I can see the finals

Chapter 110 etc.

Chapter 110 etc.

"Player Bamai丨Multi-blossom dart to eliminate Lark丨Song Niao!"

"You got an assist!"

These people are so fat, you need to use 3+3 club darts to kill one of them.

Hearing the reminder of the death of the last member of the Lark in the pit, Ding Wen couldn't help clicking his tongue secretly, and his movements continued unabated. When the reminder came, he had already climbed a long distance.

People from the eight veins may catch up, but he is not too worried. As long as there is a team at the pyramid in the east, the jungle will not be able to stand up, no matter who comes.

The only difference is that the 'victims' are exchanged, from larks to eight veins.

It's hard to imagine that he dragged another team to death with his own strength.

And it's still full of five people.

At the commentary stand, Yi Yan and Mu Zi were equally unimaginable.

Everything was quite normal when Xia Ying and Lark first arrived. It is also expected that Ding Wen chose to forbear and hold his breath. After all, he is only one person. At that time, he had to be honest and not expose himself. .

But later...it seems to be completely reversed.

From the moment the kingfisher was accidentally cast off, the two sides seemed to switch. Ding Wen was no longer passive, but became the active one, while the lark with four people... unexpectedly became the passive side!
This is something that the two commentators can't imagine.

Ding Wen once again showed them his excellent terrain memory ability, and it was not limited to the terrain, including the circle shape and the restrictions of other teams, but he used everything that could be used.

But what impressed the two of them the most was his... boldness!
In a situation where there is only one normal player left and the opponent is close to full, who dares to play like Ding Wen?

No.1 said that the angle of view may not be able to see anything, but from the perspective of God, Ding Wen was almost spotted several times in the process of constantly provoking the lark. Only one meter!
A blade of grass!
Lifting the blade of grass in the middle that blocked the view, the two could even hold hands and sing a song. You can imagine how close the two were at that time.

But even at such a short distance, Ding Wen was still extremely calm, and his hand holding the bow was also unusually steady, without panic, as if he was not worried that he would be discovered at all.

His bold behavior really surprised the commentator and the audience watching the main perspective.

The fans of Qiqi's first-person perspective are exactly the opposite of their mood.

"It's a pity, I didn't get a single head, so I wasted so much time."

Because it was Ding Wen's perspective, the fans did not see the enemy's traces, and did not understand how dangerous it was at that time.

They only heard the sound of crawling from time to time, and then saw Ding Wen holding a bow and shooting blindly at the weeds.

Only when they heard the sound of the hit did they realize that there was a person there, but they didn't even know how many people were on the other side, let alone how close they were to Ding Wen.

"The good news is that the full formation is gone, and DW is still in the circle, and the ranking has taken another step forward."

The fans are very optimistic. Although they can't see the whole situation and see everything clearly, their requirements are not high. Ding Wen, a lone wolf, can live for so long, which already makes them very satisfied.

Go back to the game.

Still passing by, the mouth couldn't stay idle: "It's over, someone just gave you candy, you're like this, it's time for Miss Sister to take revenge."

Ding Wen didn't want to talk to him at first, but Nai He passed by and talked endlessly: "As the saying goes, you can't handle people well, but you can eat people with soft mouths, you know—"

Ding Wen had no choice but to interrupt him: "Which team do you belong to?"

Passing by: "Huh?"

Ding Wen said again: "Besides, Miss Sister is not so important."

Passing: "...Okay, what are you going to do next? The sixth stage is coming to an end."

Ding Wen: "Climb."

Passing by: "Why are you swearing at people?"

Ding Wen: "I said I crawled."

Passing by: "Oh."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly felt something was wrong: "Wait a minute, where are you going? You in the final round... No, where do you think the final round will be?"

He forgot that this was a competition, and there were spectators in the first-person perspective. He almost slipped his mouth, but luckily he found out in time and changed his words.

Ding Wen didn't look at the map anymore. After all, there are not many safe areas, only a dozen: "Climb in the direction of the pyramid."

At this time, Fang Luoqing, who had been on the phone all the time, suddenly spoke. Compared with the nonsense passing by, her words were very concise.

"It's not easy to climb."

Passing through agreed very much: "Xiao Fang is right, there are people in the pyramid, how do you climb it?"

Ding Wen: "Whoever told you that there are people can't climb."

Passing by, he said in a very serious tone: "Old Ding, although I know you have a good head, but we are in the PGL league after all, these players may be slightly worse than me, but to be honest, you don't think so. Don't they have bad eyesight?"

Ding Wen: "It's because of their good eyesight that I dare to climb."

Passing by couldn't help being stunned: "Why? I didn't understand, or you made a mistake. This logic... doesn't seem right?"

Ding Wen didn't answer: "You'll find out after a while."

After speaking, he did another thing that confuses passing by.

He... didn't move.

Mingming said to continue crawling, but he didn't move?
Passing by with a dazed look on his face, even though he played with Ding Wen for a month, it has been a while.But sometimes he still can't understand Ding Wen's true inner thoughts.

"Why don't you climb?"

Ding Wen replied with only one word: "Wait."

He passed by and asked, "What are you waiting for?"

"The sound of gunshots."



On the commentary stand, the perspective is not on Ding Wen, but on Ba Mai, who entered the jungle later.

The scene of three Lark players being knocked out in an instant, the two commentators naturally had a panoramic view.

Yi Yan: "Four thousand-handed Tangs, this lineup is so extreme."

Muzi: "It's a bit extreme, there is no long-range, but the firepower is very strong at medium and short range."

Yi Yan: "They also chased into the jungle, as if they were looking for Qiqi's lone wolf DW."

Muzi: "Do they know who the lone wolf here is?"

Yi Yan: "I'm sure I know. It's clear when you see the trap. After all, there is only one trap expert in the AB group today."

Muzi chuckled: "It seems that the DW player is completely famous today."

The camera rotates, following the perspective of the eight veins and five people.

Then the two saw what they expected.

The members of the Eight Meridians... got down on the ground.

They climbed how the larks climbed, and their movements were neat and standard.

Yi Yan smiled and said, "This scene seems familiar, but their end...will it be the same as the lark?"

Muzi looked at Panorama: "Where is DW?"

Yi Yan: "He's hiding again, I don't see him moving for a while."

The camera switched, and the angle of view immediately came to Ding Wen.

Looking at him who was motionless, Muzi looked curious: "What is he doing?"

Yi Yan: "I seem to be waiting for something."

Mu Zi: "Wait for the team members of Bamai to pass by him?"

Yi Yan shook his head: "I don't know. He's a DW, who knows what he's thinking."

In just three games, he no longer dared to use his old inertial thinking to try to guess what DW was really thinking, because no matter how he guessed, he was always wrong, and Ding Wen always made unexpected moves.

The main perspective stayed on Ding Wen for a short time, and then returned to the Eight Meridians team.

But just the next second after returning to Eight Meridians, the main perspective suddenly switched again.

Cut to the east of the jungle, at the... entrance of the Eight Meridians.

There, three people appeared.

Yi Yan was startled: "A new team is here!"

Muzi glanced at the pattern of the team logo, and added: "It's a remnant of a department store supermarket. Because of the circle shape, they traveled a long way, from west to north, and then south, and moved here."

Yi Yan seemed to have thought of something: "So, they don't know that there are... two teams in this bush!"

Muzi nodded: "Besides, they also don't know...there are pyramids too."

Yi Yan's eyes lit up: "Then this is interesting."

It's really interesting.

After a long-distance transfer to the department store, there was no information at all. When he saw that the grass in front of him was silent and did not look like anyone, he immediately chose to enter it.

After ten seconds.

They were voluntarily 'chased' to the eight veins.

A few seconds later.

Happy Forest of the Pyramid also found three people standing in a department store supermarket.

Gunshots... rang!
And this seemed to be a signal that Ding Wen, who was far away from the two teams, finally started to move.

Go straight in the direction of the pyramids... Climb!
(End of this chapter)

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