I really don't want to be red

Chapter 264 The most magical song in history debuts

Chapter 264 The most magical song in history debuts

"have a look!"

Chen Baichuan instructed the monitors.

The monitor turned on the computer next to him, logged in and entered the live broadcast screen in the background.

For this live broadcast, Yanyin sent three people to live broadcast.

In the screen, on the simple stage, it is this year's hot newcomer Chen Qian who is singing the famous song "Big Fish"!
Although the sound effect is not very good, but with the unique voice, it still sings with ethereal inspiration.

On the other hand, there was a very sloppy crowd sitting on the playground.

There are children, old people, and young and middle-aged people, but the proportion of young and middle-aged people is very small, and the old people and children account for almost 80%.

The children below were the most excited. Although it was the stage and lighting that looked very simple to them, in the eyes of these children, it was a scene they had never seen in their entire lives.

Every child looked at the stage with wide-eyed eyes, as if they didn't understand why the lights on the stage were so beautiful.

This is not a commercial performance, nor is it a program.

At the same time, the attention was not high, so Chen Qian sang very relaxedly, and after relaxing, the effect was particularly good.

Sing a song.

The children below applauded desperately.

The atmosphere instantly became heated.

Unlike the children in the city, they didn't have much contact with these things. They sat politely at the scene. When Chen Qian sang, they all behaved well, and only applauded and cheered together when the singing was over.

Looking at the simple faces below, Chen Qian said, "Do you like this song?"


"Then let me sing a song for everyone, okay?"

"it is good!"

The children below shouted together.

After several months of practice, Chen Qian is already quite comfortable with this kind of scene, and she is very open on the stage.

He waved his hand and shouted, "Teacher An, the music is on..."

The camera turned to the past, and everyone saw that the accompanist sitting in front of the electronic piano was actually An Ran.

"Please enjoy... Dalabon..."

The children at the scene didn't understand, but it didn't matter, it didn't hinder their liking for Chen Qian.

But the audience who suddenly poured into the live broadcast room felt a little dizzy.

"What the hell? Dalabang..."

"What the hell? Never heard of it!"

"Could it be Chen Qian's new song?"

"Ahhhh, Chen Qian's new song? I'm so looking forward to it, Chen Qian loves you so much!"

"For the new song... isn't it a bit sloppy to appear on this occasion!"

Even Chen Baichuan, who was monitoring him, was in a daze. Is Mr. An so capricious?Playing a new song on TV at night?What do you think!
At this moment, several simulated distant ringtones sounded, followed by Chen Qian's siren-like beautiful voice into the microphone.

"Damn it, it's Bel Canto!"

"No, if it's bel canto, I really can't appreciate it!"

"I don't know the number of ways..."

While everyone was discussing, the rhythm of the music suddenly accelerated. At this moment, Chen Qian spoke into the microphone!
"long long ago"

"Suddenly the dragon appeared"

"brings disaster"

"Take away the princess and disappear..."

There is childishness in the voice, like the voice of a 12-year-old girl, clear and immature, very pleasant to hear.

"Ah!" The children all stood up at once, their eyes widened, and they didn't understand why Chen Qian made such a voice like a child.

The audience who were watching the live broadcast were collectively dumbfounded.

Fuck, can this kind of voice be sung?

Chen Baichuan and the monitor stared at Chen Qian in the video with wide eyes and mouths.

My mother, the song...can you still sing like this?

And Li Yan who was in the background stood up with a "huh", she was really frightened by Chen Qian's singing.

Bai Xiaofei also heard this ghostly voice, her face was full of shock.

This sound is no longer what humans can make.

At this time, Chen Qian had already sung another verse.

"I will take my best sword"

"Over the Highest Mountain"

"Into the Deepest Forest"

"Bring the princess back to the front..."

This time the vocal range changed and became a rich baritone.

Switching between the two voices, changing freely, is completely seamless.

This song is telling a whole story.

And Chen Qian took on all the roles in it alone.

Bai Xiaofei and Li Yan showed terrified expressions, and they could perfectly control every change of voice.

There is nothing wrong with every libretto, and the singing skills are so terrifying.

An old-fashioned story about Dragon Quest is interpreted by Chen Qian in a different way.

Even a queen like Bai Xiaofei was frightened, and the netizens who watched the live broadcast on the Internet were going crazy!
"Damn it, it's so awesome, Chen Qian's voice is like no one else!"

"One person plays the role of the triangle, no, it's the fourth role now, and the voice of each role is vividly reflected!"

"No, you forget about the little girl who narrates, he plays five roles for one person!"

"Great, great, great!"

"I don't know what to say anymore, here's a gift!"

Overwhelming sports cars, rockets and large planes fly all over the screen in an instant.

As for the flowers and balloons, it seems that they don't need money, and they can't stop at all.

The monitor and Chen Baichuan were dumbfounded.

Since the launch of Yanyin, there has never been such an exaggerated situation. Sports cars, planes and rockets are thrown upwards as if they don't want money.

"Data, how much data!"

Chen Baichuan shouted at the top of his voice: "Don't just watch it, give me the data!"

"Oh oh oh oh!" The monitors looked dumbfounded, and only then turned their attention, "21 online users, 12 new registrations, 4 tippers, and a total amount of 67!"


Chen Baichuan was stunned. It took only 2 minutes for this song to be sung, and the number of people instantly increased by 10, and the rewards exceeded 60. This is too scary.

Mr. An is really good at things, and a village evening can make such a big commotion.

But I like it!

Haha, Chen Baichuan was overjoyed and ordered: "Change the push mechanism to give the party more traffic!"

"it is good!"

Monitors immediately started changing the push mechanism.

At this time, many users who use Douyin heard Chen Qian’s ghostly voice as soon as they opened it.

"What the hell? Chen Qian?"

Then I saw the small text pushed in the lower left corner, "The strongest village night in history, Chen Qian Dalabang shocked the audience"!
Village night?

My mother, what about this kind of party?
What the hell is Dalabang?

Everyone clicked in out of curiosity.

Once you get in, you can't get out.

Not only the users who just clicked on the sound, but many users who are watching short videos, when they watch the next video, they become Cunwan...

Then there were countless carnival netizens who spontaneously went to the Internet to promote it.

Gradually, the number of viewers in the village evening, which had only a few thousand viewers at the beginning, was increasing at a frightening rate.

20 million!
30 million!

Chen Baichuan took out his phone and called the head of the department, "Inform the person to work overtime, I'm afraid something big will happen tonight..."

(The XJ Internet Writers Association has been established these days, so no updates will be added. If you have nothing to do next week, try to update five times from Monday to Thursday!)

(End of this chapter)

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