I really don't want to be red

Chapter 885 My Heart Is Eternal

Chapter 885 My Heart Is Eternal
This selection, strictly speaking, is valid for all songs released within the time period.

Like this movie episode, the collection time is seven days.

During these seven days, you can release songs on the first day or the last day.

But no one is foolish enough to wait until the last day to release a song.

The earlier the time, the more opportunities to be heard by everyone, and the easier it is to accumulate popularity and get everyone's support.

When you release it on the last day, how many songs will there be?

Even in good songs, in the face of sea-like songs, the chance of being heard is very small.

The first day of release is relatively small.

And on the last day, even if your song is good and everyone likes it, it may not be able to occupy the top of the list.

Therefore, as soon as the channel was opened on the first day, hundreds of songs were received in the exclusive music library for song collection.

Novak also uploaded the recorded song immediately.

This is a group arena match where both Xizhou and the Xizhou music scene are paying attention, so there is absolutely no room for loss.

After the song was uploaded, Nowak started listening to other songs.

Just uploaded, everyone is pretty much the same in terms of popularity, whoever uploads earlier will be more popular.

When Novak uploaded it, it was already early, and he was already ranked No. 20 and eighth.

He started to listen to No.1 in the popularity ranking of songs.

He only needs to listen to the prelude of a song, sing a few lines, and listen to the chorus part directly, and he can tell the potential of the song.

After wasting more than an hour, Novak didn't hear a song whose quality could match his own.

Novak, who was sitting in front of the computer, was a little puzzled.

Even though he didn't think highly of An Ran, the standard here... probably not as good as An Ran.

Because the standard is a bit too low.

He has listened to some An Ran's songs these days, and sometimes he has to admire him, this guy still has a lot of ideas.

It's just that the culture is different, and he doesn't think it sounds good.

But now all the uploaded songs, to put it bluntly, are nothing but his songs.

A puzzled look appeared on Novak's face, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This guy is really playing tricks, saying that he is ready, but in fact he hasn't done it yet!" Novak bought himself a cup of coffee, and the smile on his face became more intense.

If An Ran's song had already been written, it would definitely be released as soon as possible, and no one would miss this good opportunity.

When he was proud, many songs had already entered the library one after another.

Novak listened to it once, and there were basically no good songs.

There are two of them, which are still passable, but they are still far from reaching his level.

For a whole morning, he listened to almost all the songs in the library, but he didn't find any songs that caught his eye.

He even began to suspect that An Ran actually released the song.

But the level is really not enough, so that he has the illusion that An Ran didn't release the song.

One morning is enough for the audience to judge what they like.

Just as Novak expected, when it was almost noon, his new song "Love is the Ocean" in Xizhou had already occupied the No.1 position in this solicitation list, leaving the No.2 far behind.

On Xia Zhou's side, he is also No.1, but this side doesn't seem to be very interested in his songs.

The popularity and number of votes are far inferior to those of Xizhou.

"This is a group of guys who don't know how to appreciate it!" Novak showed a smug look on his face.

In the afternoon, a few decent songs finally appeared, but the style and habits in the songs made him know who they were when he heard them!

Novak sat in front of the computer, listened to the song and said with a smile: "Oh no, dear Mr. Rick, this is not your real level, you must not have watched this movie well!"

"Ah? I forgot, you don't have the full version of the movie, what a pity!"

"Haha, Eve, this must be Eve, with that weak look. Unfortunately, this is a disaster romance movie, and what is left in the end is strength, which is not suitable for your style!"

"This...should it be Hansen? Or Marui?"

"Well, this chord should be Marui, this is his favorite rhythm..."

The more Novak listened, the more excited he became. These are really good. If we change the time, we can definitely compete with him.

But if it's this movie, it's a little bit worse.

After all, he has seen the entire movie, and has an extremely accurate understanding of the details and emotions expressed in it.

The authors of these songs can only rely on their brains.

This advantage is placed here. It can be said that he must be the champion this time.

Sure enough, until after eight o'clock in the evening, his song has been firmly occupying the first place on the list.

And it's the same on Xiazhou's side.

If you look carefully, you can find that almost all the songs have similar rankings on both sides, but the popularity of Xiazhou's side is much lower than that of Xizhou's.

But it doesn't matter, it seems that people who know how to appreciate, everyone's choices are similar.

Novak was pleased.

As for An Ran... I'm afraid he has already been buried in the nearly two hundred songs. Even if he didn't, he will have to release it tomorrow. He has the advantage of being the first mover, and it will not be easy for him to catch up.

Novak was in a good mood. On Weibo, he dug up An Ran's message two days ago, and replied at the bottom, "I'm ready too!"

This is just being poor, and many netizens concluded that No.1 must be Novak at a glance.

"I bet that the song "Love Is the Ocean" that is now No.1 on the list must be Novak's song, otherwise he wouldn't be so embarrassing!"

"Yes, I think so too, but it's only the first day, so it's too early to be embarrassed!"

"There's a big gap between the latter one and Mr. An's song?"

"No matter which song it is, I don't think there's much chance. If there is such a big gap on the first day, what should I do next?"

"Maybe it wasn't released?"

"Wouldn't it be worse if it wasn't released?"

Everyone talked a lot, and they were a little confused, which song is An Ran's song.

Novak's song was No. 1 on Xiazhou's solicitation list, with 15 votes.

No.2 has less than [-] votes, which is almost half.

No wonder he is so brash.

In fact, many people of course hoped that An Ran would slap Novak in the face, but with such a big gap, no one could tell which song was An Ran's song.

But everyone felt that An Ran might stumble this time.

Who would have thought that An Ran, who had just been crowned the "God of Songs of Xiazhou", would fall from the altar so quickly.

Most people think, and blame themselves, that just after reaching the top, they can't float.

This is just great!Kill yourself!

In fact, most of the people in the entertainment industry were not killed by others, and more than half of them killed themselves.

Many people sighed, what a pity for An Ran's great talent!
(End of this chapter)

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