look at that big guy

Chapter 88 The King of the World

Chapter 88 The King of the World
Chen Yiwen looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. He gave him a business card. At first glance, it was an ordinary version without any extra money. It didn't even have a bronzing. The most striking thing on it was the so-called "smart manufacturing technology". The CEO is chubby, with three or seven splits, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, an old Baba T-shirt and shirt, Chen Yiwen asked the other party to sit down at the booth of a small water bar opposite the dormitory, and ordered two glasses lemon tea.

This middle-aged man is called Wang Zhizao. He opened a bookstore, re-sold second-hand cars, and worked as a real estate broker. After turning [-], he was still running around for a living. Later, he simply mortgaged his house and started a business. Technology", ready to develop AI production tools and realize a movie dream.

Of course he does not have the ability to make movies, but thinking that his software can stand out in martial arts and be used by others to make excellent movies, a win-win situation with both reputation and benefits, is the biggest dream in life.

As a result, the reality is cruel. The money invested in the mortgage of the house has been exhausted. In order to survive, I have built a nearly free app for one dollar, and I can pull some traffic and get some advertising fees to continue the development.

But they still can't make ends meet. The company only has five people, but seeing that the salary is almost impossible to pay, the house is about to be confiscated by the bank, and it's more than that. When he went to his mother's house, his mother's family also complained a lot about his unsatisfactory son-in-law. He hadn't paid the child's living expenses for several months. When he saw his son some time ago, he avoided himself. At that moment, he only felt sad.

Seeing that an entrepreneurial middle-aged company is about to disintegrate and his life is at a desperate juncture, this "intelligently made" software has become popular because of the spread of "The Adventures of Chen Dachui" in this game in Qingshan City.

The desperate situation has come to Wang Zhizao. Although the "Zhizao" software only costs one yuan, even all paying users can't earn much, but last month Wang Zhizao still got paid 10,000+ yuan , and it is not just a tool purchase, but also distinguishes paying users. Putting these data into the platform makes the platform more able to push paid software to them, so as to obtain higher profits. Just providing this module to help is also rich Take, at the same time, Wang Zhizao was also spotted by several venture capitalists, who followed the vine and wanted to invest in his "Smart Manufacturing Technology", which is still under negotiation.

That is to say, after Chen Yiwen's "Chen Sledgehammer" came out, it indirectly revitalized his "smart manufacturing technology", so that he was about to have his property confiscated by the bank and the company collapsed, and he got a chance to breathe.

It also opened up a new situation for Wang Zhizao.

Wang Zhizao found Chen Yiwen through various means.Although this is a student, he is a real master. Wang Zhizao watched "Chen Dachui" and burst into tears. Maybe only those who have experienced it will resonate. He completely agrees with Liu Qirong's comments on Chen Yiwen, and believes that he is a college student The director's future prospects are limitless.

The middle-aged man talked about his own experience and past, and finally said, "I just hope to cooperate with you. Although our 'Intelligent Technology' has nothing now, and can't give you any promises about the future, but I We can cooperate with you, you use our software, and we can divide all the profits from the software in half!”


Wang Zhizao is very clear in his heart that he has nothing now, and there may be millions of financing in the future, but that must maintain the operation and development of the company.If you give less, if you regret it later, it will affect long-term cooperation.The only thing that can bind the other party together is to give shares by oneself, but it has not reached this stage.The second is to directly split the accounts and use future interests to bind both parties.

Chen Yiwen looked at Wang Zhizao and said, "It's not impossible, it's just that I plan to try AI to make live-action movies next. It may be possible to use Zhizao software to make animations, but if you want to make live-action movies, your software can't do it."

Smart software is worth a dollar. Although it is really excellent, the resource library is well optimized. It should be possible to produce a short animation that does not need to pay too much attention to the picture. However, the animation of the film level is not a professional and expensive tool, and it requires Not low.The same goes for making live-action films, not to mention.

Wang Zhi made a "mysterious smile", only at this time as if he was not the obedient middle-aged fat man behind the lens, but a sharp and confident light in his eyes.

"Actually, our 'Intelligent Manufacturing Technology' has been producing professional software from the very beginning. After all, my dream is that someone can make great movies through my software... Just because the investment is too high, my house, The car has been burnt down, and the launch of a one-dollar smart-made primary software is also forced by life... I didn't expect to bump into you, which made us breathe a sigh of relief."

Chen Yiwen wondered, "Oh? Is there a version 2.0 of Zhizao?"

"What we want you to push and use for you is our real professional software." Wang Zhizao opened the computer he brought with him and showed it to Chen Yiwen.

If we say the previous "Intelligent Manufacturing Software 1.0", it is the cheapest and most cost-effective tool that can be used and easy to use.Then the "Intelligent Manufacturing 2.0" in front of him is a tool that Chen Yiwen has seen that is not inferior to any professional entry-level production software.

Chen Yiwen had a feeling that this was the "true face of Mount Lu" under the fat man's glasses.

"Intelligence 2.0, load your dreams."

The login software interface is a cool CG, which is an animation of an interstellar warship breaking through the siege and rushing into the time and space gate.Then came this slogan.

The picture is exquisite, and it can be seen that the edges of the battleship are very smooth and there is no jaggedness.

This CG symbolizes the good expectation of this software to break through the siege.

After loading the software, Chen Yiwen saw a lot of parameters, but the interface was very open and friendly. Wang Zhizao gave him a vr glasses, and he also put on one. Chen Yiwen felt like he was in a wide stage space.

He saw Wang Zhizao sliding a lot of scenes in front of him, then he chose a scene and threw it forward.

The world in front of them became a western desert, "This is the set-up!"

"Then insert the characters!" Wang Zhizao pointed at the screen that appeared out of thin air, and several puppets appeared beside Chen Yiwen. Of course, they were just avatars in the virtual space of VR glasses. Some were riding on horses and wearing cowboy hats. Shaking their heads, some wore pirate hats, revolvers and a foil at their waists.

Wang Zhizao then entered a few commands out of thin air, and these puppets began to fight and kill with various lines.

During the whole process, Chen Yiwen seemed to be playing a game.

Wang Zhizao led him into the camera's field of vision again, the camera position was suspended, and the action scenes of these puppets were shot.

"There is a set, there are characters, and there is a plot. This is a scene. After you set a scene, you can choose any camera angle to shoot the scene, in order to present the best effect!"

"In addition, you can also add any special effects, characters, scenes, all kinds of props by connecting to the resource station and adding the resource library..."

"Isn't there a saying that 'Even if you lock me in a nut shell, you still think you are the king of infinite space', in this world, you are the king of the world you created, you are God, you can set and shoot anything!"

Chen Yiwen was indeed shocked.

The original professional software is like this!It's so advanced!
"Of course, every software has a built-in alarm system according to laws and regulations. You can't combine this software with some bad resource libraries to shoot things that are not suitable for children. That kind of breakthrough is only in foreign countries. In some areas with loose laws, which do not exist in China, the supervision in this regard is very strict, and once found, criminal responsibility will be imposed.

Of course, there is no lack of some underground behaviors, but those are cracked down every year. We are regular software, and there is no such thing. "

No, no, what do you mean by telling me specifically?
Remind me not to sin?
I'm like that kind of person?
(End of this chapter)

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