Chapter 131
"Our tires were all shot!"

Vulture's face changed at first, and then he flew into a rage: "No, I can't take it anymore, I want to PK with him in real life after playing the game!"

Kingfisher sighed, and said quietly, "Can you beat Tang Jingwen?"

Vulture snorted: "He's just a little bit fatter than me, besides, I won't fight him."

Kingfisher said again: "But this tire was shot out."

Vulture: "I don't care, even if Tang Jingwen hit him, it must have been ordered by DW."

Zijinniao couldn't help interjecting: "I said, are you two still running away?"

Hearing this, the vulture snorted coldly: "Run? Where are you going? The car is gone. Do you have wings to fly?"

Kingfisher: "If I just listened to your tone, I thought it was them who were going to run away."

Vulture raised his eyebrows: "Who said that losers must be dejected?"

After speaking, he turned around and walked back.

Kingfisher: "Where are you going?"

"Hide." The vulture looked cold: "There are so many gaps in the unfinished building, as long as they hide well, they won't be able to clear us!"




As soon as they retreated, Ding Wenwen and Xiao Chong from below came next.

Holding the chessboard, he made a big circle in front of the three wheelsless cars, and then asked, "Xiao Lu, why did you hit all the tires on people's cars?"

I don't know where I passed by, but I still asked triumphantly: "Am I very foresight?"

Ding Wen: "What?"

Passing Zhengse explained: "Pull the tires, so they can't run!"

Ding Wen: "..."

Passing by: "Old Ding, why are you silent?"

Ding Wen didn't know what to say, so he could only sigh: "Hey, none of them can run away, and all of them belong to us, so it's good for you..."

Passing by, I couldn't understand: "That's right, I knocked the tire on the car, and they just can't run."

Ding Wen: "What I mean is, since you found their car, just wait by the side and wait for them to come out to ambush. You have knocked all the tires, and they can't leave even if they want to. If they go back and hide, We still have to spend time finding them, you say."

Passing by thoughtfully: "It seems... I was impulsive?"

As he spoke, he explained: "You can't blame me entirely. Just now you said let us play freely, and I will think from your perspective."

Ding Wen's face darkened: "My you think I will have an abortion?"

Passing through: "Of course, I'm not saying you're obscene and despicable, it's just..."

Ding Wen's face turned darker: "Just what?"

Passing by stopped talking, and then suddenly shouted loudly: "Ah, it's a circle!"

Fang Luoqing: "It's a circle."

Ding Wen: "He's changing the subject."

Fang Luoqing: "I know."

Passing: "Okay, let's move! Old Ding, where are we going next!"

Ding Wen shook his head helplessly, and didn't talk to him anymore.

The two people in the unfinished building can be cleaned up, but it is not easy to clean up, time is not allowed, there is no way, Ding Wen can only let the Kingfisher and the others hide in it, and concentrate on the transfer to the next stage.

"Go here and read the punctuation."

Afterwards, several people looked and found that the point he marked was 4S Street.

Passing by nodded, he was very clear about the meaning of going to this point: "Broken circuit?"

Ding Wen: "That's right, the path of the cold current and the fierce lion, and of course, the path of the lark behind us."


A few people didn't ask him how he figured out that the two teams were Cold Current and Lions, after all, they were used to it.

As long as he says yes, then there is a high probability.

It's normal to be right, but it's surprising to be wrong.

Everyone believed in him and knew his commanding ability, so after hearing it, they acted quickly, and immediately returned to the west side of the unfinished building, and drove to the 4S street in the south.

Hearing the sound of the vehicle going away, Kingfisher and Buzzard came out cautiously.

Kingfisher: "I didn't expect you to have a smart head one day. They really don't have time to come to us."

Vulture snorted coldly as always: "It's nothing."

Zijinniao: "But the question is, how do you go?"

Vulture: "On foot, of course."

Kingfisher: "Then you can walk on your own, I'll go find a car."

Vulture froze: "What, are there any cars around here?"

Kingfisher: "Not nearby, there are on the 4S street."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly hesitated for a moment: "You said, would Qiqi... go there too?"

Vulture: "It doesn't seem necessary. They just want to guard against two of us, and then the whole team goes to such a rubbish place?"

Kingfisher: "Don't tell me, they really have this possibility. It's fine if it's someone else, but DW... I think you all have a certain understanding."

Zijinniao: "Yes, a senior sixth, how can he allow people from other teams to follow behind his ass? It's impossible to think about it. In order to ensure the safety of his ass, I believe he can do any crazy thing. "

Kingfisher: "So where are we going?"

Zijinniao: "You are directing you to make up your mind."

Kingfisher opened the map, looked at the eye circles, and suddenly felt dizzy: "There is nowhere to go. Many areas in the north of the map have been wiped out. This round of finals should be south of the bridge. We can't go back to the north." , find a corner to stay in?"

Zijinniao looked at the map and was also very embarrassed: "Then there is no other way, you can only go to the 4S street."



They wronged Ding Wen with one sentence.

Ding Wen did want to block the north and cut off the back road, but the main goal was not to block them. To be precise, the kingfisher and vulture were incidental, and the cold current and fierce lion were his main targets.

4S Street is the most congested street in the lost city, it seems like there is no such thing.

It faces east and west, and the north and south are impassable. The middle section of the street is occupied by a large number of abandoned cars, making it very difficult to travel.

After Ding Wen got the golden finger, he chose this place as his birth point, but it was a single-player mode. One person is better than a team with freedom of movement, so generally speaking, even if it is a transfer, few teams will come here. Not to mention choosing this as a spawn point.

There is only one situation where certain teams will have to come here.

——When the car is out of gas.

Ding Wen knew that professional players seldom have the habit of carrying oil. One is that the oil drum takes up a lot of space in the backpack, and the other is that the vehicle itself has enough oil to allow players to drive for a long time.

Moreover, in most cases, players don't need to drive for such a long time. Even if they are brought, they won't have one barrel or more per person, one or two barrels is almost enough.

Therefore, according to the habits of the players, it is not difficult for Ding Wen to speculate that the teams in the extreme north of the map will not have enough fuel when they transfer over, and they may come to the 4S street to find new vehicles.

And this is the best time for Qiqi and the others to collect points!
(End of this chapter)

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