Chapter 798

Between eight and nine, the first episode airs.

Those who don't like to go out and wander around, or have to stay at home for various other reasons, just like picking up a treasure, in front of the TV, they are happy to watch from ear to ear.

But after all, it was the first day of the Lunar New Year, and the ratings were greatly diverted by other TV stations' evening shows. It was hard to say how many ratings there were.

On this evening, He Bin and Xu Hanbin were the ones who didn't go out to socialize. Liu Kaicheng, who was inseparable from them these days, is only in his thirties. You won't let him go out to play during Chinese New Year?

It's better to just kill him.

On the contrary, the two old guys are old enough to sit still.

The family is not in Jiangcheng, Xu Hanbin ordered takeaway, He Bin got good wine, and the two drank together in He Bin's office.

It will be a year. ,

Speaking of which, these two people are more concerned about the ratings of "Wulin Biography" than others.

"The King of Gods" has a large investment and a large production, with an investment of 1 million yuan, half of the actor's salary alone is spent, and there are more than [-] million yuan for special effects, and the rest is other expenses.

It is simply not something that can be filmed in three or four months.

Up to now, "The God Against the God King" is still under intense shooting, and the post-production will take at least one month or two months.

"Wulin Biography" was released first, and they happened to see how high An Ran's level of TV dramas really is.

They have also heard that "Wulin Biography" seems to be very lively.

But after all, it is a martial arts drama, just like novels, martial arts has also declined in TV dramas.

After all, low martial arts are not as eye-catching as high martial arts.

The two laughed at each other just after watching the title.

The serial drama produced with an investment of 5000 million yuan is really not very good.

Seeing the conversation between Xing Tutou and Tong Xiangyu, they also smiled slightly, but when Xing Tutou left, the special effect of less than [-] cents, they both laughed at the same time.

It's not about how funny the content is, it's because the special effects are a bit simple and rude, and it's too much to say that fifty cents are given.

With preconceived notions, the two naturally watched the show with critical eyes.

The more they read, the more confused they became, the more confused they became.

Why does it feel like An Ran is messing things up on purpose?
"Mr. Xu, I don't understand why I don't understand. You said that the people here are talking in vernacular, but there are a lot of Internet slang. Do you think An Ran is playing like this on purpose?"

Xu Hanbin also didn't understand. People like him and He Bin have been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years, so they must have good vision.

But this is the first time I have seen a TV series in this form, and I really feel that there is a sense of disobedience everywhere.

But a guy as shrewd as An Ran shouldn't have made such a low-level mistake.

"I think he wants to use this method to get close to young people and win young audiences!"

There is a saying in the entertainment industry, "He who wins the youth wins the world". Whether it is a movie or a TV series, the biggest audience is the young people.

Older people are more rational and not as crazy as young people.

He Bin nodded, Xu Hanbin's words are very reasonable, An Ran's actions should be to win over young audiences.

After all, young audiences have a higher tolerance, but you are too perfunctory.

I don’t have much to say in Internet terms, low-end workshop-style special effects, scenes that are so simple that it is unbearable, are you serious?

He Bin took a sip of wine comfortably, "You are mistaken for your cleverness!"

The tolerance of young people is high, but there is a limit, not everything can be tolerated.

The two were watching, when suddenly there was a burst of laughter from the TV.

"Pfft!" Xu Hanbin spat out a mouthful of wine.

He Bin and the two looked at each other suspiciously!
Isn't the sound muted in the later stage?Now digital dubbing, noise cancellation is very easy to solve, what the hell is Anron doing?

Both of them were a little confused.

You can say that he is messing up, judging from past operations, who dare to say that An Ran is messing up?Do you think that those people who were stepped on by him one by one don't exist?
If you want to say that he is not messing around, what the hell is this laughter?

It's no wonder that the two are confused, after all, this is the first time a sitcom has appeared in Xiazhou.

The two looked at it with a critical eye, and they analyzed and explained it, so naturally they didn't pay attention to it, so the attraction was not so great.

On the contrary, I feel that many places are superfluous and completely redundant.

Just such a series, what do Xiazhou TV and Rainbow Satellite TV think?

Made, offer [-] million to buy!
Fuck, did you buy the name Enron?
"Do you think there is any mystery to this laughter?"

Xu Hanbin always felt that the answer was not so simple.

He Bin also thought for a long time before saying, "I'm thinking about it, for martial arts comedy...he wants to use this to stimulate the audience's emotions!"

Xu Hanbin was thoughtful, "Probably because of this consideration, but I still think it's not that simple. There is another one. This laughter can easily interrupt the audience's experience. I really don't know what this guy is thinking!"

He Bin poured him a glass of wine and said, "Never mind him, we'll find out after watching the ratings later!"

Xu Hanbin nodded.

The ratings are the most intuitive expression, if the ratings are low, it proves that An Ran is messing around!

Even if it is not messy, there are suspicions of self-defeating.

If the ratings are means that we have not kept up with the times.

The two ate and drank, chatted occasionally, and didn't watch TV very well from beginning to end.

But the harsh laughter in the TV series always fills the ears, making people feel uncomfortable.

After the first episode finished, Xu Hanbin took out his phone, "Ask about the ratings!"

David's ratings are no secret.

It can be checked at any third-party company, which is also to prevent falsification of ratings.

Xu Hanbin, as the current head of Dongtian Satellite TV, is naturally qualified to inquire.

After dialing the phone, Xu Hanbin asked, "Manager Cao, I want to ask, what is the ratings of "Wulin Biography"?"

"What? 0.5? Haha, thank you thank you! Got it!"

"Where, I don't have to gloat. I have nothing to do. I'll hang up first and call you later!"

Putting down the phone, the two couldn't help laughing.

He Bin raised his glass and said: "0.5 ratings, this is good news, come on, let's do it together!"

Xu Hanbin raised his glass immediately, touched He Bin, and the two had a drink with gusto.

Then they looked at each other and laughed.

Now An Ran is out of the game, such a shoddy drama, and it was chosen on the first day of the Lunar New Year, who will die if you don't die?
So people can't be too smooth.

Since his debut, An Ran has swept all over the world, and has never met an opponent. Nine times out of ten, he is drifting away, thinking that whatever he does, someone will pay for it.

This is all right, I killed myself!

Thinking that An Ran should have a sad face at this time, the two felt refreshed.


(End of this chapter)

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