I really don't want to be red

Chapter 698 The Ruins Are True

Chapter 698 The Ruins Are True
"I don't think this... has much practical significance, it's a bit of nonsense!" said a staff member who was looking for the ruins in Baili Park following the clues An Ran said.

"Xiao Wei, work hard!" The leader was a gray-haired expert, adjusted his glasses and said, "If this relic is real, it means a lot to us in Xiazhou, at least we can get that inscription back! The teacher is also a good thing!"

Speaking of this, the leading expert was in awe.

Ma De, those three are absolute, let An Ran match two of them at once!

It can be seen how deep this guy is in Chinese culture!

"Teacher Liu, he's just talking casually!" Xiao Wei said with a smile, "We have Yinyuejing here, and this is the first time I've heard of Wangjiang Tower!"

Liu An said: "Do you believe what he said, do you believe what Liu Qianshan and Lin Baili from the cultural exchange meeting said? These two called in person and told us to take An Ran's words seriously!"

Moreover, on the back of the inscription is the words "Recorded in Wangjiang Tower, Jingjiang, Rongcheng".

As an archaeologist, although he didn't see it with his own eyes, based on years of experience, the inscription is probably true!
Judging from the style of the words above, it is in line with the style of China hundreds of years ago, and it is definitely not something from Hanzhou.

As soon as he saw the video, he started to make preparations.

Later, Liu Qianshan and others called in person, and Liu An had to pay more attention to it.

Xiao Wei probably didn't see the small characters behind the inscription, or didn't pay much attention to it!
A group of people are excavating in the Jingjiang section of Baili Park.

Liu An unfolded the blueprint of the park, and it was his designation to excavate from here.

Since it is Wangjiang Tower, first of all, you must be able to see the river view. This is a very precious opinion that An Ran has already put forward when he was arguing with the Han people!
The second one is near Yinyuejing.

Or there will be no second line!
With these two clues, the scope is greatly reduced, and the difficulty of searching is greatly reduced.

But there was always a question circling in Liu An's mind.

Does this guy really know that there is a ruins of Wangjiang Tower?Knowing this can still be said in the past, after all, this thing may be discovered after research and exploration.

To put it bluntly, An Ran discovered it by accident. There is a possibility that it can explain the past.

But the stele hidden in the stele... is a bit too much!
He's so sure there's another piece in it?
In the video, when An Ran picked up the stone hammer and smashed it down, she really didn't hesitate at all!

Just by looking at the outside, how did he conclude that there was another monument inside?
And the meaning of An Ran's words has long been made clear, he knows what is written on the inscription inside.

Zhen Nima is too fantasy!
If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would have doubted whether An Ran had a clairvoyance function, which could be discovered.

In fact, not only him, anyone who is a little more careful has discovered this problem.

Moreover, there are not a few people discussing it on the Internet, and some people have given speculations.

"Everyone knows An Ran well, he knows a lot about Chinese culture, and he usually reads some ancient books and the like, so I'm not surprised that he can verify the remains of the Wangjiang Tower! And the matter of the stele within the stele, I It is estimated that it is also from an ancient book!"

"Although this reason is not very sufficient, it can be justified! I just wonder why he is so sure that there are other inscriptions inside, so he dares to break open, and before breaking open, the meaning in his words is I already know what is written on this inscription!"

"Yeah, he even knows that the author of the second couplet is Li Zhengdao! This is what makes me most surprised!"

"Ancient books, there must be records in ancient books, I don't believe that there are superpowers in the world!"

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, everyone has their own opinions, anyway, there are also people who join in the fun.

Liu An had the same thought as the netizens, most likely he got it from that ancient book, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense at all!

Looking at the time, it has been more than an hour now.

However, archaeological work has never been completed overnight. It is normal for three to five months, and one or two hours is nothing at all.

If the situation is good, the ruins can be found within two days, which is considered fast!

He was thinking about it when he suddenly heard the staff over there shouting excitedly, "There really is... Really Wangjiang Tower..."

Liu An shook his hand and almost threw the phone out, did he discover it?
"Ms. Liu... Come and see Mr. Liu!" Someone shouted.

Liu An had already walked over quickly.

I saw a corner plaque lying quietly in a big pit more than one meter deep.

Although it has been buried underground for a long time, the plaque is old and decayed in some places, but the three gilded characters of "Wangjiang Tower" are clearly visible.

Liu An excitedly walked into the pit, stretched out his hand and gently touched the plaque. It was made of high-quality pear blossom wood, which allowed it to be buried in the soil for so long.

Ordinary wood has long since rotted!

He took a look, and it was only 20 meters away from Yinyuejing in a straight line, which was the excavation site he had chosen.

Based on the location composition of Yinyuejing and Jingjiang, after calculation, if you want to see the river view, Jianglou is the best place in this place.

However, the thinking of the ancients may not be the same as my own. This is just a temptation.

If it is not found here, a circular probe will be carried out along this central point.

Unexpectedly, the first shot was fired so soon.

Liu An wore gloves, gently brushed off the dust with a small brush, and adjusted his glasses.

"The rest can't be excavated by machines, they have to be excavated manually!" Liu An said: "This is not the main signboard of Wangjiang Tower, but a signboard to attract customers!"

This is the same as the light box standing outside the barbershop now.

It seems that the chance of Wangjiang Tower being preserved as a whole is relatively slim, but the excavation of the ruins is no problem.

The archaeologists in the entire Institute of Cultural Relics all moved.

The work team brought in also entered the working state and began to carry out protective excavation of the ruins.

Liu An immediately called to make arrangements, "Show Weibo, according to the clues provided by Mr. An Ran, the remains of Wangjiang Tower have been discovered, and intense excavation work is underway!"

Then he sent the pictures he just took in one go.

In less than 5 minutes, the Weibo of Rongcheng Institute of Cultural Relics suddenly updated!
"According to the clues provided by Mr. An, the staff of our Rongcheng Institute of Cultural Relics have discovered the Wangjianglou site near Yinyuejing in Baili Park. The excavation work is underway at the site. We will update the follow-up situation in time!"

Then below are photos of the "Wangjiang Tower" plaque taken from various angles.

Rongcheng Weibo exploded, and the number of followers exceeded 500 million in a short period of time!
The bottom is full of comments and comments!

"Damn it, do they really exist?"

"Professor Liu, come on, just point at Wangjiang Tower and hit the Han people in the face!"

"It's frightening to think about it carefully. Could it be that the person surnamed An is a tomb robber? Can he discover this?"

"Made, this is a restaurant, not an ancient tomb. Can a little common sense..."

(End of this chapter)

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