Chapter 280 Lilac
Teacher Miao pointed to the message posted on the tombstone and said, "The children call her mother..."

At this moment, An Ran's heart was hit hard by something, and her nose felt sore.

He squatted in front of the grave, and pasted various small notes on it.

"Mom, I got [-] points in the test this time!"

"Mom, I miss you."

"Mom, I will study hard and not let you down..."

"Mom, Xiaobao is crying again today, but I won't, you said that boys should be strong..."


There are densely packed message notes on the tombstone, some of which have been exposed to the wind and sun and the handwriting cannot be seen clearly, and many of them have fallen on the ground.

It is full of longing and concern for the children.

Miao Xiaomeng stared blankly at the tombstone, "Ms. Ding likes children the most, and if the child doesn't come to class, she will look for it herself."

"Whether she is sick or has no money, as long as the students she has taught will eventually return to school!"

"For three whole years, she didn't take a day off..."

Tears flowed down Miao Xiaomeng's cheeks, "It rained heavily last year, Teacher Ding sent the children home, and he coughed up blood after coming back..."

"I'll go to the hospital later for an examination and rescue, and the right lung lobe will be completely removed!"

"But just like that, she was still worried about the children, and secretly ran back to school when their condition improved..."

Miao Xiaomeng burst into tears.

At this point, she couldn't continue.

An Ran's eyes were red, and the girl on the tombstone had clear eyes, as if she was looking at him.

Miao Xiaomeng took a deep breath, "Last June, Teacher Ding fainted in class. Mr. Ding personally brought someone over, but he still couldn't be rescued!"

"When she was dying, she hoped to bury herself in Kaoshan Village. She said...the children here need to be accompanied..."

At this point, Miao Xiaomeng couldn't continue.

Covering her mouth, tears rolled down like broken pearls.

The softest part of An Ran's heart seemed to be pierced by a sharp knife, and tears welled up in her eyes!

He squatted in front of the tombstone, stroking the photos.

"You deserve to be remembered forever... Teacher Ding Xiang..."

At some point, An Ran was already surrounded by people.

There are children, teachers, students of "The Voice", and Mr. Ding standing there silently.

Everyone's eyes were full of tears.

Suddenly someone said: "Teacher An, can you write a song for Teacher Ding!"

"That's right, Teacher An, you are so good at writing songs, write a song for Teacher Ding!"

"Mr. An, write a song for Mom!"

The children in the mountains are sensible early, and many of them have burst into tears, "We miss our mother, Teacher An..."

An Ran said to Chen Han: "Old Chen, leave me the time for the last song..."

Chen Han nodded.

"Uncle, are you going to write a song for mom?" Tian Tian came over and asked An Ran, pulling at the corner of An Ran's clothes.

"Yeah, because she is your best mother!"

At 12:20, the party was coming to an end. After "Don't Hurt Me Again" by "The Voice" student Qi Zhen, the party should have ended.

But at this moment, Chen Han stepped onto the stage, and said with red eyes: "Originally, this evening party should end here, but we heard a very touching story just now. For this story, we set aside the time for a song." To Teacher An..."

Netizens are curious.

"what story?"

"Old Chen's learning is broken, and he knows to keep everyone in suspense. He doesn't tell the story, and you want me to guess to death?"

"It's a touching story, please be a person. I watched your party today. I cried three times in a fit of anger. My mother thought I was broken in love, so she came to persuade me for a long time!"

"What story does Mr. Chen not tell, there must be his reasons!"

"It's good to listen to the music..."

"An's song is really well written, listen to the song first, and talk about the rest later!"

At this time, the lens shakes, and it is obvious that the camera is changing places.

Soon the camera became clear from shaking, and An Ran was sitting next to a tomb in the camera, holding a dilapidated acoustic guitar in his arms.

Netizens fell silent for a moment.

The camera sweeps...

I saw only two words "Lilac" engraved on the tombstone, and the girl in the black and white photo smiled sweetly, showing her canine teeth.

Various small notes are densely pasted on the tombstone.

It is colorful, and the night wind blows, like a fluttering butterfly, ready to fly away at any time.

"Mom, are you okay over there? We miss you!"

"Mom, I'm not naughty now."

"Mom, I will study hard and live up to your expectations..."

Childish fonts, simple words.

The children are not capable of expressing too gorgeously, but it is these simple and simple words that are even more shocking.

All the netizens fell silent for a moment.

Even without telling this story, they would have guessed that the girl lying here must be a supporting teacher, otherwise so many children would not call her "Mom"!
Chen Han pointed the microphone at An Ran.

An Ran gently plucked the strings, and a plain and simple tone sounded.

"You said you love lilacs the most"

"Because the name is what it is"

"How long is the melancholy flower"

"Sentimental people..."

At this time, the live broadcast room was quiet, and the barrage that was still flying just now disappeared.

No one spoke, everyone looked at An Ran who was sitting in front of the tomb and singing seriously.

The camera moved to the tombstone again. Those children, teachers, and villagers all had tears in their eyes.

Teacher Ding Xiang's smile in the photo is more vivid, as if she is right in front of her eyes.

Many students and teachers shed tears.

Miao Xiaomeng was the first to walk up to the tombstone and bowed deeply.

Then came the other teachers.

Every teacher sincerely expressed respect to Mr. Dingxiang at the tombstone.

After a dozen supporting teachers walked away.

The one who came up was a little boy, about ten years old.

Walking to the tombstone, he took out a certificate from his pocket and said loudly, "Mr. Dingxiang, this is my certificate for participating in the composition competition. I will give it to you!"

The little boy spread out the awards and placed them on the open space in front of the tombstone.

When he stood up, the stubborn boy pursed his lips together, and tears had covered his entire face.

Then a girl who looked like a junior high school student walked up to the tombstone.

Say nothing!

I just took out my homework from my schoolbag and put it on the ground.

Recorded by the camera, you can see big drops of tears hitting the homework book!

The netizens in the live broadcast room were not joking at this time.

Although I don't know the specific situation, everyone can guess that it is close to ten.

If a teacher can be loved by so many students, then she must be a great teacher...

"When the Flowers Wither"

"When the picture freezes"

"How long is the delicate flower"

"But I can't hide from the wind and rain..."

An Ran's voice is pure and clean!

If she was alive, her smile should be bright and bright!

If she is alive, her life should be colorful and exciting...

(End of this chapter)

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