I really don't want to be red

Chapter 529 The premiere is a bit miserable

Chapter 529 The premiere is a bit miserable

"Watching this movie in the middle of the night? Are you sick!"

A man and a woman in front of them, obviously a couple, were dressed very stylishly, holding popcorn in their hands.

Women are very dissatisfied with men's selections.

People watch blockbuster movies, or are they romance movies, and you chose a movie for my old lady where the two chatter for an hour and a half?No trailer yet, don't know what the hell!

The man whispered: "It's all here, just watch it, anyway, I bought the tickets, and besides, isn't this a psychological thriller?"

"Scary ass!" The woman said contemptuously: "Thriller movies in recent years, there is one that is good-looking, and you spend your money for nothing, and you are taken advantage of!"


Mud, blame those who make bad movies, ruin the name of the thriller.

An Ran sighed sadly, I hope you can reverse your bad impression of thrillers after watching it.

If you are small and big, the best choice is a thriller, but many people don't know this point, and they run away after misappropriating money.

Now the audience has an opinion.

After several people entered, there was finally a foreigner with golden hair and blue eyes.

Seeing that no one came, An Ran entered the screening hall at the ticket check.

The premiere of the first movie in my life is so bleak, it's not a good start.

An Ran went in, didn't sit according to the seat, and sat directly at the back.

Soon the movie starts showing.

The subtitles at the beginning are like a joke, director, starring, producer, producer...there are not many people in total.

The most repeated occurrence is the name of Enron.

When the name of the movie appeared, there were four words beside it, which seemed to be a signboard, "An Ran Works"!
These four words in the pop music world are golden signs. No matter who sees these four words, the first impression is the guarantee of quality.

An Ran never produces bad songs, all of them are golden songs.

So far, no song has not been on the chart, and all of them are in the top ten.

But the movie is different.

The woman in front said: "It's still produced safely, isn't this embarrassing myself?"

I am special!
You speak so viciously, how did you find a boyfriend?

This is a stab in my heart!
After the movie started, it got into the theme very quickly. In a mine disaster, a man and a woman were buried in a mine pit.

It only takes 5 minutes to start, and the hero and heroine are already in the pit.

"The rhythm is good, it's in the pit from the beginning, it's much better than those sticky movies before!"

"Pull it down, I think it's because there are too many people in front, in order to save money, so hurry up and let the hero and heroine enter the pit!"

What the hell!

You can see clearly, what this woman said is really the same thing, he is just trying to save money, so the meeting scenes can be saved if possible, but I didn't expect to be spotted by a little girl.

After falling into the mine, there is an ignorant black shadow, and then the hero and heroine start to save themselves.

The whole movie began to enter another state, a depressive and closed environment, which brought a great sense of oppression to the audience.

The young couple who just started talking didn't say a word, and watched the movie intently.

In the small space, Hu Ge's face full of despair and unwillingness, coupled with heavy breathing, gave people a very strong sense of urgency.

Then Tanya Mao looked at Hu Ge from the corner, with complex complaints and hesitation in it!
In an instant, people are drawn into that scene, which makes people feel like they are substituting into it.

After the two fell into the mine pit, they could work together to think about escaping at first, but as time passed, they had their own plans.

They all want to survive and go out, but there are very few supplies.

Two consumption means less chance of getting out alive.

As a result, the two began to intrigue each other, fighting each other, even though they did not break through the bottom line of human beings, they directly killed each other.

But all kinds of conspiracies and tricks emerge in endlessly.

The plot is always in a fast-paced state of tension, and the viewers can't breathe.

And no one knows what kind of reversal will follow.

In the screening hall, there were only eight people, including An Ran, and everyone stared intently, as if they forgot to breathe.

Who will be able to go out of the hero and heroine in the end has become a suspense in everyone's mind.

The sinisterness of human nature is vividly reflected.

One and a half hours, except for the first few minutes and the last few minutes, there is no urine point in the whole film.

The people who watched did not dare to breathe.

It wasn't until the movie was over and the lights came on that everyone took a breath.

It was as if a boulder that was pressing on him was suddenly removed.

"This movie is awesome, the twists and turns are incredible, the best psychological thriller I've seen in years!"

Now the girl didn't say that the boy spent money indiscriminately and lost sight, but praised him instead.

The two had been tense because of the plot, and they didn't even have time to eat popcorn.

"It's really good!" Because the movie was very tense and caused great psychological pressure, the girl held his hand the whole time, leaning half of her body in his arms like a bird.

After getting what he wanted, the man didn't hesitate to praise him.

"The rhythm of the whole movie is great, the plot is also great, and the movie of the two of them can also be very good. We didn't come in vain, it's worth the ticket price!"

When going out, the man put his arms around the woman and said happily: "But don't be afraid, I'm here!"

The woman leaned on the man with a look of weakness, "It's really scary, especially Tanya, a beautiful and quiet girl who came up with all kinds of vicious methods to survive. I feel scared!"

"Be good, baby, don't be afraid, I'll be with you tonight, don't be afraid!"

This is your focus, right? An Ran follows behind, the audience's evaluation is very good, now it depends on whether the word-of-mouth can be fermented.

Before the film was released, he invited film critics to watch it.

As a result, no one wanted to come.

Don't I need to sleep in the middle of the night?Tomorrow is the release time of "Sura God", and we are all waiting to get enough energy to write "Sura God", why do you ask us for a film that is destined to have no future?
Both of your sentences are not bad.

There is no way for An Ran to do this, there are no film critics, only rely on the audience's word of mouth to ferment it!
There are also website ratings, but this is too slow.

We have to find a way to let the audience's word-of-mouth ferment quickly.

Now the smell of wine is afraid of deep alleys, no matter how good the reputation is, it will not work without publicity.

Looking for Li Xinying and the others...it's not appropriate now.

Spend money on film critics!He really didn't want to do it.

Forget it, I'll figure it out tomorrow.

As long as the audience approves and has this foundation, everything else is easy to talk about.

At this time, Shen Hansen of the "Mandu Cinemas" in the magic city is also paying attention to this drama, but it's not that he is interested.

It's because this is a movie that Dong Yuyang has spoken about.

Old Dong seldom speaks to others, he is very curious about how much box office this movie can make?

If the box office is too low, what will Lao Dong think then?
(End of this chapter)

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