Chapter 105
"Player Lark丨Vulture knocks down the fierce lion丨King of the Sky with Hemar light sniper!"

"Player Lark丨Kingfisher knocks down the fierce lion丨Ocean King with a startling arrow!"

"Player Lark丨Zijinniao knocks down the fierce lion丨Land King with a tiger fist and palm glove!"

"Player Lion丨The King of Time knocks down the Lark丨Purple Gold Bird with the Yangchun Knife!"

"Player Lark丨Vulture knocks down the lion with Hemar's sniper丨King of Time!"

"Player Lark丨Cuckoo eliminated the mountain king with a great cross sword!"

"Player Lion丨King of the Sky...The King of Time was finally eliminated..."

Hearing the news that the fierce lions were ambushed and eliminated one after another, Ding Wen just paused for a moment, but he didn't stop. He walked through the dense jungle and continued to head south.

For Ding Wen, everything was expected, he didn't feel that he had done such a great thing, and he wasn't surprised at all.

The whole plan is quite simple, just three steps.

One, to create the illusion that the enemy is coming for the larks, and lure them to the valley entrance at the time point, because the first stage is coming soon, they may not return to the valley after they come out, and stay at the valley entrance to observe the situation.

Second, take advantage of the fierce lion's desire to score points, deliberately expose it in the opponent's field of vision, and attract them to come and catch the single.All in all, the Lions are a regular professional team after all, the food is a bit good, but the basic ability to remember information must be there.What's more, only Qi Qi had dropped someone in the early stage, and it wasn't that complicated, so they would definitely recognize him when they saw him in this little yellow duck costume.

Three, during the lure process, keep a distance where they can't catch up and the opponent can't attack, and then lead them into the savage forest, rely on the powerful terrain memory ability to throw them away, and finally get out safely and leave here.

At this time, a new circle will be refreshed in the second stage, and half of the area where the lions have been before will be wiped away, and the savage forest they are in is a very good area, so they will not leave.

If they didn't leave, they would definitely be spotted by the vultures at a higher point. Then the other members of the lark were at the entrance of the valley at this time, and they didn't retreat, which saved the time for preparation.

And no matter who wins or loses, it has nothing to do with Ding Wen in the future. After he withdrew from the Savage Forest, he can go to the area where the fierce lion stayed very safely, and then think about the next step.

In the plan, the third step was the most dangerous. After all, Ding Wen was slow to react, and was almost dropped by the sky king when he turned around to seduce him.

In addition to the danger, there is another difficulty in this small plan... He needs to calculate the time node and the corresponding distance. It can't be early or late, otherwise the two sides may not be able to fight.

In addition, in Ding Wen's prediction, it would be enough for the lion to dispatch three to four people. The remaining team members can control a limited area, and he can still come to the savage forest and get away.But I never thought that the fierce lion would dispatch all members for safety, for fear of letting him run away.

Seriously, for a league team... a bit pathetic, a bit poignant.

Because they are too weak, they are too safe, even a mere [-]% have to achieve this level.If it were any other team, they might not even look down on this score, let alone dispatch so many people just to catch a lone wolf, which is simply unrealistic.

Ding Wen estimated that after this year's promotion match, they might disband. After all, PGL is the lowest level of the league, and there is nothing further down, and there is no chance of relegation.

"Anyway, in which era, e-sports... are still cruel."

Ding Wen secretly sighed, and after walking for a while, he came to the previous camp of the fierce lion.

Half of it has been brushed away, and the other half is in the circle.The purpose of Ding Wen's coming here is firstly to transfer to the next step, and pick up some junk.

Pick up some supplies that the Lions don't want.

There is no way, he is too poor, he searched all the way, but he even gathered the matching arrows for the dream-making skill, and only picked up the most rubbish 1+1 ground-rolling arrows. None of the packages.

He was hit by the king of the sky to the point of blood, and he couldn't make up the blood, and now he is still a drop.

Ding Wen was glad that this was not the old site of Shacheng, otherwise he would have been blown to death by the wind and sand long ago.

"Hmm... Although the later transfer is convenient, it is still difficult to enter the finals. I have to disappear for a while. Survival is the main thing, and I will hang around for a while."



Go back to the commentary desk.

The team fights provoked by Ding Wen are more clearly seen from the perspective of God.

After explaining the team battle between the lark and the fierce lion, Yi Yan immediately returned to Ding Wen: "Muzi, did you see it!"

Muzi: "I see."

Yi Yan seemed to have endless aftertaste on Ding Wen's performance just now: "It's been a long time since I've seen such a spiritual player. DW is playing games with his brain. Just a simple seduction made the two teams fight successfully."

Muzi's eyes were deep: "Compared to this, I am more concerned... is his memory. Let me ask you, the terrain of the Savage Forest... Can you remember it?"

Yi Yan smiled bitterly: "Don't talk about Savage Forest, I can't remember many places, okay? The map is too big, and it's not a simple 4X4/8X8 map. There are thousands of terrains of different sizes and tens of thousands of different details. This... how do you remember?"

Mu Zi nodded: "So the command is more worthy of respect."

Yi Yan was deeply touched: "That's right, but let's go back to the game first, what do you think of the circle shape in the second stage?"

Muzi: "I..."

The short wartime in the early stage of the game was temporarily suspended, and the second and third stages returned to a relatively dull period.

The two talked for a while, and the camera cut back to Ding Wen again.

He is no longer where he was before, and his current location is about ten kilometers away.

Of course, the game is not reality, and it is quite normal for game characters to be able to walk such a long distance on foot.

Yi Yan: "It looks like he's been moving all the time."

Muzi: "I didn't meet anyone either."

Yi Yan: "Yes."

Mu Zi: "He is one step closer to getting the qualifying points."

Yi Yan shook his head: "It's hard to say, the fourth stage is coming soon, when the teams will compete fiercely, maybe... he who accidentally passed by will be involved in it."

Yi Yan: "Keep reading."


In the fourth stage, there are still 80 people left on the field.

The fifth stage, 50 people.

The circle keeps shrinking, and the number of surviving people is getting smaller and smaller.

After explaining the battle scenes that he couldn't remember how many times, Yi Yan took the time to look at the panoramic map.

Of course he was looking at Ding Wen.

This person seemed to be invisible, and everything had nothing to do with him, and his name never appeared on the elimination information.

So Yi Yan wanted to see if he... is still alive.

 Thank you for hating loneliness but can't drive away the 5000 reward, my brother spent a lot of money.

  Also, it will be on the shelves on Friday. After twelve o'clock tonight, I will post it in advance. It should be the third shift, and then I will post two more chapters at noon during the day.

  Um... It's my best to put 5 on the shelves. I hope you don't think it's too little. I will try to get more and more later.

(End of this chapter)

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