I really don't want to be red

Chapter 619 Vice President

Chapter 619 Vice President

"May I ask President Yu, Director Xie, how will you deal with this?"

"Will Yao Meier be banned by the Film Association's announcement?"

"What position will Mr. An hold in the Film Association?"

"Are there any other participants in what Director Xie did?"

You guys are here to make trouble.

Among the dozen or so people sitting below, several faces changed color.

When Xie Daokeng was safe, they also participated, but they didn't participate so deeply.

Originally, Director Xie was finished, and this matter was exposed, but these reporters didn't have eyes, so they insisted on asking.

Yu Miaosi also knew that it would be impossible not to answer.

"Everyone be quiet, I will answer your questions one by one!"

"First, I'm officially announcing that Director Xie has been named by the Film Association. We will make an official announcement later!"

"As for Mr. An Ran..." Yu Miaosi said with a smile: "What position Mr. An holds in the Film Association, we need to see Mr. An's own opinion. At the same time, there is still a process of discussion. It is not convenient to give an answer now! But it has already I already have a suitable place for him in my heart, An Ran, and I will announce it when the time comes."

"Yao Meier... will be added to the list of bad artists!"

List of Bad Artists...

This cut off Yao Meier's acting career in the entertainment industry.

There is a list of bad actors, the official one, and the film association also has one.

The Film Institute's is actually the basis for the official list.

In fact, even if someone like Yao Meier is not included in the list, it is impossible for a company to ask her to make a movie.

It's not that the bosses have a swollen head. If you privately agree with me and don't reveal it, everyone can pretend not to see it.

After all, this is not uncommon in the entertainment industry.

But it's another matter when it explodes.

What are unspoken rules are those that everyone knows, but those that cannot be clearly stated are unspoken rules, and speaking out is causing trouble.

Regarding Yao Mei'er, even a god can't save her.

After Yu Miaosi answered one by one, she repeatedly emphasized that everyone should read the announcement for the rest of the matter before she persuaded the reporters to leave.

As soon as the reporter left, there was a long silence in the conference room.

Everyone was a little speechless, and they didn't dare to say it.

After all, they all participated in the attack on An Ran just now, and now they want to settle accounts after the fall, how do they accept the move?

Fortunately, Miao Si did not pursue this issue vigorously.

Instead, he directly proposed to let An Ran join the club.

"I nominate Mrs. An to join the Film Association... who is against it!"

Look, it's different now, just ask who disagrees, not who agrees.

This is the confidence, now who dares to object?

Do you really forget the attack on An Ran just now?
No one objected, everyone is not a fool.

Han Mo was still very excited, and was the first to raise his hand, "Welcome Teacher An to join the Film Association!"

An Ran smiled and nodded.

Then Yu Miaosi raised her hand, she nominated her and of course she agreed.

The others silently raised their hands when they saw it.

There was no suspense about this matter at all, let alone the theater chain, Shen Hansen even proposed to expel Director Xie from the film association because of this matter, and his position was already obvious.

Simply and neatly, he was passed unanimously and entered the Film Association.

Yu Miaosi said again: "Director Xie's dismissal, there is no need to vote on this matter!"

Everyone shook their heads together.

This is a certainty, so what's the point of voting.

The corner of Yu Miaosi's mouth curled up into a smile. Since becoming the vice president, she has never felt so happy.

It turned out that because Director Xie took the lead, many people tripped her overtly and secretly, but now it is different.

Sitting peacefully, even if you don't say anything, it still has a great deterrent effect.

It didn't take more than 3 minutes to get the two things together, so the efficiency is not so high.

Yu Miaosi looked at the time and said, "It's not easy for everyone to be here today. There is another topic to discuss. The Film Association will add a member. Let's nominate a name!"

Ok?Add a member!
Director Xie, get out, An Ran will make up, the number of people is not just right, why do you want to increase the number of members?

The member Yu Miaosi mentioned is a director of the Film Association, who is qualified to sit in this conference room.

There are a total of [-] members, and five places will be assigned to the theater, and they will not show up for a long time.

The remaining [-] directors are fixed, and one missing will make up for one.

The quantity is fixed and does not increase.

Now that An Ran has made up for Director Xie's vacancy, the number is still fifteen!

Why add another one?Everyone is a little puzzled!
A director said: "Director Xie has been dismissed, and Teacher An is on top. The number is just right, so there is no need to add more people!"

He felt that it was Yu Miao who took this opportunity to expand his influence in the Film Association.

So I want to increase the quota.

Yu Miaosi shook her head, "Teacher An is not included in the board?"

What the hell!

Not included in the council?
What do you mean, if you are only an ordinary member, then it is pointless for you to risk your life with Director Xie.

Director Xie has entered the hospital in vain.

Ordinary members don't have the right to speak. Xie Daofei is so hardworking, and even folded himself into it...

An Ran didn't think too much about it, Yu Miao Si must have made arrangements, just listen to it.

Sure enough, Yu Miaosi shook her head and said, "Teacher An will become the vice president of the Film Association!"


Like a thunderbolt, it exploded in everyone's ears.

Vice president!
This is one of the only positions with real power in the film association. An Ran has just joined the association, and it has not been announced yet. The vice president has been arranged for others.


He is the vice president, why are you going?

The film association has only one president and one vice president. The president has administrative duties and doesn't take much care of it. The vice president usually operates it.

Let An Ran be the vice president now, what are you doing?Abdicate to the virtuous.

This made An Ran a little surprised.

I haven't done anything yet, so I'll get a vice president first.

What is Yu Miaosi planning to do!
A director asked: "Then President Yu, what about you? The vice president quit?"

Yu Miaosi said with a smile: "Give up, I will be the president in the future!"


A group of people almost didn't spit out blood.

Well, you are the chairman!

But I haven't heard of it.

Yu Miaosi said: "Chairman Chen is old and not in good health. He resigned a few days ago, and his superiors have already approved it. Before he left, he recommended me to be the president, and his superiors have also approved him!"

That's it!

It's really easy for you as president.

Only An Ran didn't think so.

From this series of operations, An Ran can also see that Yu Miao Si is not as simple as it appears on the surface, and it is not easy for him to be the vice president for so long.

Most likely it was the last time I recommended "127 Hours" to participate in the Xizhou Film Festival, but after being rejected by this group of people, it made them angry.

Simply quit the vice president and become the president directly.

I just joined at this time, so I picked up this great deal.

Everyone was speechless and shocked.

What else is there to say about this matter, they have all arranged for it to be returned.

As for the transparency of the directors, if their proposals are not to their liking, most of them will be rejected.

Just be a human being.

Yu Miaosi said: "President An, do you have any good suggestions?"

An Ran pondered for a while, and she was not polite, and said with a smile: "There is indeed a good candidate, I think Jiang Tao is pretty good..."

(End of this chapter)

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