I really don't want to be red

Chapter 2453 Breakthrough from the Inside

Chapter 2453 Breakthrough from the Inside

"As we all know, when a successful company faces external forces, there is not much danger." Hess spouted out the flue: "The problems often come from within."

Everyone nodded when they heard it.

"When Hucai was the top media, and then the mainline film industry, there are countless examples of this. When the danger came, everyone fought on their own, or they were all busy earning their own profits, and they didn't take the company's future into consideration at all!"

"The result? In the end, the company collapsed, and no one benefited from it." Hess talked eloquently, "So Sanchez's method is very good."

"Even if An Ran is running well, if he ignores the feelings of his right-hand men, no matter how prosperous the company is, it will eventually be ruined."

"Chu Xiaoxiao was a genius in the financial street back then. Buffy once offered [-] million annual salary to recruit him, but she rejected them all. Now under An Ran, if his annual salary does not exceed [-] million yuan, it would be a waste of talents. We You can start with those things.”

"After all, people are profit animals. I don't believe that Chu Xiaoxiao has devoted herself to helping him for so many years, but in the end her income is not satisfactory. We can use high salaries..."

Speaking of this, he hesitated, "If possible, a talent like Chu Xiaoxiao can give her a little share reward to attract her."

"What?" Hancock and the others cried out in shock.

give shares...

"Yes!" Sanchez took over the conversation, "Everyone, I have investigated carefully. When An Ran took over his father's company, he faced an existential crisis."

"It was Chu Xiaoxiao who rushed back from Xizhou. After taking over the company, she single-handedly saved the company from the fire and water. After she returned, the company grew rapidly."

"Of course there is An Ran's talent in it, but it also has Chu Xiaoxiao's management ability, otherwise it would be impossible to expand so quickly."

Sanchez said seriously: "Everyone, if I can, I would like to give her 1 point of shares! 1 point of shares for the entire Diss Group."

As soon as he said this, everyone was in an uproar.

"One point, my God, is this too much?"

"Is this woman really so valuable?"

"Good guy, I became a billionaire in a flash..."

"This...Mr. Sanchez, should we think about it? After all, this point is a bit too much. This is 10 billion."

This is a 1 point stake in the entire Diss Group.

Not a share of a company.

In other words, as long as Chu Xiaoxiao nods, she can immediately become a shareholder of Diss.

In addition to the stocks that were taken out, the remaining shares of Diss Company were divided into 23 hands, the few people were only 3 points, and the many people were no more than a dozen points.

This will allow Chu Xiaoxiao to reap hundreds of millions of dividends every year, and her ability cannot be buried, so she must occupy a high-level position within the company.

According to the ideas of Sanchez and Hess, this guy cannot have a salary of less than 1 million.


That is 10 million a year, with [-] billion assets in hand?
This gift is too generous.

Everyone advised Sanchez to think twice.

Hess agreed, "Everyone, a person who can bring a crumbling company to where it is today, I think a share of 1 point can be regarded as wronging the other party."

"About one-fourth to one-third of An Ran's money was earned with her help. In fact, I think at least half of it is because of her."

"Talent is important, but management is even more important. Otherwise, An Ran would only be a talented star, but would not be where she is today. So I think this number is not much."

"She has earned tens of billions of assets for Enron. With our strong strength as the backing, I believe that Chu Xiaoxiao has more room to play here. By then, the shares in everyone's hands may be inflated."

Everyone's heart skipped a little when he said this, but is Chu Xiaoxiao really that powerful?
They have all heard of this woman, from the financial street to the entertainment industry, she is a very talented person who has stirred up the wind and rain in the world.

But the price given was a bit too exaggerated, so everyone hesitated for a while.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Sanchez said, "Let's do it this way. I will sell the 1-point share in private. If Chu Xiaoxiao fulfills her ability in the future, everyone will talk about it later."

He originally wanted to say, Chu Xiaoxiao is about to fulfill her abilities, and you all contribute one point, and I will get all the shares of this one point for me.

But after thinking about it, the people sitting here are all iron cocks. If you expect them to come out, you might as well just admit it yourself.

If you can win over Chu Xiaoxiao, there will be countless benefits in the future.

Being able to have one more absolute help in the board of directors, the hidden benefits are obvious, and it is also one more vote for oneself in the board of directors.

Everyone looked at Sanchez in surprise. This guy really values ​​Chu Xiaoxiao, and he would rather have less shares.

If Sanchez values ​​it so much, then we have no reason not to.

But let them pay for nothing, and they feel a little bit overwhelmed by this hurdle.

Hess smiled and said: "If you have any concerns, then let's do it this way. Mr. Sanchez and I will pay half of the shares to Chu Xiaoxiao. Everyone can look at the situation first. If possible, Chu Xiaoxiao can show her corresponding talent. , then everyone can join this share split at any time, that is, you can take a little out of your shares to dilute the shares of me and Sanchez..."

Everyone immediately understood that this is equivalent to Chu Xiaoxiao's investment and wealth management product, and you are optimistic about investing.

When we are not optimistic, we will pay the money.

"I think so." Hancock nodded.

Sanchez disagreed in his heart.

Pattern, pattern.

How can you play with An Ran with such a small structure?

But since everyone agrees on this matter, it can be regarded as a good start, a bit of a good start.

"Well, since everyone agrees, then we will do so."

Charles said: "Mr. Sanchez, I actually think it's a little early to discuss this matter now. After all, it's still unknown whether Chu Xiaoxiao can come. We've already discussed how much money we'll give her. It's a bit too early. Let's try to contact him first."

Everyone nodded.

Sanchez also said: "It is indeed a bit early, but it is not too late. I think it is best to contact her as soon as possible."

"Then who should go?" Hancock adjusted his suit and wiped his hair. Among middle-aged men, he was a guy with unique charm.

So you should do it yourself?
As a successful man, his favorite thing to do is to conquer those women who seem unattainable.

Especially a successful woman like Chu Xiaoxiao.

(End of this chapter)

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