I really don't want to be red

Chapter 409 Dangerous

Chapter 409 Dangerous
Who would risk their lives?
Ants are still alive, let alone people.

Moreover, An Ran is a star, a boss, and a poet. He stands taller than anyone else and has more things that he can't let go.

Often because you have too much and can't let go of too much, some things will become daunting.

But An Ran didn't, he was the first to stand out, the first to rush into the flood, and swim towards the cafeteria.

He didn't seem to think too much about it at all, and he didn't care about the aura that others thought he was reluctant to part with.

Several male anchors glanced at each other, feeling a little ashamed.

Suddenly someone took out his mobile phone and said, "Start the live broadcast!"

"Is there a signal?" Someone asked involuntarily.


The anchor looked at the phone and said excitedly, "The signal is full!"

The signal tower and some power distribution facilities are on the mountain, and they were not destroyed by the flood. Their mobile phones still have signal, which is a blessing in misfortune.

"I'm starting a live broadcast, you guys call outside to come for rescue!" The anchor looked outside and said, "The water is so strong, I don't think it will go back in three to five days!"

After everyone assigned each other, they each started to do their own things.

Several male anchors turned on their mobile phones, prepared their charging treasures, and entered the live broadcast room.

It was only 5:[-] at this time, and after the live broadcast room started, only a few people came in.


"This anchor is so diligent? Start the live broadcast so early!"

"Fuck, what kind of plane is it in the dark?"

"Scary live broadcast? I like it!"

"Could it be in the cemetery, it looks so exciting..."

"Made, turn on the light, who can see clearly without the light on!"

Several people in the live broadcast room were typing and complaining, when suddenly a big face approached them, and it looked particularly terrifying in the dim light.

Especially the face was blurry, for some reason, I couldn't see the facial features clearly, I could barely see that it was a human face, and it was still a bit blue.

It really scared the few people inside.

"You asshole, are you planning to scare the uncle to death?"

"What the hell, I almost gave you this face away!"

"Made, with such a ghostly appearance, how can you have the courage to start a live broadcast!"

"I suspect that it's actually a ghost broadcasting live. The anchor succeeded in killing himself and has turned into a ghost!"

Then everyone heard someone inside say: "Hello, everyone, I am your old friend Baima Xiaoxifeng. I am now 100 kilometers away from Chenzhou, in a place called Xiaogou Village. It is raining heavily here. The flash flood broke out, and the principal and five students were trapped on the roof of the cafeteria more than [-] meters away..."

Baima laughed at Xifeng and told the story quickly.

"At this moment, Teacher An is strenuously heading towards the cafeteria regardless of personal safety..."


Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and a few shining withered vines instantly illuminated the shimmering sky like daytime.

Baima laughed at Xifeng, and quickly turned the camera to the rear.

It was just a glimpse, and everyone who watched the live broadcast was stunned.

In the torrential flood, a person could be vaguely seen, relying on the door panel in his hand, struggling to paddle towards the cafeteria in the flood.

Then the screen was black, only blurred shadows.

Everyone's eyes widened, trying to see what was going on in the flood.

But it was futile, nothing could be seen clearly.

The water flow was very fast, and immediately after hitting the teaching building, a turbulent vortex flow was formed.

Fortunately, the depth of the water is only two or three meters, and the suction of the vortex is not strong. An Ran was sucked in several times, and then got out from the other side.

Everyone's hearts were clenched together, sweating for An Ran.

They couldn't see people clearly, but they could vaguely see the door panels.

Baima laughed at Xifeng and said in a hoarse voice: "Teacher An has been sucked into the vortex several times..."

He didn't know how to describe it.

At this time, no matter how much I said, it seemed that my words were pale, and I could only mechanically and instinctively recount the situation at the scene.

Don't know when it started.

The number of people in the live broadcast room gradually increased.

From the previous few, it has become a dozen, hundreds, and now thousands of people have watched it.

The other anchors over there also took out their mobile phones to broadcast live.

Tell the netizens in the live broadcast room what happened in front of you.

At this time, an anchor who contacted the outside world said with horror on his face: "The way in from outside is broken...we are trapped!"

The voice that was explaining stopped abruptly.

This is not good news.

After a while, it was the voice of Baima laughing at Xifeng again, "Teacher An is coming soon, he is only ten meters away from the cafeteria!"

Now that the way in has been cut off, let's continue with the matter in front of us.

At least they're safe now.

No one spoke in the live broadcast room, and everyone listened to Baima Xiaoxifeng's narration with bated breath.

In the black background, every netizen seems to have a figure struggling to move forward.


Baima laughed at Xifeng and exclaimed, "Teacher An was swept up by the flood, and I couldn't see anyone!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room instantly became nervous.

After more than ten seconds, Baima smiled at Xifeng before letting out a sigh of relief, "Mr. An came out from the bottom of the water. I was scared to death. I didn't expect Mr. An to be so good at water!"

The other anchors also whispered to the audience in the studio about An Ran's situation.

At this moment, all major live broadcast platforms have live broadcasts about the flood.

Netizens who pay attention to the live broadcast room are showing geometric multiple growth.

Many netizens did not speak in the live broadcast room, but they notified their friends in the QQ group and WeChat group to let everyone watch.

There were already tens of thousands of people in Baima Xiaoxifeng's live broadcast room.

Finally broke the tranquility just now.

"How's Mr. An? Talk to the anchor!"

"Do you want to die in a hurry? Is Teacher An okay!"

"Teacher An is good, good people are rewarded, and it will be fine!"

At this time, the sky was brighter again, and the situation outside could be vaguely seen.

But through the lens of the mobile phone, it is still more difficult to look at.


Baima laughed at Xifeng and muttered nervously, "Come on, Teacher An will be in front of the cafeteria soon, and Teacher Xu is stretching out his hand to pull him!"

"Oops, the water is too big, Teacher An didn't reach out, he was afraid that Teacher Xu wouldn't be able to hold it back!"


The white horse laughed at West Wind and slapped down on the window frame vigorously.

It was still raining outside at this time, and he had already opened the window, exposing half of his body outside.

It was soon drenched by rain.

Baima laughed at Xifeng as if he didn't notice it, "Teacher An has grabbed hold of the eaves and is trying to climb up!"

"Ah? He was afraid that the door panel would be washed away by the water, so he tied the door panel to the eaves with a rope!"

"Ah, ah, Teacher An finally went up!"

The white horse laughed at West Wind and let out a burst of cheers.

The anchors and students in the classroom also cheered together.

A full 15 minutes!

At a distance of 100 meters, An Ran struggled for 15 minutes before arriving!
Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt relieved at this moment.

An Ran, who was standing on the eaves, heard the cheers in the classroom, stood on the roof of the cafeteria, and waved towards this side...

(End of this chapter)

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