the evening, he sits on the mattress and watches TV with vigor.

Since I slept well during the day, I was not sleepy at night.

But people are biological animals after all, they sleep a lot during the day and sometimes doze off at night.

When he was almost sleepy, he suddenly heard someone walking outside, and the sound of footsteps was very clear.

Masur, who was sleepy at first, suddenly became alert.

A few people seemed to be drunks, and they couldn't straighten their heads when talking, but their voices were not low, talking and laughing loudly.

Is it a drunkard?
Masur breathed a sigh of relief, this is not bad.

The drunkard's fighting power is not strong, he alone is enough to deal with the three.

And they didn't come here for their own sake, so nothing bad might happen.

But when the three of them passed the gate, they seemed to stop.

The voice suddenly became quieter, as if muttering something.

Masur coughed, stood up, and walked to the gate with a stick, only to see a few black people looking him up and down.

"Hey, get out of the way, or I'll smash your heads at any time, this is a private place." He said, showing the bat in his hand.

Several people glanced at him, but didn't say much, and turned to leave.

At this moment, five people suddenly appeared in the alley. These five people were all wearing pullovers, and their faces could not be seen clearly.

A few people came over and couldn't help but say, they caught the black man and beat him.

One of the black men yelled and jumped up trying to fight back.

But one of them suddenly drew a pistol and pointed it at him.

Those black people quickly knelt down with their heads in their hands.

The moment Masur saw the pistol, he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage. He dodged behind the wall first, and then peeked out.

I saw a few people punching and kicking the black people around.

Those few people screamed again and again, but the five people who beat them didn't say a word, they just beat their heads in silence.

This made Masur feel particularly weird.

Fortunately, the few people didn't hit too hard. After the fight, the gunman put away the gun, took a look at the yard, and walked away with the few people.

After a long time, several black people got up from the ground and left.

Masur couldn't fall asleep right now.

That black muzzle is too scary.

Until dawn, he went to look, and saw that the ground was covered with blood, and those little blacks didn't know what happened, and they would probably be drunk for ten days and a half months.

I don't know what hatred or grievance, this sudden beating in the middle of the night.

Still in front of your own door.

This thing is really...

If that guy suddenly robs...

The consequences are unimaginable.

Install monitoring.

Yes, this is a good way.

Masur did what he said, and immediately found someone to install the wiring and monitor, and everything was done in less than half a day.

The monitoring line is connected to the monitoring room, and at the same time, you can check it on your mobile phone.

Then he deliberately placed the camera in a conspicuous position, which is a warning.

I have monitoring here, so I have to weigh everything I want to do.

Satisfied when it was over, Masur went to bed.

I was so scared by the gun last night that I couldn't fall asleep all night, and I was busy all morning.

Get into the house, and soon fell asleep.

At that time, he was sleeping soundly, when suddenly there was a loud noise, which made Masur jump out of bed in fright.

After being dazed for a while, I opened the window to check.

I saw a group of people making noise in the abandoned yard not far away. I didn't know what was lit just now, and a small explosion occurred.

A few people didn't know they were afraid at all, they were still laughing "haha".

Masur was so angry that he closed the window and checked the time. He only slept for ten minutes.

But that group of people is not a good bird, and now he has a big head like a bucket, he thinks it's better not to provoke him for the time being, because someone got in the way, come here to fight with you.

Being injured is a trivial matter. If the equipment is smashed, he can cry to death.

That's a big deal, I can't afford it.

He just wanted to sleep well, but things backfired. He just lay down and was dazed for a few minutes, but he still hasn't died of sleep.

I heard a "boom".

Marsur jumped up in fright.

What's wrong with Nima?One after another the voices sounded, and they were very loud. He understood at once that this was someone racing.

Many drag racing little guys like to cancel the mute device to play.

Some even increase the volume of the device, as long as it makes a loud noise as soon as it passes, the people who listen to it are terrified.

This is what the will-o’-the-wisps like to do.

The question is, what kind of car is this crazy place?Are you sick in your head?

Although his place is remote, the road is not good, and there is almost no racing or something.

What are these people thinking? They are not afraid of losing their lives.

He stretched his head to look, and sure enough, he saw a car running around here, with a huge roar from the exhaust pipe.

These people don't know what to draw.

This end ran that end, that end ran this end, just one way, running back and forth, never tired of it.

Masur almost didn't cry.

Normally, he would jump up and hit someone, but now...


These young people are very vindictive, and they are young and courageous, he really dare not provoke...

My goodness.

Masur sat on the bed, sinking into deep pain.

I am so tired.

(End of this chapter)

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