Chapter 128
Back to Ding Wen, after the regiment wiped out Xia Ying, the first stage just ended, and the second stage was refreshed.

A new circle appeared, and Lou Ba was not swept away.

Of course, Ding Wen knew in advance that Lou Ba would not be wiped away in the second stage, but in the fourth stage, so there was nothing surprising.

After they licked Xiaying's box and looted the loot, they still passed by and hung it in the room along the street, and the other three returned to the eighth building.

As for the loot, Xia Ying's Nine Suns Divine Art has a 3+3 wind and shadow knife, but Qiqi and the others only have one person with the knife, and the top equipment cannot be disassembled, so this knife can only be wasted, which is a pity.

But fortunately, Xia Ying's other equipment resources are relatively rich, which can provide Qi Qi with a lot of chips when the devil appears. Ding Wen estimated that these chips are probably enough for three people.

To pass by and make up for the long-distance occupation, Ding Wenwen and Xiao Chong can each get one of the remaining two.

Although Xiao Chong felt that it was unnecessary and thought that the top-level equipment should be given to Fang Luoqing or Ding Wen, he was finally persuaded by Ding Wen's good words.

Fang Luoqing's need for top-level equipment has never been great, and she can use anything, and Ding Wen, a trap expert, is not of much use. It is enough to equip one for an octagonal chess player, so adhering to the principle that everyone has a share, more A piece of equipment released must be given to Xiao Chong, adding some game experience to his good weapons.

Except for the third one, the other small punches have been working hard, acting as qualified tool people, and going forward to die without hesitation every time, Ding Wen also felt embarrassed.

When he came to Building [-], Ding Wen went to the rooftop as usual to observe the information.Fang Luoqing and Xiao Chong were in the building, preventing anyone from sneaking into the building by relying on the cover of the building to avoid Ding Wen's surveillance above.

As the senior sixth, Ding Wen will never allow this kind of thing to happen. The top leader Happy Lin is the best example. If they are more careful and stick their buttocks, they will not be under the leadership of Dayou and ruin the first place in vain. Bureau.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, due to the relationship between the finals, the seven-seven rhythm is played very slowly, and the push-side play is the main style.

How to push it and where to push it, Ding Wen has already considered these things, and now he is standing on the high point of the roof to prepare for the next step.

"In the third stage, the coffee shop north of Building 300 will be wiped away, and the museum [-] meters to the east will also disappear, so teams traveling from these two directions may choose to go around and transfer from here..."

Ding Wen thought about it, and while looking at the field of vision, he mentally simulated the course of action of the two teams recently.

The voice of the team is very quiet, everyone is doing what they should do, that is, they will occasionally say a few words when passing by, and the four of them are silent at other times.

And Qiqi fans who watched their first-person perspective felt a little bored watching them.This reminded them of the long period of silence that Qi Qi had during the first hand today.

But different from the first time, the fans didn't feel too confused this time. They didn't say something like 'Why don't you communicate'. They noticed Ding Wen's miraculous performance. Li Min also explained when the Qiqiguan Bo posted the record.

——When the team is in a state of silence for a long time, it is the time for Ding Wen to think.

Fans shouldn't be surprised by this.

Of course, compared to other conductors in PGL, Ding Wen took a little too long to think.

But this is very necessary. The longer the thinking time, the more comprehensive Ding Wen's consideration, and the easier the team's subsequent games.

Time flies by.

Soon, the second stage is over and the third stage is coming.

Another large area was swept away and became a dangerous area.

As in Ding Wen's simulation, within half a minute of the third stage, a team appeared in his sight.

To the north of Building [-], there are two streets across.

Five people, four cars.

When Ding Wen saw them, the latter was driving towards them.

Because the opposite side was in the car, it was difficult for Ding Wen to judge which team they were based on their fashion.

However, according to the simulation, the team that is being transferred has a high probability of eight veins.

"Xiao Chong, Xiao Fang, start the car immediately!"

The team's destination might be Lou Ba, so Ding Wen didn't want them to get close. After all, Lou Ba's position is very important, and he must not be released in the third stage.

"Go to the nearest intersection to the north, step on one point each, remember to rely on the south side of the road, and try to expose people and cars to the opposite side as much as possible."

Ding Wen had already considered the countermeasures, and it was very easy to deal with them: "Xiaolu, you also move, shoot to the west of the intersection, and drive them to the east!"

"No problem!" Passing through first agreed, and then asked tentatively: "Actually, we can block them, why don't we give it a try?"

"It can't be blocked." Ding Wen said immediately: "We only have one gun for you, and Qianshoutang doesn't have any, so what can we do to stop them. You don't need to think too much, just drive them to the east."

He didn't intend to block it, or else he would have set a trap at the intersection.

It was Fang Luoqing who knew him best: "According to you, there are... are there other teams in the east?"

Ding Wen hadn't answered yet, when passing by Fang Luoqing's words, he immediately understood: "Are we going to be orioles?"

Ding Wen smiled: "If you can be an oriole, why take the risk and fight others yourself?"

Passing by Guoran: "This trick again, so despicable."

Ding Wen suddenly became unhappy: "How can tactics be called despicable?"


Commentary desk, main screen, God's perspective.

The Bamai team is moving to Louba in the south.

Through the panoramic map on the other side, Muzi suddenly saw something, and said loudly: "Oops, Qiqi's people are already laying an ambush at the intersection where the Eight Meridians shift!"

Yi Yan observed more carefully than she: "No, it's not an ambush. Seven or three people's positions are only blocked in the two directions to the southwest, and the east is left open. And you see, they didn't set a trap in the middle of the road, it's very Obviously not blocking."

Muzi looked curious: "Then why are they here, are they interacting friendly with the team members of Bamai?"

Yi Yan: "Of course not. If I'm not mistaken, their purpose is to drive Bamai to the east."

As he said that, the camera turned, and the director cut the angle of view to the intersection.

Seeing their scattered and eye-catching positions undoubtedly confirmed Yi Yan's conjecture: "As expected, the three contestants in Qiqi didn't care about exposing themselves at all. They stood so conspicuously that they almost didn't dance on the side of the road. It's impossible for the Eight Meridians players to not see them unless they are blind."

Muzi asked again: "But if they stand like this, they won't be afraid that the people from Bamai will stop...will you fight with them?"

Yi Yan shook his head: "No, because Qiqi left a way for them, it's not that there is no way out, unless it is absolutely necessary, Bamai will not take the initiative to stop when transferring, and fight to the death with others.

Besides, they don't know which team is at the intersection, and they can see that there are three on the bright side. What if the other two are hiding in the dark, and they will turn sideways after their brains get hot, then what should they do? "

Muzi nodded: "That's true, but then again, why did Qiqi drive them east? What's their real purpose?"

Yi Yan couldn't help laughing: "Didn't you find out yet?"

Muzi let out an ah, then turned his eyes on the panoramic map, then fixed somewhere, and said in a voiceless voice: "Is there another full formation to the east?"

After finishing speaking, she seemed to feel that something was wrong, and she seemed a little familiar.

"Wait, repeat the old trick, the top...Mayan map?"

Yi Yan had a strange expression on his face: "Yes, the player DW...has started again."

(End of this chapter)

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