I really don't want to be red

Chapter 391 Conditions of the richest man

Chapter 391 Conditions of the richest man

"1000 million!"

When Dong Yuyang mentioned the price, it was like talking about a trivial matter.

There was no ups and downs in the tone.

But this made all the guests stunned.

1000 million!
A song sold for a high price of 1000 million, which broke the record in the entertainment industry.

Everyone's envious eyes fell on An Ran on the stage, thinking in their hearts, if only the person standing on the stage at this moment would be fine.

Zhou Yilun, Gu Qingyin and the others shook their heads regretfully.

They know Enron well. Enron's products must be high-quality products, and they can definitely earn 500 million yuan per song.

Money is a trivial matter, what they need in this rank is popularity.

An Ran's song didn't bring huge popularity and traffic.

So both Zhou Yilun and Gu Qingyin offered high prices, but even though they were rich, they couldn't compare with Dong Yuyang.

After Dong Yuyang made an offer, the scene was silent.

This price directly kills all suspense.

It took a long time for the host to come back to his senses. Facing the microphone, he let out a "gurgle" and swallowed.

No one laughed at him, it would be the same for me.

"Is there anyone else to bid! Mr. Dong Yuyang bid 1000 million..."

His words startled the stunned crowd.

"Fuck, a song is a multi-millionaire?"

"Is it rare? They don't lack money at all, okay, but the price is really scary..."

"Oh, I suddenly think Mr. An is so handsome!"

"I really want to give Mr. An a monkey."

"You are so beautiful, you are either a front-line or a queen, let's save it, talk to him about his life, come up with a song, this life is enough!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people below.

The host shouted: "Is there anyone else to bid!"

After asking three times and no one bid, the host announced: "Mr. Dong is invited to come on stage!"

Dong Yuyang came to the stage and shook hands with An Ran.

An Ran took a closer look, Dong Yuyang was not tall and had an average appearance, but his aura was extremely strong.

"Hello, Mr. Dong!"

"I heard that you write rock and roll well?"


I have long heard that Dong Yuyang likes rock and roll, it seems that this time I will write a rock song.

The host hurried over and said, "Mr. Dong, what kind of song do you want Mr. An to write for you?"

After the shock, many people also started to watch the excitement.

It is said that An Ran never thinks about writing songs, and has always done it overnight, and the first capital is a golden song.

He even wrote 28 songs on the spot.

But this is a proposition composition, Chen Qingzhi has done such a trick, and An Ran fainted.

But that was different from today.

Dong Yuyang is the richest man, and his divergent thinking is stronger, and what does a person like him have in this life?
Since he bought this song with money, the request is definitely not too simple.

It depends on how An Ran accepts the move.

Dong Yuyang smiled and said to An Ran: "Is any request acceptable?"

An Ran smiled and said, "Of course, any request is fine as long as there is no violation of laws and regulations!"

Dong Yuyang nodded and thought for a while, "It doesn't matter what style you have, I don't want to put shackles on your talent."

"Well, let's write a song for the young me..."


Everyone frowned slightly.

This is not difficult to say, writing youth songs, there are eighty if not one hundred.

But what Dong Yuyang said meant to write a song for his youth!

This is where it gets difficult.

As the richest man, everyone knows what he was like when he was young, and there have been detailed reports on the Internet.

But there is no way to verify which ones are true and which ones are false.

And he wrote it like that, but it's hard to say what he feels in his heart.

This topic should be given to them, and it is estimated that no one can write it.

This 1000 million is not easy to earn.

Huang Zhan and Luo Zhen, who were downcast at first, lifted their spirits at this moment.

In their view, no one can write this kind of problem.

This thing is like eating vegetables, a thousand people have a thousand tastes.

The richest man has a complicated experience, and now he is at the top. Looking back now, he probably has a very different feeling about his youth than ordinary people.

It is generally not suitable to write youth songs.

An Ran nodded slightly.

Dong Yuyang watched him think, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about this song, you can think about it carefully, as long as you can write a song that satisfies me in a month."

This condition may seem simple, but it is actually difficult.

The prerequisite is to satisfy him.

Huang Zhan and Luo Zhen gloated.

Boy, it's too floating, for a person like Dong Yuyang, how easy is it to satisfy him?

In the previous auction, they didn't make a single move. From this, it can be seen how high their vision is.

You are totally self-inflicted.

Unexpectedly, An Ran said: "One month? It won't work, let's do it now!"

The scene was noisy again.

Why don't you just joke with others, but joke with the richest man?

People play you to death every minute.

Gu Qingyin looked at An Ran on the stage worriedly, "Teacher An..."

The other people at the table didn't show any worry on their faces, instead they looked at An Ran on the stage expectantly.

Zhou Yilun said with a smile: "Don't worry, An Ran never disappoints!"

It's true, but can Gu Qingyin not be worried?

Writing songs on the spot and satisfying Dong Yuyang is almost impossible.

Li Xinying also sighed on stage.

She wasn't worried, she knew that this guy was going to quit his job again.

In terms of songwriting, she has never seen anyone who is more vicious than An Ran.

This time it is estimated that the audience will be shocked again.

Seeing nothing to do with her, Li Xinying went down sideways knowingly.

Dong Yuyang looked at An Ran, "You heard me clearly, what I said was 'satisfy me', you'd better think it over carefully, I'm afraid this condition is not easy!"

"Then you have to listen to it before you talk!" An Ran laughed.

"I'm quite confident, then Cheng, you start, I'll just listen here!"

An Ran nodded, and then said to the host: "Trouble, electric guitar..."

The host quickly asked the staff to bring over an electric guitar.

Holding her in her arms, An Ran slightly adjusted her voice.

"Then Mr. Dong, I'll start!" An Ran said.

Dong Yuyang smiled and made a "please" gesture.

An Ran closed her eyes and recalled the song in her mind.

Probably everyone thinks that the youth of the richest man is different from everyone else.

But no matter who it is, the traces of youth always overlap together.

It is nothing more than nostalgia, impulse and dream.

An Ran plucked the strings lightly, and the simple sound of the piano sounded like youthful years, youthful and straightforward, from far to near, instantly pulling people into memories.

All the guests were stunned. Just the prelude gave people a deep sense of substitution. This guy is still not human.

Dong Yuyang was stunned for a moment, and his expression of interest became more and more intense...

This guy is just like what Mr. Lin and Mr. Liu said, it's really interesting!

(End of this chapter)

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